Soulful Take Charge Tuesdays Therapeutic

The Gratitude Journal Challenge

Do you have a journal? Have you ever taken a gratitude journal challenge? What is it you ask? You take a journal and write down what you’re grateful for. Maybe it’s not a challenge for you though. I used to write in my gratitude journal on a daily basis for years …many moons ago. Then one day I stopped. I think it was because I was seeing such great results from writing in the gratitude journal. Then I found myself in a weird place this past fall, postpartum. I wondered what I could do to get back my happy spirit. Then I remembered during a conversation with a friend, that I would write in my gratitude journal to focus myself on all the amazing things that was happening in my life. Read on to learn more about the gratitude journal challenge.

Health Mental Therapeutic

When to give yourself a timeout.

Have you ever given yourself a timeout? Do you know when to give yourself a time out? As adults we intuitively know when to tell our children to “Go sit in timeout”. We see them slowly start to unravel and then all hell breaks loose. What do we do though, when we’re pushed to our limits? We may tend to yell more. We may become withdrawn. What if we could prevent the mental breakdown from occurring altogether by giving ourselves a timeout? If you haven’t thought much about giving yourself a timeout, read on for what I learned about taking timeouts.


Confessions of a Procrastinator: Cutting Out the Distractions! #PocketThoughts

Level 125 of Candy Crush Saga
Level 105 of Candy Crush Saga

This post is dedicated to Janeane Davis of Janeane’s World who is currently helping me manage my procrastinating tendencies!

This year I have told myself, this is MY year. I’m going to write more. I’m going to live more. I’m going to create the life I see in my mind’s eye. My list went on and on. January came and went and I still hadn’t written down my goals. Everyone wrote about their word; the word that would describe what they would focus on for the rest of the year. It’s May and I still don’t have my word.

Beauty Therapeutic

Thank You for Participating in the April #Frumpy2Fab Challenge!

thanks for participating in the #frump2fab April Challenge

This past April I challenged all My Pocketful of Thoughts’ readers to shine light on their beauty. Men and women alike can get caught up in life and all that it entails. We get super busy and things that were once a priority change up. We also get into routines that are reshaped over and over again to get out every single possible minute of the day doing something. Do you ever find yourself running around without giving your appearance a second thought?

Therapeutic Therapeutic Thursdays

Marriage…Giving Up A Piece of You?

I finally finished reading Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert.  I began a discussion about it a few months back in the post titled Should We Come with a WARNING Label?  While the title may be explanatory it might make sense to revisit it.

I liked the research done about the topic of marriage.  The different points of view of what marriage is and what makes it survive varied from country to country, but the one constant was the work that went into it.  I believe that marriage should never be taken lightly and neither did Elizabeth.

There were many points in the book that I jotted down, but what I’d like to discuss with you today is what you think about marriage.  Do you feel that marriage is giving up a piece of you?

‘…Robert Frost wrote that “a man must partly give up being a man” in order to enter into marriage – and I cannot fairly deny this point when it comes to my family.  I have written many pages already describing marriage as a repressive tool used against women, but it’s important to remember that marriage is often used as a repressive tool against men, too.  Marriage is a harness of civilization, linking a man to a set of obligations and thereby containing his restless energies…’ Pg 197

In all honesty, this idea of marriage being a repressive tool saddens me.  I am not married yet.  But I do not want to feel repressed and I do not want my husband to be to feel repressed either.  I love his restless energies.  I would hope that we could have a 50/50 relationship, where the responsibility of a marriage is not carried more by one person than the other.  I know that we have our strong suits and I feel confident that we work as a team on virtually everything except for picking a restaurant.  I do feel that the times have changed significantly, enough to say that the husband and wife no longer have assigned roles.  What say you?

What are your thoughts on marriage?  Do you disagree with marriage being a repressive tools for both sexes?  Are aspects of this statement true?  Let me know your thoughts below!

Until then,
Money Saving Money Therapeutic

Hair Therapy and Pantene Commercial Hair, yes please!

hair therapy and pantene hair
These last few weeks, I’ve been going over my New Year’s Resolutions from this year and I realize I’ve just brushed the surface with most of them.  It just occurred to me that I can’t possibly do well on just one goal, if I’m trying to tackle 10 others that I think are all equally important.  In reality most of the items we add to our resolution list are wishes, things we’d like to happen.  However, if they do not happen then we go back to remembering, ‘well they were only wishes anyways’.  I’ve read this in many books, but you don’t really believe it until you take a look at YOU.  So after seeing all my wishes not come true, the list is going to be only two things next year.  The first of course being having healthy finances