A change of season is upon us and it always takes me back to the days when I used to work at an elementary school. I worked there for about two years and I always got sick. It didn’t matter what season it was, I was sick ALL YEAR ROUND. It was working there that I picked up some tricks on boosting my immunity system. I got sick this past December and felt the effects for weeks and now that the season is changing I wanted to be prepared. Do you get sick often?
On Friday I had a list of things to get at Target. If I don’t write out a list first, I’ll walk in and spend an easy $100.00. Most of the Target stores in my area have been customized with a full grocery section, which makes it a one stop shopping center. As I approached the Pharmacy counter to pick up my prescription I was reminded to grab my Airborne and nasal spray. They are a must have in my bag of tricks to staying healthy and keeping ahead of any cold that tries to attack my immune system. There have been quite a bit of options added since I last visited the aisle. Have you seen all the options available out there today?
Irene, the Pharmacist was SUPER helpful at the Target located at Trumbull Mall.
If you’ve never taken a look at preventative care before it can be a bit overwhelming. As the years have progressed more options have been released out onto the market. Years ago, I had the bad habit of waiting until I was super sick to take something because of the side effects that over the counter medications have on me. After a while though, it was suggested to me to try taking things to help boost my immune system. Irene, the pharmacist at the Trumbull Mall’s Target, stepped out from behind the counter when I asked her what she suggested to take to keep one step ahead of the germs. She made several suggestions which you can check out in my Google+ Album. Some of them I was familiar with and others just scared me.
I’ve been using these for years!
This spray works wonders!
I ended up grabbing what has worked for me in the past. My trusty Airborne for the days when I
don’t get enough sleep, because I can expect to be sick a few days later, and for days when I’m traveling. Nasal Spray also made its way into my cart. Nasal Spray is great to ward off colds, sinus infections and allergies. It helps clear your nasal passage of things that might be lingering, like pollen. I picked up a box of Emergen-C because they were on sale and I like to have those stashed everywhere for an every day boost. If you ever experience headaches as a result of the large dose of Vitamin C you can try a delayed time release capsule of Vitamin C instead. My co-worker has had this happen to him but I have been fortunate to have not experienced headaches.
Daniel and I at an Easter Bunny Themed Party
I’m happy to report I found everything on my list at Target except for the carrot cake I needed for the Easter Bunny Themed party I had that evening. Would a bakery be too hard to put into Target stores? Just wondering… How cute are me and Daniel in this picture? Check out more pictures here!
Do you take preventative care measures so you don’t get sick? What is your favorite product?
7 replies on “How do you prepare for the change of seasons? #cbias”
The best preventative measure I have for staying healthy is keeping my kids healthy so they don’t give me something. So I keep them in chewable vitamins and fresh fruit.
that is a great strategy! I’m writing it down! Thanks for stopping by Janeane and sharing your thoughts!
I keep my Medicine cabinet stocked with seasonal meds. With four kids someone always ends up needing something for an ailment.
That is smart to keep seasonal meds on hand! This is also a great tip! Thanks Saidah for sharing!
Lemon water is my go to for all seasons. Natural keep your system alkaline so bugs can’t live within. Also lots of washing of the hands and fruits and vegetables. I am not a big on medicines. I prefer natural remedies.
I hear you on that Caroll. I tend to look for vitamins before taking actually medicine. I’d rather keep ahead of it with natural remedies, or things like Emergen-C and Airborne 🙂
[…] big companies like Coca Cola, Walmart, Tyson and the list goes on. I mentioned them when I gave tips on how to avoid getting colds. They put on conferences to educate the Social Fabric community on getting their stories across […]
7 replies on “How do you prepare for the change of seasons? #cbias”
The best preventative measure I have for staying healthy is keeping my kids healthy so they don’t give me something. So I keep them in chewable vitamins and fresh fruit.
that is a great strategy! I’m writing it down! Thanks for stopping by Janeane and sharing your thoughts!
I keep my Medicine cabinet stocked with seasonal meds. With four kids someone always ends up needing something for an ailment.
That is smart to keep seasonal meds on hand! This is also a great tip! Thanks Saidah for sharing!
Lemon water is my go to for all seasons. Natural keep your system alkaline so bugs can’t live within. Also lots of washing of the hands and fruits and vegetables. I am not a big on medicines. I prefer natural remedies.
I hear you on that Caroll. I tend to look for vitamins before taking actually medicine. I’d rather keep ahead of it with natural remedies, or things like Emergen-C and Airborne 🙂
[…] big companies like Coca Cola, Walmart, Tyson and the list goes on. I mentioned them when I gave tips on how to avoid getting colds. They put on conferences to educate the Social Fabric community on getting their stories across […]