Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“Enjoyment is not a goal. It is a feeling that accompanies important, on-going activity.”
— Paul Goodman

Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“Instead of comparing our lot with that of those who are more fortunate than we are, we should compare it with the lot of the great majority of our fellow men. It then appears that we are among the privileged.”
— Helen Keller, lecturer

Affirmations Ms. Pillowz

The Power of Affirmations – Part 2

Good day, my good people! I hope that you have fully enjoyed your summer and are excited for all of the fabulous possibilities this fall. For this post, we’re going to stick with affirmations, except this time we’re talking about how to change your negative affirmations to positive ones. If you haven’t read Part 1, please be sure to check out The Power of Affirmations here.
As mentioned in the last post, you may not be aware, but we all affirm everyday. I’m such a bonehead. I’m stupid. I’m so fat. Nothing ever goes right. I never get what I want. Why is God punishing me? FML! It sucks big time. I don’t think that I need to go on. You definitely don’t feel good after saying them. I don’t even feel good writing them here. Now I need a positive affirmation bath. Okay done. lol
When you say things like this, your subconscious mind takes these things to be true and more things that demonstrate the affirmation are manifested. Have you ever noticed that when you say a negative statement more things go wrong? For example, you say, “I never have enough money. Every time I get paid, something happens and it disappears.” Then like clockwork, the
transmission in your cars goes, your hot water heater stops working, or some other major expense pops up out of nowhere. This is a manifestation of YOUR affirmation. Clearly, affirmations do work, so let’s change them to the positive.
In my last post, I talked about affirming things even when they aren’t true. It may seem difficult, but you can do it. I’ve provided you with some tips to help you fake it til’ you make it.
Relax – One important part of affirmations that never really gets discussed is the feeling behind the statement. How do you feel when you make the affirmation? Many times we do our affirmations while we are stressed, anxious, desperate, or upset. The feeling and affirmations don’t match at all, therefore it won’t be manifested. Whatever you affirm, you have to feel it. Start off by cleaning the slate. Relax. Take deep cleansing breaths, close your eyes, take a hot shower, shake it out, whatever. Do whatever you have to do to release the stress before you start. It will make it easier for you to concentrate and will also help you get a positive result.
Gratitude – we talked about this in the prior post. If it’s hard for you to say the affirmations, start by saying the things for which you are grateful. Life, family that loves you, friends that would go through the fire for you, a job that pays you (especially since so many don’t have jobs right now), your education, a roof over your head, your accolades, your fabulous nail polish collection, plenty of clothes, pearly whites, a symmetric face. Something! I’m sure that you can find something for which you are grateful.
Visualization – this is also very important when doing your affirmations. You will not manifest what you cannot see yourself being, doing, or having. Close your eyes and imagine the person that you want to be. Visualize every detail. How do you look? What do you wear? What is your day like? How do you feel? What kinds of things do you have? Writing down your visualizations is a great way to help you revisit and repeat the affirmations. Be sure to write them in the present tense as if you already have exactly what you want. Glenda provided an excellent example here and here.
These are just a few simple tips to help you. I hope that they’re helpful. Until next time, my good people!
Ms. Pillowz

Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us.”
— Julia Cameron

Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

 “The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.”
— Henry Ford, carmaker

budgeting money djrelat7 Travels Money Mondays vacation

I Need A Vacation!

BUONGIORNO! Are you in need of a vacation on this Money Monday?  I know I am!  I find that the more vacations I go on, the more I want to be on vacation.  This year I have been putting money aside for a trip to Europe. For the past month I’ve been listening nonstop to an Italian 101 CD in my car.  Knowing the language of the place you’d like to go to is very important to get around and to communicate with others during your visit.  However we all know that the most important thing to planning a vacation is money.

As an introduction to the djrelat7 Travels segment here on My Pocketful of Thoughts, I wanted to start with all the things you might need to think about when figuring out your trips expenses.  I will discuss each of the topics in further detail at later dates so stay tuned for that 🙂  Today we’re just going to brainstorm ideas.

  1. Travel Expenses? Am I purchasing airline tickets, taking the train, a bus, or driving.  If I fly, how do I get to and from the airport. If I drive, how much gas will I need?  Will I have to pay toll charges?
  2. Where will I stay?  Is it an all inclusive resort?  Is it a hotel/motel?  Do I rent a house?  These are all potential options for where you will stay wherever you visit.
  3. Food? Where I am going, is food expensive? What is a reasonable budget per day for eating?
  4.  Transportation? Do I need a car rental if I did not drive to my destination?
  5. Weather? Do I have the appropriate clothing?  Is it hot or cold?  Do I need to purchase anything for the trip?
  6. Tips? How much do I leave house keeping?  How much do I leave for dinner/breakfast/lunch, if I eat out? If I go to a bar, how much should I leave for each drink?
  7. Excursions? Is there fun things to do where I am traveling to that will cost extra?
  8. Total Party? Who is coming with me?  If more people go, does that drop or raise the total cost?
  9. Spending Money? Should I set a daily spending limit on extras that are unforeseen or stick to what I have planned for?
  10. Photo Taken by Daniel Dias of Daniel Dias Photography
  11. What is something that you think is important when budgeting for your vacation?

As you can see the list can get lengthy, but DO NOT let that discourage you from planning your next vacation. There are TONS of ways to save money and I’ll share that with you when I discuss each topic over the next djrelat7 Travels sessions.  Leave your #10 in the comments below and let me know where you plan on traveling next.  If you miss a travel post just look for the label djrelat7 Travels 🙂

Until then

PS. Take a look at pics from Daniel Dias’ last blog post, Vacation, to see some of the sights we had in the Dominican Republic for his 30th Birthday Celebration!

Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“Problems should be solved on the spot, as soon as they arise. No frontline employee should have to wait for a supervisor’s permission.”
— Jan Carlzon, airline executive