Brian Tracy Daily Challenge Eat That Frog Goal Setting Goals Me and You Health procrastination Take Charge Tuesdays

From Brian Tracy’s Eat that Frog…Start NOW…

Happy Tuesday!  Here on My Pocketful of Thoughts I like to discuss topics that are affecting me. us all.  Today I thought I’d revisit Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy.  I started reading this book last summer and half of the pages are full of sticky note place holders.  As I’ve re-read sections to discuss here on the blog, I’ve run across something that I have been implementing and I share that with you today.

“…The Quick List Method
Here is an exercise that we use with our coaching clients very early in the process.  We give them a sheet of paper and then tell them, “In thirty seconds, write down your three most important goals in life right now.”

We have found that when people have only thirty seconds to write their three most important goals, their answers are as accurate as if they had thirty minutes or three hours.  Their subconscious minds seem to go into a form of “hyperdrive,” and their three most important goals pop out of their heads and onto the paper, often to the surprise of the people doing the exercise.

…When you force yourself to ask and answer each of these questions in thirty seconds or less, you will often be amazed at the answers.  Whatever your answers, they will usually be an accurate snapshot of your true situation in life at the moment.  These answers will tell you what is really important to you.

While you are setting goals and priorities, getting organized, concentrating single-mindedly on one task at a a time, and disciplining yourself to complete your most important tasks, you must never forget that your ultimate goal is to live a long, happy, and healthy life….” -Pg 50-52 from Eat That Frog!

I had the opportunity to go to a Brian Tracy seminar a few years ago, and we did this very exact exercise.  Brian asked a series of questions (that you can also find in this book), I reviewed the list at the seminar, and then stuffed the list into my notebook and completely forgot about it.  I know, I know.  Don’t we all do this though, we take valuable information, things to get us ahead in life, and we regard it as “nice things to know”.  What if we actually took the information we were given and DID something with it?  Imagine the potential.  Well, I found the list when I was going through my old notebooks, I read the items on my list and I had actually completed half of them.  I had goosebumps.

The first step to achieving any goal, is to write it down.  WRITE IT DOWN!  If you don’t already have your goals written out then I suggest you do it right now….go ahead I’ll wait.  Even if you never look at the list again, its in your head, your brain has already started to figure out ways to make it happen.

Speaking them into existence gets others to help you work towards your goals.  SPEAK YOUR GOALS INTO EXISTENCE.  Go ahead, speak them out loud, I’ll wait.  I found out my friend has written a graphic novel.  How awesome is that?!  But I would have never known, if she did not speak it out loud.  All she needs is an illustrator to finish the book and begin to publish it.  If you happen to know the process to finding an illustrator and how to self-publish a book, let me know in the comments section or send me an email by hitting the email icon in the right hand panel.  See what just happened there, I spoke it into existence to and now you’re thinking hmm do I know an illustrator or do I know anything about self-publishing.  She is now working on her goals with help.  This is why we must speak our goals into existence.

One of my goals this year has been to organize my desk.  In January I removed every single item from my desk area and piled it up onto the other side of my bedroom.  It is this monster of a pile.  I swear it speaks to me. :/ It kind of sounds like the plant from Little Shop of Horrors, when the plant says to Seymour, FEED ME.  I’m not going to lie, the pile scares the living daylights out of me.  Its this HUGE task that I think about and see every day.  So why don’t I act on it?  Why is my desk not organized?  Huge tasks scare us all.  This is why we should tackle all HUGE goals, one bite at a time, just eat that frog right?

A few months ago, my very good friend introduced me to a site called Me and You Health.  This site has a daily challenge that is sent every day to your inbox in hopes of changing your life with a task.  When I first joined the site I was interested in how the challenges might better my life.  As time went on, I thought it was nice to meet new people with similar goals and to hear their stories.  It wasn’t until I changed the track I was on to Clutter (You receive a different set of challenges depending on what you want to work on.) that a light bulb went on.  Every day I received a challenge to sort through/organize/clean for a 15 minute interval.  15 minutes was all I had to do.  It is a short amount of time, you isolate one thing that you can start working on and you get to it.  Once you start making progress you look up at the clock and an hour has gone by.  It makes the goal more approachable and it gives me confidence that I will get it done.  If 15 minutes is too long for you start at 5 minutes and increase how long you work on something over time.

Whatever your goals are, write them down, speak them into existence and start working on them today.  As Brian Tracy has said, Eat That Frog!  #GiddyUP

PS If you do happen to know the process of hiring an illustrator for a book you’re writing or the methods of self-publishing please share 🙂

love poetry Story Time Saturdays

Actin di Fool

Me had a good dream las night
Woke me up lef me out breat
drippin wet wit sweat
ya have me actin da fool
  me hate ya one minute
  and love ya da next
ya under me skin
inside me head
me tink of ya
and ya on di fone askin me to speak
fa da most part lef speechless
not know wat to say
but ya got me actin di fool
Nubian Bride Stay Tuned

Stay Tuned…a new writer blesses the blog tomorrow…

This morning I stopped at Panera Bread to grab breakfast.  The line was short so I got my order in right away.  As I was fixing my cup of coffee I overheard a conversation between two men.  Guy A was telling Guy B about living in Bridgeport.  Guy B was shocked, “You live in Bridgeport?!” Guy A jumped to the defense, “Oh, I live on the good side of Bridgeport….there are parts of Bridgeport that are very nice…”   I tuned them out.  I wanted to knock over their coffee.  I’m from Bridgeport, not necessarily the “good side”, but what difference should that make.  I guess it is just a natural reaction to want to defend where you live.  Sometimes I feel like I’ve been doing that all my life.  I was born and raised in Bridgeport.  I lived in the “projects” for the first half of my life.  I’ve seen some stuff but I never felt like it touched me.

