Book of Genesis Catholic Faith God i want to read the bible Soulful Sundays The Word the word of the lord Year of the Faith

[Word of God] Covenant with Abraham

Until then,

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March For Life …Late On Purpose

march for life ... late on purpose

January 25th 2013 marked the 40th year of the March For Life. This march is a result of the Supreme Court decision of the 1973 case that legalized abortion, Roe vs Wade. This was my first year of attendance. I was going to write about it that Sunday following but I decided not to after seeing a sign in the sidelines that indicated that the supporters of the march only care the one day of the year. NOT TRUE … so this is late on purpose.


[Word of God] Confession of Faith

deuteronomy chapter 26 vs 4-10
#movies Bradley Cooper Chris Tucker date night approved Jennifer Lawrence Robert De Niro Silver Linings Playbook Valentine's Day What am I watching at the movies

[Date Night Approved] What to watch on #Valentine’s Day.

Whether you are single, in a relationship, male or female, we are all suckers for love. If you plan on celebrating on your own or with someone special, the movie theater is the place to be! Daniel and I recently watched a movie that he picked out AND we both liked it. SAY WHAT?! For us, that is a HUGE deal! Normally I pick out the movies and he hates them. When he picks out the movies, I hate them. It’s a miracle just in time for Valentine’s Day.

If you haven’t been to the theater for a while, like we have, then this is the movie to see. Silver Linings Handbook shows real and raw emotion. The main character’s  are the yummy Bradley Cooper and the beautiful Jennifer Lawrence. The movie is unpredictable with an unexpected ending. I’d tell you more but I personally hate when someone tells me too much. I will give you the trailer though.

What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?

Until then,

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A Vision of God in the Temple English God Isaiah Mass Soulful Sundays The Word the word of the lord

[Word of God] A Vision of God in the Temple

Until then,

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30 inches abandoned cars accident Blizzard Charlotte Bridgeport Bridgeport CT Channel 12 News Mayor Finch plows shoveling snow snow angles Soulful Sundays stuck when is my street being plowed

[UPDATE for Bridgeport CT] : #Blizzard Charlotte HITS #Bridgeport CT hard!

They announced on the news last week that Bridgeport, CT could get up to 24 inches during Blizzard Charlotte. When I heard it I didn’t believe it. Two feet of snow, yeah ok. Despite my reluctance to believe that we could get that much snow I checked my inventory on candles, flashlights, and food. I picked up an extra supply of items that did not need to be refrigerated. Knowing that Stop N Shop would be low on supplies by Thursday night, I picked up dried fruit, fruit, nuts, snacks, and protein bars from Target. I was prepared for whatever was going to come. We got a little more than two feet of snow. Bridgeport got a whopping snow total of 30 inches. This does not take into account the snow drifts caused by the high winds that brought some areas with heights of 3 feet or more. Bananas right?

On Saturday morning I walked out onto my porch to take picures and tag #News12CT, after they asked for pictures of Bridgeport. I couldn’t see my car in the driveway. Taking a quick glance at the street, my jaw dropped open. I knew there was going to be days to pass before the snow plows could come and begin to move this amount of snow. People have referenced the last snow blizzard to hit Bridgeport this hard to be the Snow Blizzard of 78. The grand total for Bridgeport during that blizzard was 18 inches. This go round we got double that in one shot.

Here are some pictures from Instagram with #blizzardCharlotte:

To see my own Follow @djrelat7 on Instagram!

People are upset and agitated as they call into Channel 12 News in CT. I have been following along since Saturday morning and here is some information for the residents of Bridgeport.

Top FOUR Reasons YOUR street has not been plowed:
  1. People are in cars following the plows as they clean. If they need to stop and back up when they find abandoned cars in the middle of the road to get tow trucks in, the twenty cars behind the plows are now in the way.
  2. Cars abandoned during the storm that are parked in the middle of streets. They cannot plow through abandoned cars, a tow truck has to come to move it out of the way, this wastes time AND prevent the rest of the street from being cleared.
  3. Snow is between 2 and 3 feet deep, a Pay Loader is necessary to move the snow off the street, THIS TAKES TIME.
  4. Cars are on the road when they’ve been told not to be. My boyfriend got beeped at a women trying to travel to Fairfield to get their nails done. This creates a problem when the cars get stuck on streets that haven’t been plowed now they are in the way when the plow trucks try and come through.

Mayor Finch of Bridgeport, has issued a travel band on its residents, for good reason to. It may be a while before all the streets are plowed, patience is a virtue here. I advise you to take this time to do the things you haven’t been able to do because of the busyness of life. Relax, watch your DVR, read a book, sleep,write AND share your pics with My Pocketful of Thoughts on Instagram with tags #blizzardCharlotte & @DjRelAt7.

In case you weren’t able to get to church today like I was, here is today’s first reading:

English Version
Until then,

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Chocolate Covered Strawberries Finding the Perfect #Valentine's Day Gift for HIM groupon livingsocial Mall Shari's Berries Valentine's Day Valentine's day gifts for guys VDay

Finding the Perfect #Valentine’s Day Gift for HIM.

Valentine’s Day is around the corner! Did you get your gift yet for your significant other? This past Sunday I went up to the mall to find the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for my boyfriend. I had an idea in mind when I went but wanted to check out the stores and see what was on sale. I spent a total of 7 hours there, can you believe that. I did find some great items though and I know my boyfriend will be happy with his gift.

Last week I started to pay attention to what deals were on Living Social and Groupon. I scored a great deal on Living Social for Shari’s Berries. We both  love chocolate covered strawberries. I was going to pick them up from Godiva, but this year they are a whopping 7 dollars each. I heard the price, turned right around, and walked back out. One dozen chocolate covered strawberries will run you $84.00 + tax. BANANAS! I paid $32 for Gourmet Chocolate Covered Strawberries and that paid for shipping as well.

Here’s how easy the process was:

I got the email from Living Social giving me the code to use $30.00 towards my Shari’s Berries Purchase.
I then headed over to the website to see what was available for my Valentine’s Day Festivities.


I found a Dozen Gourmet Dipped FANCY Strawberries on SALE! SCORE! Godiva who?
I added a cute card, because it was free and yes, we are AWEsome!
It gave me a couple of goodies to add to my cart, but I stayed strong …wishing I had added the Chocolate Dipped Chocolate Chip Cookies.

I was a new customer, so I selected the corresponding section.

If I needed them by noon, there was an available option for that, but since I leave work at 5:30 it wasn’t necessary. Email for upcoming occasions and get $5 off, yes PLEASE.

I entered in my shipping information. Then my payment and billing info.

I was given an opportunity to review my order one last time.

My order was good to go.
I got an email confirmation that my order was received.

It took me about 7 minutes from going from my email and completing the order. I saved myself money and time by not standing in the long line at Godiva. I will have fresh, Chocolate Covered Gourmet FANCY Strawberries. I will chill the wine and it will be a lovely time for me and my boyfriend.

Did you pick out your gift yet? Check out my Google + Album as I walk through my local mall, Finding the Perfect #Valentine’s Day Gift for HIM.

Until then,
PS: I’ll let you know how I like Shari’s Berries. I always see the advertising but have never ordered from them before.

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