Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“Orderly existence creates primarily an unconscious relation to the silent progression of the days, seasons, and the music of the spheres.”

Confessions of an Entrepreneur MrRua Take Charge Tuesdays

What do you need to have in place to purchase a home to rent?

Well lets be serious – the world today, especially NOW, since the ridiculous collapse of our bubble economy built on debt, you need MONEY. Haha, who would have thought – right? Money is the key to all things evil, and thus maybe owning a house is too, but nonetheless that is the way it is. You have to have some sort of deposit to put down on the house and display that you’re serious about its pursuit, and then also to use it as your down-payment. I would find out what the minimum is for the mortgage you end up applying for and getting, but I always told myself to aim in the 10-20% range – the higher the better, of course.
So other than money, another thing you need is a mortgage, unless you have enough money to pay the whole house, in which case you’re done and you can skip this blog post all together. Do a ridiculous amount of research until you find the mortgage company you think is right for you and apply – I recommend being confident in this process and to remember that buying a home IS NOT for everyone. It takes a lot to manage the responsibility of owning a home and if you haven’t managed your credit well, then you can either be denied for a mortgage, or receive a horrid rate (kind of like the sub-prime mortgages handed out not too long ago – remember). After you get the mortgage you know where you should target your home’s price!
Last – I would say you need patience, and probably more of this then the previous two combined. I for instance went after a home that NEEDED to be repaired and touched up because in the end, it costs less to do all that then to buy it already done – BUT at the same time you are sacrificing time after the purchase so you have to ensure that, in this case, you have A. the money to fix up the home after buying it, and B. the money to support the home purchase during the time you repair it (in my case – about 4 months (yes, I know LONG)). Also, remember that looking, selecting, and bidding on homes is a very stressful, and time consuming process – AND – VERY REPETITIVE. I must have looked at 10 homes, put bids in 3 times, and had to re-bid to compete once which ended up being my winning bid, and I was told that was a lucky and decently short process, but that alone still took me about 3 months of dedicated want, and searching. Its tough, trust me, but just stick with it and you will find the right one.
Those are my big 3: Money, Mortgage, and Patience. Trust me, dedicate yourself to finding a home and it will be yours, but don’t get caught up in the process of finding it – although its tough, the journey is half the inspiring part in the end – the other half? Owning your first home.
Thanks again – and remember – feel free to check out my blog as well @
Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“Early in my career I felt that organization would destroy my creativity.  Whereas now, I feel the opposite.  Discipline is the concrete that allows you to be creative.”
–Verna Gibson

ballon payments buying a home Money Mondays mortgage truth and lending statement

Buying a home?

I wanted to leave you with this thought for Monday, when buying a house, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!  Those who have already gone through this process will agree.  Find out what mortgage amount you can get approved for BEFORE you begin to look for a house to buy.  Doing that will give you the range of prices when you actually start looking for a house. For most, the mortgage should be a traditional, FIXED for the LIFE of the loan.  Do not assume that if you ask for a fixed payment it will be there, to be certain check your TRUTH AND LENDING STATEMENT.  On that sheet, there will be all the details of your mortgage.  You can NOT be denied for a loan on the basis of your race, but if you are not educated on the subject matter, than you MIGHT be taken advantage of.  If you already have a mortgage, I suggest that you check your paperwork, READ THE FINE PRINT. If you have an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) than you might not be able to refinance, which means you might be joining the countless other screwed over souls in foreclosure if you can not afford the resetting payments. Also keep an eye out for BALLOON payments!  Here you will see in the truth and lending statement, a fixed amount to pay each month but the last payment is some CRAZY lump sum.  I wish you the best of luck if you are on this journey currently!

Stay Tuned for tomorrow’s blog by MrRua as we follow his series Confessions of an Entrepreneur! He will share with us what you need to have in place to purchase a home to rent.  In the meantime take a look at his blog at

Until then
PS. Never rely solely on the information given by “experts”. do do DO your homework.
Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can’t buy.”

Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“I wish you sunshine on your path and storms to season your journey. 
I wish you peace in the world in which you live…More I cannot wish you except perhaps love to make all the rest worthwhile.”
–Robert A. Ward

Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

…Its ok to fall down and sit for a bit as long as you remember to get back up 🙂  I’ve been gone for a minute but now I’m back with the jump off…channeling Lil Kim…Hope you are having a fantabulous Saturday!