
Get a Gel mani if you’re waiting on a ring ladies!

gel manicure equals no waiting

Ladies if you’re waiting on a marriage proposal get a gel manicure. If you get it, it will come! I’ve proven it true over the last two weeks. Really I have! I normally do not get a manicure in a nail salon. It’s just not in my budget. Ten bucks for a manicure to only last a few days, four times a week just adds up. I usually paint my own nails but even that doesn’t last too long. I will make an exception for vacation though.

When I mentioned going to get them done, Leo showed me her gel manicured nails. “Girl, I’ve had this on already for two weeks!” Hmmm…They looked great yes, but the few times I had tried a gel manicure it would start to peel after day two. If I was going to get them painted for vacation it would just be a regular one.

Then the morning before I was to leave for NY, I was reading a post recommended to me by Brandi about Gelish. In the post Tineey showed her readers what a day in the life of her manicure was. Typing on the keyboard, picking up Starbucks, applying makeup… I saw my hands in her photos and the cute video on Instagram. Except the polish looked beautiful. They definitely were not my nails. I mean really, there’s a reason why I stick with clear. I love colors but painting my nails myself, something always happens to make them look jacked up. You to? Perhaps I should have colored in the lines as a child but what did I know then? Sigh.

When I headed to the salon that Saturday, I had every intention of getting regular polish. When I walked in though I saw they had quite a selection of different brand Gel Polishes, including Gelish. After hearing the sticker shock cost of $25, I caved since it was to celebrate our anniversary. Plus it was a different brand from the one I tried initially so I thought why not give it a shot. I got a sparkly vampire red. They looked amazing. I really hoped they would last the promised two weeks.

Two days later, Daniel proposed to me and as he slipped the ring on my finger I was happy I decided to go with the gel manicure. The photos we took came out amazing! I’ll show you some of them later this week.

Does getting a gel manicure ensure you’ll get an engagement ring sooner?

Here’s more proof:

shirley's gelish manicure

I saw my girl Shirley check into Rose’s Nail Salon this past Friday on FourSquare. I told her to get a gel manicure and she actually got the nail color I saw in Tineey’s post. Sweet! Two day’s later … you guessed it, her boyfriend put a ring on it.

Ok, maybe that’s not enough proof to state with accuracy that getting a gel manicure will get you your ring two days later BUT if it takes longer the polish will last A LOT longer than if you got a manicure with regular polish. You want your hands to look picture ready, right?

diamond rings look great with gel manicures

If you’re single, married or in transition, you’ll be impressed by this brand. 12 days later my nails still look amazing! If you’re worried about the cost of getting it done in a nail salon, Gelish now has a home kit where you can paint your nails while watching the latest episode of Scandal. Visit their website for available retailers.

Do you get your nails done at the salon or at home like me? Having you given gel manicures a try?

Until then,


PS: This is NOT a sponsored post. I heard about Gelish, tried it and found it to actually work! Plus I LOVE how my ring sparkles in pictures!

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT saying that a gel manicure will get you an engagement ring unless you buy it yourself. I have been in a relationship for six years and Shirley for ten. Unfortunately, there is no formula for getting your engagement ring faster or else it would be pinned on Pinterest.

25 replies on “Get a Gel mani if you’re waiting on a ring ladies!”

I love this post. You sound just like me. My now husband actually told me when we were dating that he would not propose if I did not have a manicure…LOL. Like you, I loved the polished look but would not invest the money into getting regular manicures. And since the at-home manis never lasted long, I would stick with clear. Anyway, I now LOVE gel polish, because although I pay $27, it lasts up to 3 weeks — and that is with me washing my hands 100+ times a day because I have 2 young, germy kids…LOL. Anyway, congrats on your engagement. So exciting! I'm really happy for you!

Never had a professional manicure – not sure it's something I'd want to spend my money on, I'd rather buy a few books – but that's me! Your nails look lovely from these pictures – and congratulations!

Hi Arelis,

Ah…I can hardly remember the time I had my last manicure at a salon! I guess lack of time, and also the fact that we really don’t live that close to the city where the salons are present. I think it’s always better to do your nails yourself at home, and I do that and it does turn out pretty good for me.

Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Friday!

What’s your favorite polish Harleena? Do you have a technique? I think my coats are too thick :/ I will get bubbles or if I think they’re dry and I hit something they it leaves an impression.

