Should you see the movie The Other Woman? Just ask Daniel! LOL Yes, I asked him if he wanted to see a movie with three hot women. He was in the car before I could put my shoes on. It wasn’t until we were seated in the theater with my niece that he realized it was a chick flick. It was too late though and I drove, so he couldn’t leave. I was pleasantly surprised to hear him laugh throughout the movie.
The Other Woman will make you laugh.
8 Reasons to go watch The Other Woman
- I love when you watch a trailer for a movie and they don’t throw in ALL the funny parts. Hilarious!
- Girl Power! It’s refreshing to the women being wronged gang up to give the husband his just dessert.
- There are hot guys!
- Cameron Dias is HILARIOUS!
- Leslie Mann is HILARIOUS!
- The women are beautiful.
- The emotions felt real. You see this woman finding out by accident that her husband is having an affair. You feel for her. You feel for the mistress who had no clue she was a mistress.
- Nicki Minaj looks AMAZING!
- Taylor Kinny is in it. Hello have you seen Taylor Kinny. Google him, I’ll wait!
Daniel wants me to let you know that he didn’t think it was appropriate for teens. I, on the other hand, felt it was OK. There isn’t nudity. My niece has heard worse swear words. She knows what sex is at 17. She knows that people can cheat in their relationships. Teens and Facebook, need I say more? She knows that there are consequences when you do the wrong thing. Our teens are growing up in a different time than we did. I accep that. I leave that up to you if you want to bring your teens.
The Other Woman is a great movie to watch with your girlfriends!
If I haven’t convinced you yet …
Here’s the trailer:

If you saw it what did you think of The Other Woman? If you haven’t is it something that would strike your fancy? What are you looking forward to seeing at the box office?
Until then,