Brian Tracy Eat That Frog Finding Happyville Giddy Up Take Charge Tuesdays Thought of the Day

From Brian Tracy’s Eat That Frog, We’re on our way to Happyville!

Success Is Predictable….I had developed deep feelings of inferiority and inadequacy.  I had fallen into the mental trap of assuming that people who were doing better than me were actually better than me.  What I learned was that this was not necessarily trueThey were just doing things differently, and what they had learned to do, within reason, I could learn as well.” – Eat That Frog, page xii

It is normal that we take a look around at the people who surround us and wonder what makes them so special.  If they are successful it is human nature to assume that they are “lucky”, because that is usually the general consensus.  We do not realize that these are not our own thoughts, but the thoughts of others, that have been repeated so many times that it because a false truth.  Its easy to say that someone else is successful because they have something you do not.  However, we are all successful, it all begins with taking the first step towards achieving whatever goal we decide to go after.  The difference between “winning” and “losing”, being special or not, is making the decision to act.  ACT.  If your thoughts lie with believing that everyone else is lucky, that you have all the bad luck, that things never go your way, STOP.  We are our own worst enemy.  Figure out what that special person is doing differently, learn it and see results.

Let 2012 be the year that we let go of all the silly notions of not being good enough.  lets GET IT!  Giddy up!  Happyville, hear we come!

Until then,
2012 happy new year Random Thoughts

Feliz Ano Nuevo!

On this second day of the year of 2012, I would like to wish you a happy and prosperous new year!  May it be filled with love, laughter and accomplished goals!  I feel good about this year.  Great things are going to happen for all of us if we stay focused, work hard and remember to play hard to!  I hope that 2011 has been reflected upon, we’ve learned our lessons and are ready to take on 2012 by storm.  After all, we were destined to do so!

Until then

discount code gifts happy holidays Janice Strileckis Massage Money Mondays Swedish Massage

Happy Holidays and Happy Massaging!

Picture yourself here 🙂

I hope that everyone had a fabulous holiday weekend filled with lots of laughter, love and warm memories!  This past week I gave my boyfriend and myself the gift of massage!  I got a Groupon deal with Massage Therapist Janice Strileckis and I was thankful.  Who doesn’t want to pamper themselves at a deal on this Money Monday?  She seemed to find every spot that ached and at the end I was super relaxed!  Everything a massage should be!

I got to talking to her for a bit and we both agreed that if you didn’t take advantage of the Groupon deal, that doesn’t mean you still can’t treat yourself for an after holiday treat!  So for My Pocketful of Thoughts readers, we’re saying Happy Holidays with a 60 minute Swedish Massage for a whopping discount for $60!  Mention code DjRelat7 from My Pocketful of Thoughts to get the discount.  Appointments are required and are subject to availability. See the PS below for contact information! This is available for a limited time, so take advantage of it today!

Happy Holidays from myself and Janice!

UPDATE: This offer is no longer available!

Until then,



Money Saving Money Therapeutic

Hair Therapy and Pantene Commercial Hair, yes please!

hair therapy and pantene hair
These last few weeks, I’ve been going over my New Year’s Resolutions from this year and I realize I’ve just brushed the surface with most of them.  It just occurred to me that I can’t possibly do well on just one goal, if I’m trying to tackle 10 others that I think are all equally important.  In reality most of the items we add to our resolution list are wishes, things we’d like to happen.  However, if they do not happen then we go back to remembering, ‘well they were only wishes anyways’.  I’ve read this in many books, but you don’t really believe it until you take a look at YOU.  So after seeing all my wishes not come true, the list is going to be only two things next year.  The first of course being having healthy finances

30 Days to a Stellar You Chachanna Simpson Coaching Therapeutic Thursdays

Why wait for the New Year to start working on you?

I was reading my email the other day and found a friend of mine had started a blog series called 30 Days to a Stellar You!  Every day there is a new post of a new assignment that gets you really thinking about ceating the life we all think about when we’re making our New Year’s Resolution list.  She wants you to think of it as free coaching in a blog.  Who doesn’t love free? 

I personally have had a few coaching sessions with her and I thought she was awesome and I got results.  If you were ever thinking about it, she’s the woman to get in touch with. 

SO…start your list early, start day 15 of the month taking charge on this THERAPEUTIC THURSDAY!!  YAY YOU!  I’m starting it today and I’ll be posting my progress on Facebook.  If you don’t follow me yet feel free to check me out, My Pockeful of Thoughts! 

Check out the blog series 30 Days to a Stellar You!

Until then,

discount shopping gift ideas Holiday Shopping Invitation Only Websites Money Mondays presents Shopping Deals Shopping Websites

Where to Shop…Parte Dos!

