handwritten thank you notes to future employers quitting your job recession Take Charge Tuesdays

Don’t quit…just yet!

Happy MONDAY!  I hope you had a fantastic weekend!  The other day I was chatting with a friend of mine, who is very dissatisfied with their current job and is itching to flip out on everyone and kick over their computer as part of their grand finale exit.  So, while that might sound satisfying to some of you reading this as well, I ask that you don’t quit…just yet.

If you are sitting there thinking, I can’t take this job another day, make sure you have one of the following done before you tell your boss PEACE OUT.

  • An emergency fund padded with at least six months worth of income (in this economy maybe more)
  • Another job lined up
  • Your brilliant business idea is NOW coming into fruition (YAY FOR YOU!!!)

Now the reason why I say to wait just a little bit more is that if you don’t have one of these in place you might find yourself in a bind. Unemployment was on such a rise that a 13 week extension of unemployment insurance benefits was signed into law by the president on June 30th of 2008. In Connecticut, I read that Federal Legislation, enacted on February 22, 2012 has extended the time that an individual can apply for and receive Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) and Extended Benefits (EB) (26 weeks).   While they said in 2008 that we were not in a recession it surely felt that way.  Recession surely hit us and it still effects our pocket and any financial decision we make today. Not only that, but do you really need EXTRA stress in your life right now?

Once you do leave, go in peace.  DO NOT kick over your computer.  DO NOT flip out on anyone.  SMILE.  Pretend you are the king or queen of England and wave on your way out the door!

If you realize it is not possible to quit, just yet, make the most of your current job.  Figure out what it is that frustrates you so much and if there are ways you can turn that around.  Employers want happy productive employees.  What if you bring up your issues (in a calm, reasonable matter) and they’re resolved?  The answer is always NO until  you ask.  Always take a moment to be thankful for what you do have, for there are many, many, many people out there jobless and less fortunate than you are.

Share any advice below or on the My Pocketful Of Thoughts Facebook Page, on what you did when you were looking to quit your job or advice someone shared with you.

Until then,
PS.  When I was in the process of finding a job in my field, a good friend and co-worker of mine told me to make sure I sent off HAND-WRITTEN letters of thanks to anyone who interviewed me.  It could set you apart from someone who has the same credentials as you.  I do not know if that made any difference at all, but I have to say I like my job now and am thankful for all my experience in getting here.

6 replies on “Don’t quit…just yet!”

This was a great post; I graduated in January and I have been searching for months for a descent job. While I am thankful that my parents aren’t pressuring me to get a job – just yet- I am actively searching. So, like you’ve discussed people should take the time to be “thankful” for what they have…Also, I tagged you this post:

If you find the time I would like to see what your answers are to my questions.

Yes, being thankful is and always should be present, regardless of whatever state you’re in. If we are not thankful for what we have currently, how can we get anything greater in our lives to surface? Carmela thanks for stopping by! I wish you much luck on your pursuit for a job. Write down what you want to find and visualize yourself there already, its a small strategy that may help it along. If what comes along isn’t exactly what you imagine, it might be it hasn’t presented itself as to why, and may do so later down the road…. I’m off to your blog now…

Great post! I agree wholeheartedly…while I am thankful for my job and many of the perks that come with it, I am not being fulfilled or challenged by it anymore so I am going to look for something new. However I am planning…(did I just say that?) my exit this time…gracefully I might add. Stopping by from Chasing Joy #FBF

Hey Tiffany 🙂 I am happy that you are planning. I hope you find something that challenges your mind and spirit! Let me know how it works out! Thanks for joining in on the conversation from #FBF

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