fun Friday Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico travel tips

Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico: ¿Que hago? (What do I do?)

Buenos dias…Good morning! If you are just tuning in Daniel and I are in Puerto Rico enjoying our Christmas present to each other. I am sharing travel tips to help in your future planning. Today I am sharing a tip on what to do wherever you are visiting.

Tip 2: You can find a number of sites to plan what activities you can do while you are on vacation. I usually use Expedia to plan my long distant trips.  They do have options to book activities. However, research will let you know quickly if you are overpaying. Also pay attention to what is included in the price. One of my favorite sites to book activities is Viator.This site features activities from all over the world.Today we are visiting El Yunque, the rainforest, and Luquillo Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches on the island.  When booking our activities I searched for packages that picked us up since we did not rent a car.  It can be difficult to site see without one. Once on your tour get great tips from your tour guide and others who are on the tour with you. We’ve met some lovely folks from California and Detroit.

If you missed yesterday’s tip check out, Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico: ¿Donde como? (Where to eat?).

Until then,

Puerto Rico Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico tips travel vacation

Te Mando Saludos de Puerto Rico: ¿Donde como? (Where to eat in PR)

Happy Almost Friday! Today My Pocketful of Thoughts comes to you LIVE from Carolina, Puerto Rico.  If you read my prescription post on
Vacation you’ll recall that this year for Christmas, Daniel and I gave each other the gift of spending quality time. How is your holiday shopping going? Well I hope!

While we’re here I thought I’d share some tips!

Tip 1: Your hotel may have great places to eat within its walls, however, the price for convenience may bust your budget! DO RESEARCH! Or you can take a quick walk around the area of your hotel to see what’s in the vicinity for options. Also check to see when restaurants are open. Some are open for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Our local favorite so far is Mi Casita located on Isla Verde. Great staff and authentic Puerto Rican dishes like Mami makes! Who can ask for more?

Until then,

#Ihartholidays 12 days of Christmas boyfriend gift ideas Holiday Shopping Money Mondays Verizon Wireless

The Twelve Days of Christmas…my true love’s last Christmas! with @KevinHart4Real #ihartholidays

Happy Monday!  Did you get a lot of shopping done this weekend?  As I was running my normal errands on Sunday, I happened to stop in my local T.J.Maxx to look for some stocking stuffer ideas. It’s one of the few places to stop for gifts for everyone on your list. What is even better is the savings you get from not having to drive around to all the many labels they carry and the prices are always a huge percentage off what you would have paid had you gone to that particular store. I picked up some great ideas for my friends, family and myself.

Since there is still time, I wanted to tell you what I did for my boyfriend last year. Since I was on a tight budget in 2011, I told him I was not buying gifts for all the different occasions throughout the year…valentine’s day, birthday, anniversary, and just because. I got the idea early on in the year, that I would do 12 Days of Christmas for him. I know, I know. If I wasn’t going to buy gifts for him throughout the year, how could I pull off doing 12 Days of Christmas?!

I printed out a calendar for the month of December, a regular blank calendar print out. I started on December 14th and I wrote in possible ideas. I searched for deals. I searched for things he might like. I shopped around like my life depended on it. I did go a tiny bit over budget but it was worth it. 

Day 1 – A watch .. Ideeli is a great site for watches at reasonable prices
Day 2 – A book on photographing children full of great tips purchased from
Day 3 – A Coat – a wool coat from Kenneth Cole, found at a great deal on
Day 4 – A package of combs …purchased at Walmart … this was a gag gift, he had cut his hair really short and claimed that he didn’t own a comb and I felt every man should own a comb hair or no.
Day 5 – A package of socks purchased at Kohls
Day 6 – A watch … he really loves watches and I wanted to build up his collection… Beyond the Rack is another great site for watches and luxury items
Day 7 – A credit card scanner for his Iphone purchased for free from the company I looked into. So he could accept credit as a form of payment for his Photography clients.
Day 8 – Took him to get a massage purchased on Groupon
Day 9 – Boxers, because one can never have enough underwear purchased at Target
Day 10 – A wooden watch display case – purchased on
Day 11 – A watch purchased on Ideeli
Day 12 – A photography session with Sunday’s In New York; Location Grand Central purchased on a Daily Candy deal for NY.

I picked items that I knew he loved, wanted to pursue and what he needed. I threw gag gifts in to offset the cost. I picked some of my favorite sites to find RIDICULOUS deals on higher end merchandise, or else I would not be able to afford buying him all the watches. I listened to him when he spoke or showed enthusiasm about a topic and jotted the notes right on the calendar. For this type of gift giving it is smarter to start this months in advance. Starting it today can cost you more than you’re willing to spend unless you find items that fall under your budget. It does give you a jump start on next year!