With all the deal sites out there, we no longer have to be strapped down to a particular day like Cyber Monday to find the right gift for the holidays.  My only tip to you is that if you see something you like or that screams ‘buy it for danny’ (fill in a name), then get it RIGHT AWAY.  Do not wait and think about it.  I have done that on a couple of deals and then I decide let’s do it, and then its SOLD OUT.  Check out my PS in The Giving Season is Upon Us…where to shop for your holiday gifts for you and for everyone on your list! for how to handle seeing a lower price after you’ve made your purchase.  Keeping that in mind I give you another batch of sites to find the deals!
Ideeli – I have purchased quite a few things over the last few years from this site.  It is by far one of my favorites!  Here you can find clothes for women, men and children.  Shoes, jewelry, outerwear, high designer items, new designer items, travel, houseware, experiences and they are always adding more things.  YOUR INVITATION  
Ruelala – This is a site I recently discovered.  This covers items for men, women, kids, clothes, accessories, footwear, home, wine, gourmet food, local services, travel and special fixes 🙂  This site has a nice feature 9.95 covers shipping for a month.  YOUR INVITATION 
Groupon –   This site offers tons of great things that are in your neck of the woods.  Support your local businesses in your area while making memories to boot and not hurting your wallet.  YOUR INVITATION
LivingSocial – This is another great site for getting to know your local businesses and if you buy a deal, refer it and 3 friends also get it, yours is free!  How awesome is that!
Vacations To Go –  Get daily deals to vacations of all price ranges, including river cruises, hotels and resorts, escorted tours, and African Safaris.  Feel free to email Alan any inquiries, he’s emailed me back on numerous occasions.
Until then, Happy Shopping,

PS: Look for the Discount Shopping Page!
discount shopping gift ideas Holiday Shopping Invitaiton Only Sites Money Mondays presents Shopping Deals Shopping Websites

The Giving Season is Upon Us…where to shop for your holiday gifts for you and for everyone on your list!

While Cyber Monday has come and gone, fear not there are plenty of sites to get daily deals for the best gifts for your friends and family. Some deals are so good you might just want to get it for yourself!

Daily Candy –  Here you will get an email of articles of things to read that come from their site. Topics range from fashion, beauty, food & drink, home & garden, travel, culture, gift ideas and deals. I am signed up on their New York version but many of the major cities are represented; just pick the closest to you!  The nicer feature is the deals that you get from different vendors in the area that you live in. Be creative and pick up some deals to create memories with various experiences around town. I have actually picked up quite a few deals on here, including Christmas gifts! – Invitation only website that has a few categories to choose from…clothes, accessories, jewelry, shoes, luggage, beauty products, men women and children …all higher end goods at deep discount prices, don’t have an invitation? But of course you do 🙂 YOUR INVITATION

Gilt Taste – Get the goods on meats, seafood, cheeses, prepared goods, pantry items, sweets, produce, beverages, wine and equipment…

Gilt City – Another great website that gives you deals for your city…choose your local and enjoy exclusive dining experience, sold-out show tickets, luxury salons, spas, cool shops…etc YOUR INVITATION

PARK & BOND – A site for the fellas; clothing, accessories, footwear, designers, vintage watches 🙂

JETSetter – Luxury Travel Deals – YOUR INVITATION

Portero Luxury – Premium Pre-Owned Prized Bags, Totes, Scarves, Wristwatches, wallets, cluthes and other things including vintage. You can also sell items on this site. Does not require an invitation.

Lot 18 – An invitation only Wine Store that has recently added gourmet items and experiences.  YOUR INVITATION

Snique Away – An invitation only Discount Travel Site YOUR INVITATION

Open Sky – Tailored Shopping by creating a team of celebrities that recommend their favorite things and how to get it at a discount. YOUR INVITATION

This is just the tip of the iceberg!  Stay tuned to more places to shop for yourself and others this holiday season and into the next year.
Until then, Happy Shopping!

PS  If you happened to notice that Cyber Monday seemed to extend for the entire week and you feel like you should wait for a better price, don’t.  I have made several holiday gift buys over the last few weeks only to find it at a lower price the next day.  Check out the return policy of where you purchased the item.  Some places will give back a price difference after a certain amount of days, typically seven.  However some vendors have strict no price difference policies.  If you run across the latter, simply contact their customer service.  Let them know you just purchased an item that has appeared at a lower price than what you purchased it at.  Ask them what is the best way to go about getting the price difference.  Be clear and let them know that you are aware that they do not issue price difference refunds for items purchased when the price drops but that you were wondering if there was an easier way than returning and repurchasing.  You would be surprised how accommodating vendors can be.  If they happen to be a stickler for their policies than re-buy at the sale price and return the one at the higher price.Good Luck and feel free to share your story!