This past Money Monday I shared with you My Naughty and Nice List. So of course I want to know how is your holiday shopping going? Have you started yet? Are you almost done? If you haven’t started yet I suggest when you’re done with reading this post you stop by Monday’s post and check out how to start! It’s making me nervous to even think about you waiting til the day before Christmas to start. I know plenty of people who do though, so you’re not alone.
For me though I am a bit claustrophobic so I tend to make sure I’m done with my list by the first or second week of December! Anything after that and you might get a homemade gift if I haven’t gotten to your name yet by that time. This is actually not a bad idea if you share the same phobia of large crowds. People tend to morph into mean monsters during the holiday shopping season. If you do have to shop during the month of December, good luck to you!
Since I’m almost done, I thought it would be nice to share some ideas of what to get the people on your list. This will come to you next week. In the meantime I wanted to share an event you can look for in your neck of the woods. It is the perfect spot to start your holiday shopping. I love to stop at Holiday Shopping Events. Its a great way to find some really great gifts for your loved ones and of course, yourself! I normally have to travel all the way to NY to find a good one. However, this year I’m in luck to have one closer to home. In Connecticut, one of my dear friends is hosting a Holiday Shopping event in Norwalk, CT for the ladies. If you happen to be in my neck of the woods I invite you to partake in the festivities!
PNK Holiday tickets will be sold ahead of time for $10.00 and $15.00 at the door. Please email [email protected] for more information!
If you’d like more information on this event be sure to like the Facebook Page PNK Sugar! Tell her I sent you! Have you ever been to a Holiday Shopping Event? Share where you start your shopping below!
Until then,
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A few weeks ago I went on a shopping expedition at the Loft. It’s one of my favorite places to shop for the latest fashion and to find pieces that fit me well. While I picked up a ton of great pieces, I am left wondering what will I wear to a fancy event if it comes up. It can happen…send me an invite 🙂
Last month I stumbled across a website, Misses Dressy, that features designer dresses, talk about looking at dresses for days! Every piece was amazing! I imagined myself gliding across a ballroom floor in a beautiful dress towards my Prince Charming, but in my head the dress kept changing. I honestly wouldn’t know where to begin if I had to pick one. It’s easier when we have help, right? Well we’re blessed today with a special guest post from Misses Dressy, who’ll be answering, What you are wearing to the next fancy affair. Look for it this afternoon.
So….where are we going? Let me know what fancy event you have coming up on the My Pocketful Of Thoughts FB Page or here in the comments below.
And SHE is awesome, the woman to take care of her family! The journey she takes makes her super-hero like minus the cape! She gives of herself completely, her needs are always put on the back burner. She is a magical healer. She is passionate. She is thoughtful. She is a budgeter. She carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. She racks her brain to make life better for those around her. She sacrifices much. She might be YOU!
This is a reminder to the moms, and mom-like ladies/men that take on this role, to take a day for themselves, to do whatever! If you can’t spare a day, then at least a few hours!
Last week my friend’s husband and I surprised my friend with a dinner date, a girl’s night out. We had a delicious meal at Epernay Bistro in Bridgeport, CT and a yummy drink! It’s Friday! So make some plans to go out and have some fun, doing whatever you want to do.
If you read Happy Valentine’s Day Week then you might recall me mentioning the class my boyfriend and I took this past January. I’ve always been fond of creating new memories….of creating opportunities to start off the conversation with ‘Remember when we…’. While I know that he loves the watch I got him for Christmas, it might not bring him the same warm feeling of closing his eyes and bringing forth the images of seeing me with a camera around my neck, smiling back at him. He is a photographer; he has this way with the camera, and that always AWEs me. It seems to come naturally for him, so effortless. It couldn’t just be any class to pick for him. I wanted to give him someone’s perspective, that wasn’t his.
Tomorrow we’ll get to see his favorite shots, during another of his installments for Story Time Saturday. For today though we’ll get to experience together what I took from the class.
Judith Farber, the photographer from Sundays In New York, taught the class how to adjust ISO and WHITE BALANCE. While most cameras have the feature to change the ISO and White Balance settings based on the lighting situation of your subject automatically, it is good to know how to do this manually.
Through the wire – After
Subject In Motion
To be totally honest, I had no idea what any of that stuff meant at first. I remembered hearing the terms from when I took a class back in high school but that has been many moons ago. For the short time we were at Grand Central Station I quickly guessed which way to go for more light, or less light. It really takes time to devote to learning it to truly get that skill down. Daniel seemed to have no problem with this and I secretly wanted to trip him for being the teacher’s pet. What I did walk away with was a new way of looking at things in general. Judith taught us to see the beauty in everything our eyes laid upon. The woman who leaned across the wall of yellow phones, the intricate design of a metal mesh wall, or the fast paced swish that a New Yorker left behind them as they walked across the room; they all possessed a beauty to them.
The Wedding
Photos don’t only have to be about capturing happy moments but be about exposing all of life’s beauty.
Subject in Motion but Looking Still
I’m Hungry
Where’s My Next Subject?
A Chandelier – BEFORE
If you happen to live in the NYC area, this class is definitely worth the travel. I got this deal on Daily Candy for Sundays In New York It’s no longer available. There was two offerings, 1.) Two Hour Photography Workshop and 2.) One Hour Private Photo Critiquing Session. Either would be a great gift for yourself or a loved one!
