charity Do Gooders Soulful

Help someone celebrate another birthday with the American Cancer Society!

Help someone celebrate  another birthday  by making a donation to the  American Cancer Society - My Pocketful of Thoughts

Would you help someone celebrate a birthday if you could? You’re nodding your head yes, right? What if I told you that this someone’s birthday party would only happen if they lived long enough to see it? They’ve just found out that they were diagnosed with Cancer. What if you were able to play a part in helping them to get to their next birthday? Could you give the gift of hope? The American Cancer Society gives the gift of hope to so many families!


This year I got to attend the 16th Birthday of Nick Lucas. Nick is Daniel’s little cousin. Family and friends gathered together for this milestone in this young man’s life. When he blew out the candles on his cake we were all a little teary eyed. But this was no ordinary birthday party. The happy tears that dampened our eye that night reminded us of the miracle that life truly is. Nick was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer in 2009.

Today Nick’s mom shares their story with us:

Hello Friends, 

I am reaching out to you for your treasured and respected support. Our son was diagnosed with two forms of Leukemia on September 14th, 2009. He underwent a bone marrow transplant in Boston on February 5th, 2010. As a family we knew we had to show Nick that not only his family supported him but the community at large was giving him support, motivation, drive, and most importantly – hope. We joined the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Monroe & Trumbull in June 2010. This is where Nicolas took his first lap around the track as a cancer survivor with numerous other survivors. He celebrated, remembered, and fought back with so many other community members! Nicolas was on daily chemo at the time and continued to be on chemo for two years. In the year 2000, the drug Gleevac was introduced for CML patients.  My son was put on that drug and it is what got him to remission. Getting Nicolas into remission was the key to his bone marrow transplant success. It is why we as TEAM NICK continue to fight and will continue our fight when we relay every year. This year’s Relay event takes place June 6 to June 7, 2014 at Trumbull High School. 

We are reaching out to you to expand our support system to make a difference in our fight against cancer, not only for Nicolas – but for every child with cancer and every adult with cancer. Any dollar amount will get us to our goal of $5000.00. We have big dreams as a team to continue our fight. We would love your help in order to make this dream a reality for our survivors. 

Again thank you from my family and TEAM NICK!

Seleste, Joao and Nicolas Lucas

Team Nick Slideshow - Celebrating another Birthday with the American Cancer Society & The Relay for Life - My Pocketful of Thoughts
Photo Credit: Seleste Lucas

This year I am joining Team Nick raise money for the Relay for Life Event at Trumbull High School on June 6th. I had the opportunity to attend last year’s relay and it was an experience and a half. As I was making a lap around the school cafeteria, I felt like my grandfather was walking with me. He passed away in 1995 from Lung Cancer. I recently had a scare with Breast Cancer myself. Cancer is real but we can fight against it.

IDonatef you’re able and willing please consider making a donation to Team Nick by going here or clicking the donate button.

For more information about the American Cancer Society, please visit their website, Like their Facebook Page and follow them on Twitter or Google Plus. For more information about cancer go here. For more information on Relay for Life events and how to donate go here.

Are you a survivor? Did you just get the news? Has someone close to you been touched by cancer? Have you participated in a charity event to honor yourself or a loved one? Share with us below!

Until then,


Genesis Let's Read the Bible Soulful Soulful Sundays

Genesis 8 . . . the one where Noah Gets off the Boat

genesis 8 noah gets off the boat ... Part of the Let's Read the Bible Series on My Pocketful of Thoughts

In Genesis 8 we read that Noah survived the flood. The flood lasted 204 days. It took a little over a year for the earth to be completely dry from the flood water. At which God told Noah to leave the boat with his family and release all the animals so they could be fruitful and multiply throughout the Earth. What do you think Noah was thinking as he waited for the flood water to recede?

Genesis Let's Read the Bible Soulful

Genesis 7. God does not give idle threats.

Genesis 7 - God does not make idle threats. The rain continued to fall for forty days and forty nights.

What’s the magic number in Genesis 7? As we read this chapter there is only one number that appears repeatedly. You guessed it! 7. It appears in the title. It appears in the number of animals God instructed Noah to put on board the boat that were approved for eating and sacrifice. It’s the number of days that took for the floods to begin after Noah and his family boarded the boat. What is the significance of the number 7 though? WHY 7?

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Genesis 6. Why Noah built an ark.

genesis 6 ... why Noah Built his ArkIf God told you that he was going to destroy the earth because He was upset with how humans treated themselves and the Earth, would you believe Him? If God told you to build an Ark that would save your life and that of your families, would you build it? Those are just some of the questions that Noah had to face in Genesis 6 of the Bible. Would you do the same if you were in Noah’s shoes? Or would you

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Genesis 5

Genesis 5 of the Holy BIble

Genesis 5 introduces us to a slew of people that are descendants of Adam and Eve. Did this chapter bring up any questions for you? This is my first time reading the Bible through from start to finish, so I’ve had quite a few. I did not know that we began living such very very VERY long lives! I wonder when that changes. “Adam lived 930 years, and then he died.” (Genesis 5: 5) Could you imagine living that long in this day in age? 

Genesis Let's Read the Bible Soulful

Genesis 4

genesis 4We are now on Chapter 4 of Genesis in from The Daily Walk Bible NLT (New Living Translation).It is available on Amazon if you haven’t purchases it yet. Every Sunday tune in to read another chapter and reflect on one of the questions asked in the guide. You can write your thoughts in the comments section or write them down in a journal. When I read different excerpts of the Bible, I like to write notes down. It’s a great way to really take the words in. In general we are

Genesis Let's Read the Bible Soulful

Genesis 3

#Genesis 3 - Let's Read the #Bible Together with My Pocketful of Thoughts, Every Sunday

Today we are reading Genesis 3 from The Daily Walk Bible NLT (New Living Translation). If you’re just tuning in you can read Genesis 1 here and Genesis 2 here. You can purchase this Bible from Amazon if you haven’t yet.

Before I leave you with an excerpt and some thoughts from the guide let’s remind ourselves what we’re grateful for. I try and make this a habit every day but ESPECIALLY on Sundays because my work week starts on Monday. What are you grateful for?