Did you score any deals for the holiday season this week? Since I’m budgeting for the wedding now, I’ve decided to take it easy on buying gifts for
myself others. This weekend hasn’t been easy by a long shot. Luckily I have wedding planning to distract me. I was online looking for deals on wedding invitations. On Pinterest I found this creative looking invite that took me to Minted.com. Minted is a site where you can get Wedding invitations, Save the dates, Baby announcements, holiday cards and paper goods.
I loved the idea of this Happily Ever After type invitation by cadence paige design. It would allow me to customize the color that is used. Its easy to read and I can order matching RSVP and Thank You cards. I also liked the feature of being told that having a square shaped invitation would cost me more in postage. I had begun purchasing books of forever stamps earlier this year because rumor was the price of the stamp was going to go up soon. I went to purchase a few more books earlier this month and the woman asked me if I knew if the invitation was standard postage or if I would need postage for an irregular shaped envelope. Of course I had no clue! I knew I didn’t want an ugly stamp to accompany the pretty ones available for weddings so I decided to hold off. Should postage influence your invitation options?
Since I clearly have more research to do about wedding invitations in general I thought it would be a great idea to look at the holiday cards. Daniel and I took some great shots immediately following our engagement. What better way to give our family and friends a taste of what’s to come than with a nice holiday card? The website had simple cards and cards with personality to choose from. I fell in love with the dotted joy foil-pressed holiday cards by stacey meacham. It was super simple to customize. I just clicked personalize, uploaded my photo, modified the text and adjusted their placement by dragging it to the desired location. It took maybe a whole five minutes from start to finish to make after deciding on the design. If I could only decide on a wedding invitation that easily. Sigh.
If you’re looking to save money on your holiday cards this season check out the Minted.com website, follow them on Facebook or Twitter and subscribe to get emails to your inbox to find the latest discount codes.
Do you send out simple or photo holiday cards to your friends and family?

44 replies on “Minted for Holiday Cards and Wedding Invites”
Oh my goodness! That Christmas card with the future Mr. & Mrs. Dias just made my heart so full! <3 <3 <3.
I love your card at the end!!!! Exciting!!! There is so much that goes into planning a wedding so that's really cool that minted.com is easy to use and helps simplify the process without sacrificing quality!! I think we are going to do photo cards this year. Great idea!
I love ease of ordering cards online. I will be checking out the site a bit more.
That is a million dollar smile! I'll be sending out college graduation announcements next summer so I know whose site I'll be checking out..
I really like how you signed he card. You celebrate the current holiday season and share your good news at the same time! I also like the variety and selection on this website. My next big event is a trunk party for my teenie bopper this summer. She and I will check out this site together. I am glad you shared this resource!
OMG! I love, Love, LOVE your holiday card! Your smiles made me smile. I hadn't heard of Minted.com before. They seem to have some really creative options. I feel like planning a celebration just so I can order some cute stuff!
You were right Brandi Riley the name does have a ring to it <3
I heard of them years ago but never really had a reason to order things. Over the years though their product line has grown quite a bit! I love that a lot of the designs on the site are made by people. If I didn't have a wedding coming up, I'm sure I'd make something up to order something too Sheri Luckey! The options are endless!
ooooh, what's a trunk show? Sounds like so much fun! Yes I thought the card was perfect to let family and friends know that we wish them a happy holiday and have fun with the signature. I hope you end up finding something that you like 🙂
Yes, Daniel Dias had just popped the question so we both had ear to ear grins 🙂 Yay a college graduation sounds like it'll be a great summer for you and your family. Minted has so many options I'm sure you'll find a handful that you'll fall in love with!
Thanks Mandi Buckner! There's so much detail to plan for a wedding, it's hurting my head! This week I saw on Minted that they have a FREE Wedding Sample Kit … so you know I'll be ordering that! Minted.com has tons of options for holiday photo cards.
Margaret Salmond let me know if you end up finding something you like 🙂 This site is super easy to use!
I have been pretty lazy with cards but this year I plan to send some out. This is a great resource.
Awesome! Looks like they have a great selection to choose from. I’ve liked the FB page as well. And you both look absolutely radiant!
Thanks Val! You name it they probably have it on their site, that’s how extensive it is. You could even design your own if you see that something is lacking and compete with others to have your design on the site. I would vote for you 🙂
I skipped last year as well. I've sent some in the past but only the box of 20 or so that come in a box. Their website is great!