I am not really a brand kind of a person and would go with anything that I like…and we have many brands our end, so it depends what touches my heart ๐Ÿ™‚ Nothing particular – just what one reads online or in the books.

Fun post! I like the look of gel manicures & how long they last, but getting it off is tough. I don't think it is that good for your nails either. I do my own, but for a wedding I get them done, regular, not gel. Congrats on your engagement!

Congratulations, Arelis!! How exciting for you and your ring looks beautiful, with or without the manicure. So happy for you!! I typically don’t get manicures either because they just don’t last the way pedicures do. I have never tried a gel manicure but if I ever have something special (or think I’m going to get an engagement ring) I would definitely consider it! Have a great weekend with your fiancรฉ. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you Tanya!

I agree. I can get a pedicure and it’ll last for a good month. I rarely get those either because my feet are extremely ticklish and I’m always afraid of kicking the person painting my toes. It’s supposed to be relaxing but I find myself holding on to things to focus my mind else where. Hey you never know, If you get the gel manicure maybe the ring will come and I can have more info to back my theory ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a fabulous weekend!

HI Arelis,

I’ve only had one manicure in my life and although it was really neat, I have too much oil on my nails now for some reason so the polish starts to peal off a couple hours after it’s applied. I was even given something a long time ago that I could put on my nail first but it never worked.

Oh have I told you that I’m just not normal! lol… It’s true, I inherited a bunch of weird stuff from my Dad so things that work for most people definitely don’t work for me. My system is just wired different I guess.

I’m definitely not waiting on any engagement ring and I type so much now I have to keep my nails short but I would love for them to be painted one day and actually last. Dang, I do miss those days.

Thanks for sharing this with us though. The ladies will love it.


I have that issue as well Adrienne, oily nails. I thought the lady was lying to me when she told me. The gel manicure I tried the first time, years ago, started to peel a few days later. Regular manicures also do not last too long either. You should try the Gelish line, its the only one I’ve tried that actually stayed on my nails!

Thanks for sharing with us!

Congratulations Arelis and to your friend as well!

I must admit I visit the salon to get my nails done but I do do home pedicures. I don’t have a steady hand to paint the other…one will look good and the other won’t.

I do love the way it looks though! Thanks for telling us about this product. I never know when I’ll find myself needing a quick manicure.

Thanks for sharing this with us! Have a great weekend!

I have that issue too, when I paint my own nails. I have the nail polish remover handy to clean them up a bit after so it doesn’t look like a small child painted them for me LOL

Thanks for sharing with us Cori. Happy weekend to you!

Hi Martine! I'm on day 14 myself and I am wondering if I can creatively extend it. I'm impressed with the Gelish Brand. When I first tried Gel manicures a few years ago, the brand that was available would start to peel of within three days. I am happy I found one that works! Thank you so much for your kind words about my engagement. Daniel Dias and I are super excited and counting down to the wedding!

I have been wondering how to get them off Maggie! Someone told me I could go back to the nail salon I got them done it to have it removed. I'm hoping that it will be free. I don't have it in my budget right now to keep them up. My nails do feel stronger though. There's always an upside and a downside to extended wear polishes.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and for your kind words!

Thank you Sicorra! Yes I'm happy that I decided to get them done. It was worth the money for the vacation but its not in my budget to do it more than the one time. Maybe I'll do it again for my wedding. I normally paint my own nails.

Thank you Susan! I used to treat myself to manicures years ago, they didn't cost as much! I'm with you on buying books instead. For the price of a manicure I could just buy a bottle of polish and that will last me forever!

What a great story! Congrats on the engagement. Somehow I think it’s more than the gel manicure, though! ๐Ÿ™‚

My niece talked me into a gel manicure last summer. I was quite skeptical. I’m hard on my hands, and very rarely do I get manicures. I have to say I was impressed! That manicure held up through my spring gardening cleanup! For real! But alas, they are expensive and will remain as a once a year treat.

Happy wedding planning!

Thank you Carol! Wouldn’t it be great if it were the gel manicure? I’d buy some stock LOL

I was skeptical as well as I’ve tried gel manicures in the past and they did not stick at all. I still have mine on because the salon I went to wanted to charge me to remove it. Really? So essentially it would cost me 30 + tip. That’s bananas. I mean I understand it lasts for two weeks but still :/ It’ll be a once a year treat for me to. I’ll get it done again for my wedding.


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