Soulful Take Charge Tuesdays Therapeutic

The Gratitude Journal Challenge

Do you have a journal? Have you ever taken a gratitude journal challenge? What is it you ask? You take a journal and write down what you’re grateful for. Maybe it’s not a challenge for you though. I used to write in my gratitude journal on a daily basis for years …many moons ago. Then one day I stopped. I think it was because I was seeing such great results from writing in the gratitude journal. Then I found myself in a weird place this past fall, postpartum. I wondered what I could do to get back my happy spirit. Then I remembered during a conversation with a friend, that I would write in my gratitude journal to focus myself on all the amazing things that was happening in my life. Read on to learn more about the gratitude journal challenge.

charity Do Gooders Soulful

585 Thanks for supporting me in the Relay for Life event!

585 Thanks for supporting me in the Relay for Life event! Thank you for supporting me on my third year of being on Team Nick and raising money for the American Cancer Society. My husband gathered our family when Nick was diagnosed and started our participation in the Relay for Life. It has been an annual event for us every year. Nick has reached his fifth year of being in remission and we do not take that for granted. Thanks to the miracle therapy and drugs that Nick was able to receive he turned 17 this year. Therapy and drugs that were funded by supporters like you and me who support organizations like the American Cancer Society. As a family, anything that can be done, will be so that someone else may celebrate another birthday! Read on to learn more about the Relay for Life.

giveaway God Movie Reviews Soulful

Put God First and Son of God DVD winner!

Son of God DVD Movie Review by My Pocketful of Thoughts
Photo Credit:

“Thank you Father for what you bring us. Don’t worry about daily needs God will provide.  Put God first and everything else will follow.”

Genesis Genesis 11-20 Let's Read the Bible Soulful

Genesis 11 – The Scattering of Babel

Have you ever been to Babel? I was there briefly in Chapter 11 of Genesis. It was named Babylonia when the people first settled there. They found themselves wanting to build a great city . . . “with a tower whose top may reach unto heaven.” They wanted to be famous. They wanted to stay together. So why didn’t Babylonia succeed? Read on to see what happened to Babylonia.

Genesis Genesis 1-10 Let's Read the Bible Soulful

Genesis 10

Name after name is called off in Genesis 10. God told Noah that his sons and family were to be fruitful and multiply. It seems that they did just that! As I was reading it though I felt like something was missing. Read on to hear my thoughts on Genesis 10.

Movie Reviews Movies for the WHOLE Family Soulful

[ Movie Review ] Heaven is FOR REAL!

Heaven is for Real Meme - Movie Review on My Pocketful of Thoughts

When Heaven Is for Real first came out I had to see what it was about. From the previews I saw that a small boy undergoes surgery and tells his father that he’s seen Jesus AND spent time in heaven. I’ve been sitting on this review because I couldn’t decide what I wanted to point out to you. After several months, I’ve realized why I had such a hard time writing a Heaven Is for Real movie review. Read on to see if Heaven Is for Real is a movie worth watching. 

Genesis Let's Read the Bible Soulful

Genesis 9 – The Introduction of the Death Penalty

Photo of the Gallows; Image used on My Pocketful of Thoughts as a summary of questions on Genesis 9 bringing up the death penalty. Part of the Let's Read the Bible Series.
photo credit: lars hammar via photopin cc

Does Genesis 9 give us our first glimpse of the death penalty? As I was reading this chapter in Genesis, I reread it over and over again! Did we use this Bible passage to enforce the death penalty? Do you know? I am constantly surprised at what I read. What have you been surprised to read as we read the Bible together?