When I saw the advertisements for Massage Envy I thought, why would you possibly need a membership for a massage? A massage for me was a treat I did for myself every once in a blue moon when I could afford it. The more I looked around though, Spas alike where offering membership like prices if you got a contract for monthly services.
Last September I went to Massage Envy to support the Breast Cancer Awareness Event and of course get a massage at a Special Price. I have to say that the experience left me in Ahhhhhhh and wanting more! There is something to this therapeutic massage that has clicked in my head in the last month or so. I work at a desk, Monday through Friday for 8 hours a day and I get extremely tight in my shoulders and neck. My lower back is also in pain on occasion. Let me say that this massage once a month works wonders and I highly recommend it. There is a membership fee per month and any extra massages are given at a discount. It is worth the money.
Try an introductory price at a location near you. Maybe I’ll see you there next Saturday!
Are you a member to something that you feel is WORTH the money? Feel free to share in the comment section below and don’t forget to share this with your friends with the Share It Section in the Left hand panel 🙂
Until then