 I wanted to speak out to Guy A and Guy B, to momentarily fall into the stereotype that plagues the city of Bridgeport.  My home.  What would that solve?  Nothing.  So I did nothing.  While this is my home, I have to admit that it sometimes scares me.  Bridgeport claimed another child’s life.  My mind races towards thoughts of my nieces and nephew.  Young and impressionable, and I pray that they remain untouched by this city.  I say a prayer for them, for all the children and to their parents that we all come home safe and sound.

Tomorrow, we’ll hear from one of my best friends, Nubian Bride.  She’s the next writer to bless My Pocketful Of Thoughts.  She writes a heartfelt letter to her son in response to the recent lives taken.  You may want to grab a kleenex or two before you read it, just in case.  Make sure to show her some love.

Until then,
32 birthdays relationships Soulful Sundays

To Three….Two….

Image from

July 13th, 2012 marked the anniversary of my birth.  It is symbolic for another year to live my life, to fulfill my dreams and become the AWEsome being God has made me to be. If I’m being totally honest here, every year has felt the same, nothing new or exciting. Just another day to mark off the calendar.  Pretty depressing, right?  I used to think so.  I would spend a good chunk of my birthday in bed, feeling sad.  Last year that changed though.  Last year I decided that my 31st year of life was going to be different.  I would enjoy life more.  I would give more of my time to others.  I would be a great friend.  I would work on being the healthiest me I could be.  I would be thankful for every little blessed item in my life.  I would have a better relationship with God.

Of all the things I’ve given extra effort to this past year, which one do you think has effected me the most?  Well yes, you guessed right, my relationship with God.  It is to Him that I am grateful.  He has opened up so many doors for me.  I feel most at peace at church.  I also feel that it pushes me to be better in all aspects of my life, for through God all things are possible.

The Birthday Girl…PS these are not all my drinks 🙂

This year I didn’t spend one extra minute in bed than I needed to.  I spent it celebrating!  I received a handful of texts and phone calls throughout the day.  Many of which I was not expecting and that warmed my heart so.  It was as if God was saying to me, Yes you’re doing great, Keep up the good work.  I gave thanks many times over that morning in mass.  I felt truly honored.  A special thanks to all my friends and family who wished me well on the anniversary of my birth.  I am thankful for you all!  Please join me in raising a glass…To my 32nd year of life, may it hold great accomplishments, hugs and kisses, laughter, tears of joy, special occasions, friends and family. To 32. Salud.

May we all feel this way on our birthdays, that is my wish for you.

Until then,

PS You can catch me most days on the FB page.  Come share your high energy with me.

poetry Story Time Saturdays

like a second coat of paint

            what is this intoxicating feeling coming over me…
    completely out of control
  it is as if possession has taken over…
possessed with a spirit so wild and free…
     oh what is this frightening feeling coming over me…
       a perfect stranger consumes my thoughts…
    when i eat
  when i sleep
   when i dream
  I dream in color but every so often in black and white
      starring Doris Day and Rock Hudson on a moon filled night
   i watch the movie
 they fall in love
      and the end scrolls across the screen
      drifting thoughts in my head
  his smile
his laugh
    his voice
         whispers in my ear
     that raspy voice
 so soothing
so erotic
      but no name
   no details
a pure stranger
    it is madness coming over me
like a second coat of paint
                                          still wet
                     still impressionable
                with doubts if i’ll even like it
            yet his lips
         speak not words i wish to hear
      instead there is silence
    a heartbreaking silence
 that shatters my core into the tiniest
                shards of glass
            glass that cuts
     cuts that sting
  causing wounds that heal
how can i run away
        yet how can i stay
in a man
              who makes me undone
           who knows not my name
completes me love poetry Story Time Saturdays

Complete me………….

i love when he holds my hand in his

he looks at me and looks into my soul and i seem to always know the words to say like a script written just for us
he kisses me with the hottest passion i’ve every felt
all he has to do is smile and he makes me smile
he makes me laugh when he says the silliest of things
he helps me grow as a person
he tells me i’m beautiful even on my sickest days
he pushes me the hardest and reminds me to be my best
he reminds me that I will have his love forever

i love how her hand fits perfectly in mine, as if she were made just for me
i love when i look into her eyes and she knows my thoughts without even having me speak
her lips leave me hungry, sweet and complex just like bonkers
i love that when i smile, she smiles
i love her even more when she laughs at my stupid jokes
she helps me grow as a person
she is the most gorgeous creature that God has ever made
its her voice i hear that i can do more that i can be better in the most positive of ways
she reminds me that i will have her love forever

love poetry Story Time Saturdays

I wish you well from the bottom of my heart, but i have to walk away for me.

So I’m a lot of things

Descriptions so obscure
What’s your emotion, and please don’t tell me what i want.
That’s not an answer, not by a long shot.
I needed to hear that you need me, that i meant something to you.
To talk about things that are not working is great for communication 
 but if nothing is done then they are wasted words.
Its fine that you feel nothing,
Cause I can easily walk away,
I once admitted that I loved you
but now the feelings have gone away.
In the moment I didn’t see it going down like this,
but in the back of my mind it was a possibility.
I saw so much in you, perhaps it was too much.
In the end what i thought i needed from you
was to be happy but i found that in myself.
Perhaps we needed each other for the moment
and now the moment has come to pass.
I thank you for showing me I could love again,
and if I’m wrong then I apologize. 
Here’s to the new year and new possibilities, the sky’s the limit
and i wish you well from the bottom of my heart but I had to walk away for me.