It’s important that you keep the person in mind when making your lists of gifts to buy. It requires research. You cannot be like my Titi L, God knows I love her, who raids the dollar store and throws “interesting” items in a gift bag. Gag gifts should mean something. You have an aunt like that to? Have you ever gotten a gift from someone who you love but you wonder what they were thinking? Kevin Hart has an aunt like that to … hmm I wonder if my nieces and nephews react like he does when they open my gifts.

I leave you with some laughter to start your work week off and to put you in a shopping mood.

Until then,
PS: To get into some of the exclusive sites listed above just visit the Discount Shopping tab for your invite.

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Advent Catholic Faith DVR happy new year mini marathon Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah Second Reading Soulful Sundays

Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah Series: Winter Break

Happy Sunday! Let today be a day of rest and reflection on the week that just passed. Envision all the great things that happened to you, hold on to the feeling of having those moments in your life and carry it into this new week! If you’re just tuning in, the last couple of weeks have been covering the words of wisdom from a Priest I had the pleasure of listening to during an RCIA retreat back in November. There are a few more pieces left to the series but as I have been catching up on my DVR this weekend I thought it would be the perfect time to have an official “winter break” and have the Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah Series return after the holidays. Today will be an opportunity to catch up if you have missed any, a mini marathon if you will.

photo credit: Mexicanwave via photopin cc

Before I do, I just want to wish the Catholic community a Happy New Year. It is now officially the second week of Advent. We’ll learn all about that next week!

Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah Series

  1. Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah
  2. Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah Series: Chicken and Pig

I’ll leave you with today’s second reading.

Phil 1:4-6, 8-11 [Cooperating with Joy]

Paul rejoices in the progress of faith among his Phillippians. He is sure that God who began this good work will help it grow. Paul prays that their love may even more abound that they may be rich in harvest.
A reading from the Letter of Saint Paul to the Phillippians

Brothers and sisters:

I pray always with joy in my every prayer for all of you, because of your partnership for the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.  God is my witness, how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.  And this is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God.

-The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Let it marinate!

Until then,

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Cyber Tuesday giveaway Holiday Shopping kids toys Melissa and Doug toys Take Charge Tuesdays toddler toys toys

And the winner of the Melissa & Doug Giveaway is….

Last week on My Pocketful of Thoughts we made it Cyber TuesdayWe teamed up with  Melissa & Doug to give ONE The Rattle Rumble Push Toy AWAY to a LUCKY reader!  It ended last night but I have the winner!
Before I announce the winner, I wanted to apologize for missing this week’s Soulful Sunday Post….see what had happened was …well … It’s a long story I have no excuse.  I got so excited about the P.N.K. Sugar Holiday Shopping Event that Soulful Sunday wasn’t written.  It will go back to its regularly scheduled programming and later on this week I will share the shopping event with you.  Hopefully the pictures will sway you to forgive me.

Without further adieu ….drumroll….And the winner is Christine from Moms N Charge!  Congratulations Christine!!

I’m practically finished with my shopping, however, I’m having trouble looking for the perfect gift for some of the little ones in my life.  I have a Melissa &  Doug toy in my Santa Bag, but what else is out there right now that you absolutely adore.  Please give me some ideas in the comments section below!

Until then,
Disclaimer: The winner of this giveaway was chosen by The prize should arrive within 15 days after the end of the contest and mailing information has been received. This is a sponsored post, but the opinions are my own!  

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#Ihartholidays Christmas Daniel Dias Holiday Shopping Kevin Hart Money Mondays Samsung Galaxy S III Verizon what to buy for Christmas youtube

Spending Money for Christmas…maybe! #ihartholidays with @kevinhart4real

Hellllllllllllllo!  It’s Money Monday here on My Pocketful Of Thoughts!  We’re carrying on the theme of what to get for the people on your list this Holiday Season.  Last week I told you about how Daniel and I are giving each other the gift of time and memories in, Vacation, Take two of these and Call me in the morning.  My goal, in suggesting us to take a vacation as our Christmas gift this year was so I would not have to spend extra money.  I would pay for myself and he would pay for himself and voilà that’s our gift.  Last year I did go a bit overboard on the spending and did NOT want a repeat of that this year.

