“A man can get discouraged many times, but he is not a failure until he begins to blame somebody else and stops trying.”
— John Burroughs, Writer
I like to describe myself as a 20-something year old “kid”. But the fact of the matter is I like to know that I have a good head on my shoulders. I’ve been working since I was 16 and at one point held 3 jobs at once. Also, while some people may have blown the weekly paycheck on new Jordans, or a night at a cool club, I would always put some of my money away. I’m not a penny-pincher – I just am a firm believer in making money work for me – can’t really do that without putting some money away.
Well here I am – mrRua – a 20-something year old “kid” living during the biggest financial crash in decades… obviously the biggest one during my lifetime. Some – actually many – would say this is horrible and one of the worst things that could happen – but I think, that perspective changes depending on what side of the fence you are on.
Of course risk had to play a part in this all. I saved via past decisions, things happened via opportunity, but I just signed a loan with 6 figures on it – that is called taking a risk. I bought a home, and now I have to essentially “manage” it. The risks are abundant from additional costs of fixing it up, to getting tenants who pay their rent and it is definitely a scary journey, but one I feel that I made the right decision on.
mrRua is a twenty-something year old friend of mine, with an understanding of how money works. I’ve asked him about his latest adventure in becoming a landlord. There are many avenues to take when investing your hard earned money, next Money Monday I’ll be writing about one of them. In the interim mrRua will explain Why he became a landlord.
A moment of silence…
RIP Lena Mary Calhoun Horne, your music touched my heart!
Great conversations with friends last week turned into some awesome opportunities for the rest of us. In the months ahead we’ll be hearing about topics I wouldn’t get to research until next year, keeping in mind my procrastinating ways. Luckily for us we won’t have to wait that long! What are these exciting topics you ask me? Well thats for me to know and you to STAY TUNED for! Feel free to be annoyed with me until then for not telling you, as I totally feel your pain. My boyfriend will tell me he’s got a surprise for me three days before he actually gives it and I drive myself nuts trying to guess what it is…sigh. Oh right, so then I should give you something before I bid you adieu on this marvelous Monday.
Tomorrow’s Take-Charge Tuesday Topic (Say that 5 times fast) will remind us that the way events affect us is determined on our frame of mind; Events can have either a negative or positive effect. In our current economic state, many of us have been in financial hardships. We get to learn that the current market can affect us in a positive way, if we understand how it works. mrRua, who shares his own thoughts on his blog on a wide range of topics. will grace our presence tomorrow, inspire us and share how money works for him. Feel free in the mean time to click on the link and get to know him a little more, My mind…online. If you want to reference his blogs on My Pocketful Of Thoughts in the future search for mrRua OR Confessions of an Entrepreneur.
Thought of the Day
“Nothing great has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances.”
— Bruce Barton, advertising executive
To all the mamas…
Happy Mother’s Day to you all wonderful mother’s and mother’s to be 🙂 May you have a blessed day!