#lent Jesus Christ Lent Season Soulful Sundays what am I giving up for lent

What am I giving up for Lent?

It seems to be that time of year again. I’ve been thinking these last couple of days about what I might give up for Lent this year. Everything I think of does not seem to be enough though. Jesus gave his life so that we would be saved. What sacrifice can compare?

Lent is a religious observance by various Christian denominations, including Catholics. It lasts a period of forty days and forty nights that lead up to Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday is the official first day. “…The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer—through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial. Its institutional purpose is heightened in the annual commemoration of Holy Week, marking the death and resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events of the Passion of Christ on Good Friday, which then culminates in the celebration on Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ…” Wikipedia

photo credit: Sarah Korf via photopin cc

This year Ash Wednesday falls on February 13th. The day begins with a special Mass where we receive ashes on the forehead. The priest marks each person‘s forehead with the sign of the cross, using the ashes of the Palms from the prior year’s Palm Sunday celebration. He says the words, “Remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return.”

We use this time to reflect on the life of Jesus Christ and to remember that we are saved because of him. Do we follow in his footsteps? Do we follow the ten commandments? Have we gone to confession? We also follow other traditional observances like fasting. On Fridays, during Lent, Catholics do not eat from sun up to sundown and abstain from eating meat.  Lastly, we give up something we consider to be a sacrifice. We know that nothing could ever compare to Jesus’ sacrifice but we attempt to do it all the same.

This Lenten season I will be giving up:
  1. Chocolate Bars
  2. Coffee
  3. Shopping of Unnecessary Purchase  

Do you observe Lent? What are you giving up?

Here is Today’s Second Reading: 

English Translation


 Until then,

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Bible Bible passage Corinthians Soulful Sundays the word of the lord

[Word of God] The Power of Love

Until then,

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A reading from the first Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians Bible passage Catholic Faith Mass the word of the lord

Word of God: 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27 [One Body]

The following image was today’s Second Reading. The full piece that I read in mass is 1 Cor 12:12-30. It is a beautiful passage if you are able to go in a Bible to read it. It does a great job in describing how just one piece cannot sum up the whole. Everything works together in harmony…How we are all apart of one whole!

Until then,

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A reading from the first Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians Bible Bible passage Corinthians God Jesus Christ Saint Paul Scripture The Word the word of the lord

[Word of God] 1 Cor 12:4-11

1 Cor 12:4-11

Until then,

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Catholic Faith corintios God Jesus Christ lectura de la primera carta del apostol san Pablo a los corintios palabras de Dios

[Palabra de Dios] Corintios 12, 4-11

Until then,

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#MakeYourMarkES giveaway how do I make my mark on the world Lexus make the world a better place Making Your Mark on the World volunteering

How do YOU #MakeYourMarkES $25 Am Ex Gift Card giveaway goes to one…

From Sunday’s post How Do You Make Your Mark on the World? we learned that there are TONS of ways to make a difference. Doing something, anything, for someone else is making your mark, because you are directly impacting someone’s life. Imagine what that one good deed could do for someone going through a hard time, even if its just giving them a hug. We can do so much with so little, yet many of us do not. I don’t know why that is, but I hope that one day, we’re ALL doing something for others, regardless of what it is.

Before I announce the winner let’s take a look at what awesome things people are doing to make their mark on the world!

  1. Living for Christ – Mama Brandi from
  2. Homeschooling my children – Mary H.
  3. Volunteering – Elena
  4. Helping veterans get back to work with the VOW act and the VWIP program! Programs include CDL, Welding, Electrical,EMT, and Pipefitting. I am also a veteran myself. –
    Vivacious Ramsey
  5. Being a positive influence on my coworkers – Jennifer M.
  6. Doing as Christ – Janeane D of Janeane’s World
  7. Donate clothing and toys to kids in need – Gina W.
  8. Give to charities regularly – Lisa B.
  9. By being the best mom I can be to my kids – Agatewood1
  10. Give books and clothes to the salvation army/goodwill when I can – Judy S.
  11. Volunteering at our food shelf – Barbara M.

And the winner is … Livivua Chandler

A special thank you to Lexus for asking us to share how we make our mark on the world. If we could stick to focusing on the positive and how to help, instead of the negative and what’s wrong in the world, we’d live in a completely place!

Until then,

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#MakeYourMarkES accomplishments achievements Catholic Faith changing lives heroes Lexus Make Your Mark Make Your Mark Camaign Nicene Creed soulful Sunday

How do you MAKE Your Mark on the World? #MakeYourMarkES

When we’re young, we dream about what we’ll be when we grow up. It changes a few times before we finally decide what will leave our name behind after we leave this earth. The lucky few find out what they want to be and run with it. They make their mark on the world and inspire the rest of us to think bigger. The path I chose in my youth was not chosen with making my mark in mind. I chose what came easiest to me and would pay me good money.

I found what I “wanted to be” while volunteering at church. It began chaperoning a trip to a Youth Festival so my niece could attend. I was truly impressed that weekend by the spirit of the young people there. It warmed my heart and it made me realize what I missed out on during my teenage years and my early adult life.

It dawned on me that my “Mark on the World” was through Christ. The ultimate message that most of us seem to miss is that God = Love. I wear my cross to remind me that Jesus gave his life for us so that we would be saved. It also reminds me to show love for everything ….to everyone. 

I volunteer at my church to share that message, to remind the youth how important it is to have God in our lives; How different a life without God can be. I speak from my heart because I know. I treated God as a distant relative for 12 years. I acknowledged Him but I didn’t understand Him. If I could prevent a child from living a life without God, I have to try right? On Friday nights, after work, you can find me at church with our Youth Group. On Saturday afternoon you will find me in a classroom teaching beautiful young women about Our Lord. Wherever I am though, I show love. 
My class made this video to show what we’re learning. It is the Nicene Creed, what the Catholic Faith believes in.

We all make our own Mark on the world. We ALL have a light that shines! How do YOU make your mark on the world? Lexus wants us ALL to share our story on social media. Let me know how you shared it and you’ll be entered into a giveaway to receive a $25.00 American Express gift card.

Just complete the steps in the rafflecopter by Thursday night, January 17th and MAKE SURE YOU TWEET YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT using “#MakeYourMarkES @DjRelat7”. A winner will be announced on the My Pocketful of Thoughts FB Page and here on the blog this Friday, January 18th. Come back DAILY to tweet for more entries!

    Extra entry Possibilities: 
     Each of the following must include the #MakeYourMarkES with @DjRelAt7

    1. Pin a visual that represents your work on Pinterst
    2. Tweet your accomplishment on Twitter [Requirement listed above]
    3. Post an achievement on Facebook tagging My Pocketful Of Thoughts Fan Page (Start with @)
    4. Check-in once you’ve arrived at that sought after destination on FourSquare (example in image above)
    5. Post a video clip about your accomplishment on SocialCam

    Good Luck!
    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Until then,
    Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post, but the opinions are my own!

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