Joyce Brewer Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms

[Book Review] 7 Tidbits I learned from "Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms by Joyce Brewer

When I heard about the opportunity to review the latest e-book by Joyce Brewer, I jumped at the chance! While I am not a mom yet, I know it is in my future. The book, Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms, addresses one of my major concerns that I believe most mothers face. It also gives a great mix of women’s detailed interviews. I’m sharing my top 7 favorite tidbits of the book with you today.

One of the major concerns that I have in the back of my mind is how much I’ll miss of my child’s early years if I work full time. My current full-time job is flexible. I have seen several co-workers go out on maternity leave and come back working modified hours. I know they gladly exchange the money in their paychecks for the extra days during the week they get to spend with their babies. This is something I could do, however, if I had the option to start my own business, I’d jump at the opportunity. The ladies interviewed, make being your own boss sound doable.

I soaked up every interview and wrote down notes at a feverish tempo. Today I share with you the top seven tidbits of information that will entice you to buy the book and read the rest.

  1. “Start thinking, remember, there are no bad ideas when you brainstorm! Keep writing your ideas down until you find the one that speaks to your soul.” – Kyle Young
  2. “Remember that your fortune is in your follow up! If you say you will call. CALL. You’ll send it? Be sure to drop it by. Do what you say you will do is my #1 rule!” – Kyle Young
  3. “… If you start out on your own, you know it’s time to hire additional staff or a virtual assistant when you can’t get everything done. At that point, hire somebody to help you or decide to take on less business. You do NOT want to disappoint people and default on your contracts. You have to identify what could you need help with. I started with what I dreaded doing the most. And, of course you need to determine if/when you can/need to raise your prices to cover the cost… ” – Kyle Young
  4.  “…So I started my business on the side for about two years before going full time… ” – Marybeth Reeves
  5. “…Most importantly, I think it’s about finding something you are passionate about.  You can always rely on other experts for help in the areas you don’t have experience in, but if you don’t have a passion for what you are doing it’ll be very challenging…” – Emma Sudduth
  6. “…My only recommendation is that if you want financial support, you better have one great business plan.  If you can’t make it work on paper, it will never work in the real world…” – Emma Sudduth
  7. “…I use the Office suite of programs and rely heavily upon Word and Outlook. I use the industry-specific program called Case Map to create chronologies of complex health cases. I used Power Point to create a webinar presentation and GoTo Meeting to present it.  I do not have an e-newsletter…” – Alice Adeems

I loved the easy to follow layout that Joyce uses to spotlight each business woman. It is clear and concise. The Resource section at the end of the book is a special treat. It gives you further steps to start you’re business venture. Sometimes you can read an entire book with great advice but you’re left wondering where to start when you’re done reading. This book is the complete package.

More importantly, each woman shared the same concern I have now about my future children; spending more precious time with them. Do you have that concern when having children? What work route would you take? If you knew where to start, would you start your own business?

Until then,
PS: Interested in buying the book? Click Here
Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book in exchange for a review.  All opinions of the book are strictly my own.

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Puerto Rico Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico travel tips

Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico: ¿Que Maleta Uso? (What kind of luggage do I use.)

Happy ALMOST Friday ! Today is our last day in Puerto Rico. [:'(] We’re at the airport now, having our last meal before boarding the airplane. Today’s tip is about luggage.

Tip 0 & 8: When picking out your luggage purchase brightly colored or uniquely printed suitcases. It will make your life much easier at the carousel to retrieve your luggage. Bright colors or unique prints allow you to see it as soon as it hits the belt. Having mass produced luggage may give you a bit of issues as your try and identify if the suitcase on the belt in front of you is yours or not. This can be avoided if you place a unique identifier on your luggage. When I first started traveling I had a generic looking black duffel bag suitcase. My friend, who I had been traveling with made a huge thick braid out of this bright green yarn. It made locating my bag a cinch. Unique luggage sets can be expensive but I found my set at a fraction of the cost on Ideeli. It’s bright, of a light weight durable material and it has four wheels. These three items are features you should look for if you are in the market for luggage.

What tips do you have about luggage?

Until then,

Puerto Rico Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico travel tips What to do then its raining on g our vacation.

Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico: ¿Que hago cuando hay lluvia? (When it’s raining…)

Finally getting to enjoy some afternoon sun!

Happy Hump day! Today is the last full day that Daniel and I have on our vacation here in Puerto Rico. We planned on relaxing on the beach and getting our tan on but it’s been raining coquis y gatos (Coquis and cats). Today I am sharing a tip on what to do when it decides to rain on your vacation.

 Tip 7: Remember to do research on things to do indoors on days that it is raining. Also it is a good idea to pack an umbrella or one of those travel plastic ponchos. Either one will not take up a lot of room in your suitcase. Relaxing in your hotel room and learning how to play BlackJack at the casino is one idea that comes to mind, but there are so may others!

What do you do on rainy days on your vacation?