Loving this! I will surely give Minted a try Mmmmm….
Oh I REALLY need to try this!..I love to send out cards for ALL TYPES of occaisions!!…Thank you for sharing this INFO!!!!
Hey Mrs. ManTrap … they have all types of cards and if they don’t you can make it! How awesome is that! Let me know if you end up getting something!
I like sending out cards. Whether I get around to it before Christmas is an entirely different story!
I think getting cards after Christmas is ok. You can say you’re celebrating 3 kings day which is in January 🙂
[…] Minted For Holiday Cards and Wedding Invites | My Pocketful of Thoughts […]
Hi Arelis,
This surely IS wonderful 🙂
Honestly speaking, I just use the normal cards we find online and add a little text to send my seasonal greetings to everyone. Never heard of minted holiday cards, which I shall surely check out. I think personalizing a card can be so interesting, and it does add a personal touch to it too.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend 🙂
I normally pick up a few boxes on clearance after the holiday is finished. This is the first year that I actually want to send a photo card to my friends and family. Let me know if you end up trying out the site. They have so much more than just holiday cards!
Hey Arelis, I’ve never heard of Minted.com. I’ve used Shutterfly to create our holiday cards in the past. I’ve also created my own from scratch. Haven’t decided what to do for this year, but with the holidays fast approaching, guess I better do so soon
Awesome photo of you and Daniel! You two are a totally gorgeous couple!
I’ve never been to their site before. What a lovely selection of cards and invitations. And you are lucky to be able to get fancy stamps too. We don’t have that luxury in Canada.
Really no fancy stamps in Canada? There are tradeoffs though 🙂
Yes their site has a ton of selections and not just for cards or invitations. I like that you can submit your own designs if you do that sort of thing!
Thanks for stopping by Sicorra!
What a great site! I will definitely have to check it out. I love the pic of you and Daniel, such a great picture and card. I haven’t even started on my holiday cards yet. Oops. Guess I’d better get a move on! Have a great weekend, Arelis!
Tanya I hope you’ve started. … I’m trying to find my address book :/ What’s the latest that we can send them out? Is it too late LOL Happy Almost Friday Tanya!
Aw you guys make a lovely couple Arelis! You two look very happy!
I only use your normal holiday cards but I’m going to have to check it out…my oldest daughter is planning in getting married in a couple years too :).
Thanks for telling us about this site. Have a great weekend girlfriend!
Thanks Cori! Yeah check out the site, there are tons of choices that are customizable. How exciting …something to look forward to; the site has tons of options for wedding invitations too!
Happy Thursday!
Beautiful possibilities there! Great picture of you and your fiance! I know some people who combine a birth announcement with their holiday cards. Very cute!
What a nice selection, I haven’t started yet for this year. I tend to go with simple, having done a few photo ones over the years when the kids were little and oh so cute 🙂 I really love your pinboards too Val. Have a great weekend.
Hey Lisa, when is the last day you send out cards? Happy Thursday!
Daniel used Shutterfly quite a bit when he did his Christmas cards for clients. I’ve never used them though. I’ve had my eye on Minted.com for years now because of their customizable wedding invitations. I’m just psyched that I can actually get them now.
Thanks for the kind words about our photo. After he proposed, we used the equipment he rented to snap some engagement shots!
Thanks so much for stopping by Carol!
What a gorgeous couple! I actually mailed out my Christmas cards today.
Thanks! Nice Donna, you’re ahead of me! I still have to mail mine out!
Great picture, Arelis – you both look lovely, and very happy. Afraid I just send out old-fashioned cards the old-fashioned way. We tend to buy charity cards so some of the money goes to a good cause.
Yes, when you do a two for one, that definitely saves you money! I'll have to keep that in mind when we have kids! Thanks for stopping by Maggie
That is great Susan! Buying cards that benefit a charity is such a great thing to do during the holiday season! I'll have to remember that for next year!
Let me know how you like it Kimberly!
[…] PS: When’s the last day I can mail out holiday greeting cards? […]
[…] Minted for Holiday Cards and Wedding Invites | My Pocketful Of … […]
Planning an event or even doing something as simple as sending a card has never easier than what the website proposes. Thanks a lot for this informative piece. I am most definitely trying this out.