A Chandelier – AFTER
May You see the BEAUTY around you!
How do you capture it?
Until then,
The Pay Phones
To read a writing piece by Judith Farber visit the!
Happy Friday!! YIPPEEEE! On Wednesday, I convinced myself that it was Thursday. How I did this is beyond me, but I was sad that I was wrong. Like the trustworthy friend that Friday is, its here today. Again I yell YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE! Fridays here on My Pocketful of Thoughts, are a nod to recognizing all the people who have co-workers they would like to kill but didn’t! For today’s installment of How NOT to Kill Your Co-Worker I wanted to share some of the fun comments from the initial post.
I like that, #hownottokillyourcoworker…sometimes I come close. I usually take an extra long lunch or put on some good music in my office to dissuade me from catching a case!
Target practice is a great way to blow off stream that can be coworker induced! I’m fortunate enough to work near a rifle range and I have been known to take a lunch break there a time or two. I have to admit it feels pretty Sandra Bullock-like to be wearing heels and puling the trigger, releasing all the built up tension in a single shot. No one is going to distract you if you have a gun in your hands. If you don’t live near a range, there are always the office-size Nurf gun options!
Ohmigawsh. This is one of the reasons I leaped into self employment, there were too many co-workers I wanted to kill… except now I do theater and instead, I sorta long to do away with some of my cast mates. Right now I might want to kill her by tying her costume corset over her face! Sheeesh. She is such a pill pill pill kinda girl!
Anyway, one more week of rehearsals, two weekends of shows and then… no more of her thank GOODNESS!!!
What has helped me is venting. I always feel better after I write a Fb status about the annoying co-worker. One time I wrote a full blog post on how a co-worker was acting like a 2 year old so I looked up parenting advice on dealing with the terrible 2s. I was laughing by the end of the post.
Music, long lunches, gun ranges, self-employment and creative venting, all great ways on How NOT to Kill Your Co-Worker!
Feel free to share if you have ways to cope at work and successfully NOT kill your co-worker by weeks end, OR what they do that drives you bananas. Lets face it, your co-worker is not worth going to jail for, at least you can have a little fun! The most clever ways to cope may appear in a special post! Maybe you’ll see your’s here next time.
Want to be ANONYMOUS, I completely understand! Send your story to me at [email protected] with a clever pen name! Or leave it as an anonymous comment below!
If you’re on twitter, feel free to say ‘SURVIVED @djrelat7 @cpigrun #hownottokillyourcoworker’ if you have survived this week! Don’t forget to share on My Pocketful Of Thoughts Facebook page and LIKE it! We’ll LIKE you back if you have your own FB Page 🙂 YAY!
1) Try random things to annoy your co-worker. Check and see your co-worker’s expression or change in mannerisms, until you find the random thing that works best. I find tapping your pen works well. You, however, might find your co-worker despises humming. The point is to find whatever annoys them the most.
2) Do well at your job!!! Chances are your boss will take notice and praise your name in front of your co-worker. Your co-worker will hate this! Do NOT detour your plans even when she spreads rumors that you are sleeping with the boss. Everyone knows this is not true! People will dislike her more. You are winning.
3) Ignore your co-worker. Limit your words strictly to hi, bye and mandatory work related tasks. Your co-worker wants the attention. Not giving it to her will make her angry. Do NOT detour your plans even when she makes up stories to her friends via IM. Your facial expression is serious on the outside, but on the inside you are laughing, your genius plan is working.
Stay tuned for more ways on How NOT to Kill your Co-Worker. In the meantime, if you’re on twitter, feel free to say ‘SURVIVED @djrelat7@cpigrun #hownottokillyourcoworker’ if you have survived the work week! Don’t forget to share on My Pocketful Of Thoughts Facebook page and like it!
Its Friday night and I feel alright…The party’s here on the west side ….well I’m not at a party on any side of town but that was a really good song back in the day. The weekend has officially begun. Its 6 pm and I know where my children are! It was a short work week, productive and now done! Today is a special nod to Friday. Blogs that post today are a part of the FUN FRIDAYS topics. There hasn’t been nearly enough fun as there should be. I have remedied that this evening.
While today is a nod to Friday; it is also a day to recognize all the people who have co-workers they would like to kill but didn’t! YAY! I am fortunate to not have that issue at the moment. A little later today we hear from a blogger who accomplished just that this week and we’re lucky to hear all the ways that helps her prevent killing her co-worker and how she keeps sane from 9-5 on Monday through Friday.
Feel free to share if you have ways to cope at work and successfully NOT kill your co-worker by weeks end, OR what they do that drives you bananas. Lets face it, your co-worker is not worth going to jail for, at least you can have a little fun! The most clever ways to cope may appear in a special post!
Want to be ANONYMOUS, I completely understand! Send your story to me at [email protected] with a clever pen name! Or leave it as an anonymous comment below!
If you’re on twitter, feel free to say ‘SURVIVED @djrelat7@cpigrun #hownottokillyourcoworker’ if you have survived this week! Don’t forget to share on My Pocketful Of Thoughts Facebook page and LIKE it! We’ll LIKE you back if you have your own FB Page 🙂 YAY!