Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“As long as a person doesn’t admit he’s defeated, he is not defeated-he’s just a little behind, and isn’t through fighting.”
— Darrell Royal, football coach

Have you given up on something?  Its NEVER EVER EVER too late to put the gloves back on and go for that TKO!

Wake Up Wednesdays

I’ve been getting my fifteen minutes of sun…have you?

Did you happen to read the article written by the dermatologist about how we are sun deprived? We need the sun to help our body produce Vitamin D.  Since we are so concerned with the effects of what the sun can do to our skin, we have gladly embraced sunblock, sunscreen and all other forms of UVA/ UVB protection.  Our skin is no longer getting the dose of what it needs from the sun.

Leslie Baumann, M.D.  suggests sun exposure 15 minutes a few times a week.  Take a moment and read the article for more details: The New Recommendations for Sun Exposure.  While you do that, I’ll go get my 15 minutes of sun exposure!

Until then,
Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act; the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do.”
— Amelia Earhart, aviator

Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“You are the way you are because that’s the way you want to be. If you really wanted to be any different, you would be in the process of changing right now.”
— Fred Smith

Now thats deep, think about it 🙂

discount shopping ideeli Money Mondays Shopping

Do you ideeli? If not you should and here’s your invite!

I’ve been saving for several months now for the month of June.  My dad’s birthday is the week before father’s day and my boyfriend’s birthday is at the end of the month.  Add to it this year my niece’s graduation and I hear the sound of an adding machine as the dollars add up.  Thanks to my planning in advance and my keen antenna for sales, I’m slightly excited to spend money on my loved ones this month.  That is partly do to this amazing website I was introduced to last year.  Its an exclusive shopping site that allows you to purchase amazing name brand and designer labels at a fraction of the cost. No REALLY.  I got this beautiful Alexis Hudson bag last February, that retails for 700+ for a little under 200 after shipping.  Now yes, I know, I shouldn’t be spending that much money on a purse, at least not right now anyways, BUT did I mention how beautiful it was.

Since that purchase, I’ve picked up sandals, jewelry, and home goods.  Did I mention their amazing give aways.  A few months back I won the CHANEL Giveaway. The thing I love is that joining the site is FREE and you are under no obligation to buy anything.

Its an invitation only shopping site and lucky for you I have your invitation.

So find some awesome gifts for you and your loved ones.  Follow the link and set up a profile and just like that BAM you’re in….It can’t hurt to see the sales 🙂

Take Me To Ideeli!

Happy Shopping!

Until then
Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“Most people who fail in their dreams fail not from lack of ability but from lack of commitment.”
— Zig Ziglar, Motivational Speaker

Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

“Fulfillment is wanting more but being content and at peace with what you have- being internally, and eternally happy, regardless of circumstance or the people involved.”
–Rev Run