So the day was going well so far don’t you think? Minus the whole camera hitting the pavement thing, right? I know. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about go here. I walked you through the day, 11-11-13. I know you can’t wait to read it and I can’t wait to tell you the rest …so without further ado I’ll give you the rest of A Proposal at the Bethesda Fountain at Central Park.
…Daniel and I had just finished finding the path that would lead us to the fountain, but I took a time out to use the rest room before our photo shoot/ Camera lesson.
1:36 PM
While I was in the loo, he managed to snap a few shots with his camera but it wasn’t doing it consistently. I wanted to tell him what I did but I thought it would ruin the day. I’d tell him later. I was SUPER excited to see the Fountain in view but wasn’t sure how all the people would work out if we were taking photos.
We put our stuff down and I awaited directions from my maestro. The sun was still beaming and I wondered if my dress had ridden up again. I had probably mooned half of New York in the few short hours we walked about the city. I apologize if you were one of them. The last thing I wanted was to flash the good people of Central Park. LOL We decided to use just my camera, since his wasn’t having issues. 🙁
He had me stand in front of the lake. The sun was beaming. My feet were killing me. I was starving and I thought . . . how could this sun be good for taking pictures. Isn’t photography all about lighting? At least the musicians sound nice. Oh look they’re recording their performance.
Then Daniel walked over to me after a couple of shots and he told me that he loved me and I thought aww. He’s so sweet and romantic. Aren’t I lucky? I also kept glancing behind him because our stuff was at the fountain. Alone.
Then Daniel walked over to the musicians to request a song. Awww. Daniel was being so romantic on our anniversary. But my mind shifted back to our stuff at the fountain because it was there, alone. So I’m like Babe, lets go get our stuff, you know because its by the fountain, alone. He said, Arelis, please just listen to the song. I said ok, because I promised to not give him a hard time (which I don’t think I do . . . on purpose anyways) BUT our stuff was still at the fountain, alone.
The song was familiar. Sounded like a Train song. Yup. It was Train. Then it got to the chorus.
“…Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted in my wayMaaaaaarrrrrrry me
Today and every day
Maaaaaaaarrrrrrrry meeeeee
If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafeSay you will
Say you will . . .”
Wait what? Marry me? Wait! Is he asking me to marry him? For real? Say Bible! Noooo. WHAT? But Daniel wasn’t saying anything. He just looked at me. Did he buy my ring while I was getting my makeup done? Wow look at all these people. They’re staring at us. He’s not saying anything. OMG SAY SOMETHING!
. . . I listened to the words and he watched for my reaction.

It was happening but it felt SO surreal. I was one of the people staring at us watching this unfold in the park. This beautiful couple was standing in front of the fountain listening to a Train song and the chorus is asking her to marry him. Will she say yes? She’ll say yes right? I was beside myself. The moment that felt like forever to come was here. Oh My Word why am I tearing up? Where’s my tissue? Hold on. … OK.
ALL OF A SUDDEN, Daniel’s cousin Melissa pops out of nowhere with a bouquet of flowers. WHAT? WHERE DID SHE COME FROM? Then Daniel’s brother flies in from left field and lands in a TADA stance with a red box in his hands. WHAT THE?

I stuck my hand out. I think I said yes. Did I say yes? I don’t know. He slipped the ring on my finger and stood up. We were now engaged. WHAT? Holy Smokes Batman!
The musicians, whom he had hired, sang another song for us by Bruno Mars and we danced in front of the Bethesda fountain. Nothing fancy because of the staring people and all. LOL Daniel never dances in public. NEVER. Say What?!
. . . and we danced. We were the only ones there. In my head.
Then we posed for pictures with the professional camera equipment that Daniel had rented. …Here’s a picture of us and the musicians!
… Here’s a picture of Daniel’s brother (who had been positioned on the upper balcony facing the fountain), me and his cousin (aka the fabulous watcher of our stuff at the fountain and assistant, she was hiding off to the side in the crowd).
