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What’s up with you? Wedding Planning, Unexpected Surprises and Life

Hello! How are you? It seems like we haven’t spoken in ages, right? I’ve been having conversations with you in my head a lot lately, but it never seems to go further than that. The minute I think I can sit down and catch up with you, something happens. Or I get an unexpected surprise at my door step. Life has been a bit overwhelming as of late and I don’t get in front of you as much as I’d like. I hope you’ll forgive me. See what happened was . . .

I know you’re not looking for excuses. I don’t want to give them to you. Just know that I am thinking about you and we will catch up soon. Real soon.

. . . In the upcoming weeks I hope to catch you up on all the wedding planning that Daniel and I have done so far. I’ll be posing questions on how to plan the rest. I hope to start sharing with you bits and pieces of a book that I’m working on . . . OK so its not yet a completed book . . . OK its still in outline form . . . but it will be a book. One of the many gifts I have as a Professional Procrastinator is getting things done at the absolute last minute. Hmm . . . Can I add that to my resume?

Professional Procrastinator

August 1989 – Present

Referral: See all teachers from Grades 4th- 16th

No, you’re right! I can’t put that on my resume! Silly me. Wait hold on. . . . That was life calling me back. In the meantime feel free to spread the word that My Pocketful Of Thoughts has a Bible Reading Group going on called Let’s Read the Bible Series every Sunday. (Except for this past Sunday … I’ll explain that later but just know Amazon has GREAT customer service.) We’re using The Daily Walk Bible Guide and it is available on Amazon. Its one Chapter every Sunday so there is plenty of time to catch up here! You can purchase the guideΒ here!

How has life been for you? How are you doing? Is life overwhelming for you? Am I alone in that? How do you deal with all the curve balls that life throws at you?

Until then,



*If you purchase the book through my link I will get a small percentage of the sale and that will help me offset the cost of running the site. YAY

9 replies on “What’s up with you? Wedding Planning, Unexpected Surprises and Life”

I know a lot about the unexpected happening. πŸ™‚ And can I share your title of Professional Procrastinator please, lol.

It’s been the same ole over here. I finally got the blog for my church going and that’s keeping me a little more busy…gotta find that balance :).

Thanks for the update! Happy Tuesday girlfriend!

Oh YAY Congrats to getting the church blog going! I haven’t done anything with my church’s. That’s horrible right! Your site also looks amazing by the way!

Yes of course you may share the title … do you think we can add that to our LinkedIn Resume? LOL

Happy Monday!

I have my professional procrastinator moments too. It seems like if there is a task I’m dreading, I can find an excuse to avoid it! Love that you’re working on a book. That is something that I plan to put some efforts towards too. Can’t wait to get caught up and here about all your upcoming wedding (YAY!) details and the book you’re working on. πŸ™‚

Hi Arelis! I found your blog πŸ™‚ My daughter is getting married September 2015 and we’re already busy! Thanks for your visit and your comments!

Hi Eleanor! Thank you so much for visiting me here! How exciting that your daughter is getting married! September is a great month too weather wise! Congrats to her!

I look forward to the release of your book. I feel like it might make me feel closer to my own beloved grandmother and great grandmother. I was too young when they passes to ask them about their lives. I wish I had done the same. My mother tells me bits and pieces of their lives, of what she knew. I’ll be waiting!

Aw, thank you very much for your kind words about my daughter’s wedding and my book. I’m excited for you to read my book, as well! I wish you the very best in your wedding planning and fleshing out the outline of your book! That’s all very exciting πŸ™‚ Take good care of yourself!

You KNOW I’m a procrastinator, too. I’m trying to get better, though. My husband has asked me to finish ONE thing, so I’m inspired. We’re reading a Bible book for children every night and counting our blessings. We write them down, then pray to God to thank HIm, and pray for others in our lives. If nothing else gets done in my life, I’m grateful that we are doing that. First things first!

That is great to read the Bible together as a family. I have been trying to get Danny to read the Bible with me … but that has not been successful. I am hoping that once we are married, we will see more of each other and I can pick up with him where I leave off with the Let’s Read the Bible Series on the site.

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