Until then,

Puerto Rico sunblock Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico travel tips

Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico: Cincuenta Tonos de Rojo (50 Shades of Red)

Happy Tuesday! I bring you Tip 6 as I ride the city bus from Old San Juan back to the hotel Daniel and I are staying at. It was another beautiful day! Make sure you check out the pictures on the Facebook Page. Today Tip 6 is about sunblock.

Tip 6: Remember to REAPPLY your sunblock. I know I don’t have to tell you if you’re planning a day in the sun to apply sunblock. This is a must, to protect your skin from the harmful sun’s rays. It is easy to forget, because of all the fun being had, to reapply the sunblock. Yesterday Daniel and I spent the day at Flamenco Beach at Culebra Island, PR. We forgot to reapply and we paid the price. Do NOT forget to reapply your sunblock!!

Seven more days until the holiday, did you pick up my gift yet?

Until then,

#Ihartholidays kevinHart4real Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico travel tips

Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico: Recuerdas a Reir (Remember to Laugh) with @KevinHart4Real #ihartholidays

Happy Monday! Can you believe that the holidays are only a week away? Daniel and I have been picking out Christmas gifts for ourselves in the outlet shops of Old San Juan. Today we visited one of the small islands off of San Juan called Culebra Island. It is said to have one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. If you have stopped by the My Pocketful of Thoughts Facebook Page today you’ll agree after you see the picture. For today’s tip I am reminding you to laugh during your vacation.

Tip 5: Remember to laugh. In our lives we will be thrown curveballs, whether its getting on the nerves of your travel companions or getting sad news. The first thing to ask yourself: Is there anything I can do? If there is, do it. If there isn’t, do not beat yourself up. Remember to laugh. It alleviates some of the anxiety and tension that resulted from receiving the news. A few minutes of laughing and you will begin to feel better to move forward and continue to do what is needed to be done.

Since Daniel and I have gotten here to Puerto Rico we’ve received word of such sad news. The life threatening illness of Daniel’s grandfather got to us first. He passed away a few days ago. His family gathered together, while we were here, feeling a little helpless. Friday afternoon, on one of the most beautiful beaches in San Juan, a person from our tour informed us of the shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, CT. Newtown is where my bosses children attend school and is also the next town over from where Daniel’s brother lives. By days end we learned of the lives take away way too early.

It’s difficult to receive news like this when you are on vacation. Our loved ones have told us to not worry about home for right now and try to enjoy the vacation. It has been easier said than done. In Mass yesterday, local children were the featured choir, which made me think of the children lost in Newtown. The beautiful green eyed little boy who sat in the pew in front of us, brought tears to my eyes. Sadness and anger, reflected in my tears. We lit candles and said prayers for Daniel’s grandfather and for the souls taken from this earth on Friday. I believe in the power of prayer and I ask that you join me now.

Dear God, 
I do not know why so many lives were taken to heaven on Friday but I know you always have good reason. I ask that you console the families and friends of those taken. I ask that you step in and help us find solutions to stop this from happening again. No more bloodshed Lord. No mas (No more).

In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit.

Daniel’s brother reminded us to laugh. I remind you again, today to live, laugh, and love. Hold your loved ones, tell them you love them often, live your life to the fullest and laugh til it hurts. Do not wait until tragedy strikes to start.

I leave you with another hilarious Kevin Hart holiday video to add back some laughter after a hard weekend and to put you back momentarily in a shopping mood.

Until then,

soulful Sunday Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico travel tips

Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico: Fuimos a la Iglesia. (We went to church.)

Good Evening to you on this Soulful Sunday!  We have been sending travel tips straight from Puerto Rico. If you have missed any just search for Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico. Today’s tip is to plan, if it is possible, to keep Holy the Lord’s day.

Tip 4: While you are making your travel arrangements, check out the local areas of worship. We attended mass in one of the oldest churches in Old San Juan. The Cathedral Metropolitan San Juan Bautista is more than 450 years old. Mass began with the sweet sound of children from one of the local escuelas (schools). I find the Mass said in Spanish sounds so much prettier than when its said in English. I felt like we were sitting in a part of history.

When you travel do you visit the local places of worship?

Until then,

Puerto Rico Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico travel tips

Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico: Requerda a dejar un tip. (Remember to leave a tip.)

Mallorca – Ham and cheese on a sweet bread. YUM!

Buenas Noches! It’s been a beautiful day here in Puerto Rico. Daniel and I have been blessed with great weather. Today is Day 3 of the travel tips in the series Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico.

Tip 3: Remember to tip. If you are staying in a hotel, it is recommended to leave a few dollars for the person who will tidy up your room.  When you’re eating out, you should leave a tip based upon the service provided and the deliciousness of the food eaten. If your tour guide is professional and does a great job throughout the tour, you guessed it, give them a tip. If you take a taxi and they drive you to your location safe and sound, a few dollars or a small percentage should be given. Anyone who is providing you a service and does so well, should get a tip. Tips can add up so make sure you keep that in mind when you are budgeting!

Who do you tip when you’re on vacation? If you’ve missed any of the tips hit Home in the top menu!

Until then,