. . . and with the photography equipment that Daniel rented to capture our arrival we took our engagement photos. Funny enough my feet stopped hurting. At least long enough to snap some pictures.
BUT the night wasn’t finished and neither were the surprises. I was allowed to call my mom and my mom alone. I did find that odd. Don’t you? We raced across town to drop the equipment off and I chatted on a bench with my mom to find out she already knew. What? And she didn’t tell me? My mom loves to share news. She missed her calling as a news anchor. LOL If you know my mom you’re shaking your head yes. With growling stomachs we headed to our dinner reservation at Havana Cental in Times Square.
4:30 PM
Since I lost our bet in October, of who could lose the most weight percentage wise, I paid for our anniversary dinner at Havana Central on 46th Street. We had a yummy meal and celebratory drinks. Then on our way back to the hotel, Daniel picked up Godiva Chocolate Covered Strawberries. I was told to wait outside the room while he was working on another surprise. I stood outside the room sharing the news with a friend.
When Daniel finally allowed me back into the room, the lights were off and the room was covered in (battery operated) tea light candles. It was beautiful. He sat me down at the desk, where there was his laptop, engraved Champagne glasses with the date and the words Marry Me and a bottle of Moët Rosé Champagne.
He turned on the laptop and I saw a video waiting. I had no idea what it was about. Maybe the recorded proposal so I could hear it. But no, it was something entirely different. Hold on, let me find my tissue again. Ok. He got all of my closest friends and family and had them do a congratulations video. They all knew before me. No one told me. I’m surrounded by the best secret keepers! I laughed at the funny things people said. I nodded when people shared great advice. I cried when people said things that touched my heart. It was beautiful.
In that moment I felt like I was wrapped in a warm blanket of love. The kind of blanket you need on a cold day in January. I’m SO happy that I didn’t pester Daniel on his mission of doing his proposal his way and in his time. It was much MUCH MUCH more than I could have ever imagined, and if you know me I have a crazy imagination.
Who knew that a marriage proposal would involve an entire day of surprises! Do YOU remember how you were asked? OR Do YOU remember how you asked? OR Do YOU know how you’d like to be asked?
Until then,
PS: I’d love for Daniel to share his version of the proposal, including his planning of it. BUT he needs some encouragement. If you’d also like to hear about his version please leave him a comment below requesting it.
PPS: If you’d like to see the ring go here.
23 replies on “The perfect day for a marriage proposal. Part Dos.”
So adorable and sweet!
Love it!
Me too 🙂
Thanks Maria!
Love it! Congratulations & God Bless your journey into marriage & forever! Love y'all!
I wanna hear Big Daddy's verison lmao
lol of course you do, send him a text
Wow! This was beyond beautiful. I was starting to tear up. He did an amazing job planning everything out. He's a good catch, girl! Congrats, congrats, congrats! Can't wait to see the wedding pictures.
I had to find out how the story ended. What a wonderful future husband you have Arelis. He gave you a truly wonderful memory and an proposal you will never forget. Best wishes!
He really did! Shannon I really am a lucky lady! All my friends told me how they teared up as he told him what he was planning!
Thanks for the wishes!
Thanks chica! He really is a good catch! He planned for months and I had no idea!
Thank you brother!
A very exciting day. How beautiful Arelis! Congratulations!!
Thanks Sicorra! It really was a beautiful day! I’ll remember it forever!
Oh my gosh! How beautifully romantic! Congratulations gf! Much happiness and love to both of you!
Hi, I just came over from Corina’s “I’m every woman” and it is so nice to meet you. What a great story with a beautiful happy ending! These photos are great. As they say a picture is worth one thousand words!
What a happy day!
Hi Donna! Nice to meet you too! Cori is WONDERFUL! Yes, thanks to Daniel for thinking of capturing our big day on camera! He really did think of everything!
So sweet! Congrats to you both.
awww! I'll admit, I teared up reading that. Congrats to you and Daniel, Arelis!
Thanks Corinne, I also teared up remembering it as I wrote it up!
Thank you Carol
Isn't it sooo romantic Brenda! Thanks!
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