A few weeks ago, Daniel “claimed” that I reminded me that I had mentioned in passing that, if I did not have another Christmas gift for Christmas day from him, there would be hell to pay.  I do not recall stating this but then again it could be altogether possible.  I like opening something on Christmas Day and he gives the best gifts.  So Black Friday weekend, he calls me up to tell me The Samsung Galaxy S III was on sale at a few locations.  Next thing I know we’re racing down to a store in Norwalk in hopes that they’ll still have one phone left by the time we get there.  An hour and a half after getting there, I walked out with my Christmas present.  Normally I would huff and puff because I now have nothing to open on Christmas Day.  HOWEVER, because I am absolutely in love with this phone and my new carrier, Verizon Wireless, I am not complaining.  He knew because of the price, I would not buy it for myself.  Today’s tip: Buy your loved one something that they would not buy themselves because of the price tag.  If your budget does not allow it, look for alternatives in your price range.

Do you remember when you bought your car? Do you remember how every time you looked around while driving, someone was driving the same model, maybe in a different color or the exact same shade you fell in love with?  Well now that I am on Verizon, I am in tune with all things Verizon-like.  Yesterday I saw this hilarious commercial by Kevn Hart about his family wanting a real Christmas tree.  I cannot even remember if my family ever had a real Christmas tree.  Can you?

In case you need a laugh, I’ll leave you with the commercial, of course, its on Youtube! Find out what kind of tree comedian Kevin Hart prefers!

Until then,

PS. What should I get Daniel for Christmas?!

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budgeting money for Christmas Christmas December Getting To Healthy gift ideas healt Holiday Shopping Old San Juan Puerto Rico Therapeutic Thursdays vacation where to start holiday shopping

Vacation, Take two of these and Call me in the morning.

photo credit: Emilio Santacoloma via photopin cc

It’s Therapeutic Thursday here on My Pocketful of Thoughts today!  Therapeutic Thursdays are reserved for all things that give you a sense of well being potential Holiday gift ideas.  Today I’m sharing with you what my boyfriend, Daniel, and I are doing for this holiday season.  Perhaps it will inspire you to think of a potential Holiday Gift for someone on YOUR list.

Throughout the year we can get extremely busy.  It’s like the saying, “If it’s not one thing it is another.”  It is great to be super busy, whether its work, pursing dreams, playing bowling, and volunteering at our church.  Sometimes I think having all these spinning plates though can be hazardous to our health.  It is important to know your body’s limit.  Daniel and myself are still learning and pushing the body’s limits to just help one more person.  It’s our gift and our curse. 

The time we do spend together is precious.  Which is why this holiday season we are giving the gift of doing absolutely nothing in a beautiful destinationIf I were a doctor I would prescribe to most of my patients a VACATION;  Take two of these and call me in the morning.  While we do need to keep moving to STAY active, we also need to drop everything regularly to make sure that the body can heal itself properly and rest.  If our cell phone is about to die, we do not try to make just one more call, right?  Ok…maybe I do but only because it guarantees a short phone call. 🙂   Our mind automatically starts looking for the charger as soon as the light starts flashing red.  So why not treat our bodies like we do our cell phones.  We can get a replacement if the cell stops working but we can’t trade-in for a new body if our batteries die.

What better gift is there to get, than spending quality time with our loved ones, right?  Cue in the music … why spend the money on gifts when you could spend the money on a trip that will build memories to last a lifetime. You can avoid the rush at the mall and save time from having to track down the item that seems to be on everyone’s list?  In the past, that has been my favorite gift, the gift of an activity.  We have built some great memories over the past years with those kind of gifts.  I always look back on them with love in my heart. 

One year Daniel surprised me with Broadway tickets to In the Heights during our stay in NYC.  The play was amazing, a definitely must see.  This January we used one of his Christmas gifts from me, a photography shoot class in Grand Central Station with Sundays in NY, read all about it when you’re finished here.  This year we both know what we’re getting, as we planned it early on, a vacation to Puerto Rico.  We will be doing a combination of absolutely nothing, eating, lying on the beach, sipping yummy drinks, sightseeing, and eating some more.  We owe it to our bodies to just have a time out, heal and rest.  Time outs are not just for kids you know!  If this sounds great for one of the people on your list check out the Travel Discount Page in the menu above, its full of my favorite sites on where to get deals from activities to traveling.
If you’ve done something similar in the past, drop a line in the comments section, I’m always looking for inspiration on my next gift.

Until then,
PS Wednesdays on the My Pocketful Of Thoughts Facebook Page is Where Are We Going Wednesday, the entire day shares posts full of great travel tips and things to know.  Stop by today and check out what great things you missed yesterday.

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