This post is dedicated to Janeane Davis of Janeane’s World who is currently helping me manage my procrastinating tendencies!
This year I have told myself, this is MY year. I’m going to write more. I’m going to live more. I’m going to create the life I see in my mind’s eye. My list went on and on. January came and went and I still hadn’t written down my goals. Everyone wrote about their word; the word that would describe what they would focus on for the rest of the year. It’s May and I still don’t have my word.
On March 6th of this year, I began a accountability partnership with the lovely Brandi Jeter of Mama Knows It All. It has been going great. I look at my goals every single week and I make progress. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless. Over the last few weeks I have been looking at making a schedule so that I have time to do all the things that need to get done. As I looked at the calendar last week I saw that I had 168 hours to take account of. I added in the time it takes me to get ready in the morning for work, travel time, work hours, volunteering hours, date night and Church on Sunday. This was about 65 hours. I take into account sleep; another 56 hours assuming I am getting the eight hours I need per night. It all added up to 127 hours total.
Where can 41 hours be hiding?
Where does the time go? How does 41 hours slip by without being detected? I looked under my car seat. No luck. Under my bed …oh that’s where those shoes went to. As I’ve gotten older I realize that I am easily distracted. I also like to slip into hours of mindless activity. I think it started when I got my DVR. Daniel convinced me that it made sense to get it. It would be a way to keep up with all of the shows I was missing from not being home. I figured since I was getting a cable box for my bedroom that I’d give the DVR a go.
My first mistake was feeding my procrastination with this new invention, the DVR.

Worst mistake ever. I watched a lot of TV before. Shows have come and gone but I seem to keep adding more than taking them away. I have adjusted my watching time to just the weekends. I have allowed myself to watch TV while eating dinner. I’m behind on most of the shows that have already finished for the season, but its not so bad. Yet, after making this drastic change I seem to be missing hours, still.
Did I mention I’m addicted to Candy Crush Saga?
I didn’t want to play the game. I really didn’t. My facebook account was created to interact with My Pocketful of Thoughts’ readers. I started adding friends and family to the account. I kept getting alerts to send people lives. One day I was bored…I gave in. sigh

I don’t want to be addicted but I am. I don’t know how to stop playing. Help? Oh and by the way did you know that if you play on your cell and you run out of lives, you can sign in on the computer and you’ll have five lives waiting for you? Unless you knew already and you’ve already used them. I found that little tip on a friend’s status update. Someone else had shared it and I almost jumped for joy. Sad right. Don’t judge me. sigh

If you’ve never played this game before, DON’T. I see people everywhere playing this game. At the restaurant, in line at Starbucks, at the doctor’s office, and waiting at the check out at the grocery store. It’s insane. However, if you do play Candy Crush, please friend me on facebook, I need lives. No really, I need lives and I’m trying to pass level 123 and Danny! Ayudame!
What’s on your list of favorite things to do when you’re giving in to procrastination?
Until then,
9 replies on “Confessions of a Procrastinator: Cutting Out the Distractions! #PocketThoughts”
The internet is my procrastination tool. I’ll research stuff on Wikipedia, like what happened to the boy band members that I used to love in the 90’s. I’m working on it, though. One big thing was taking fb and Twitter apps off of my phone. We’ll keep encouraging each other!
I didn’t think to take those apps off my phone. Great idea Brandi!
So let’s see…my number one procrastination ‘technique’? I browse the internet, telling myself I’m ‘researching’ ways to grow/improve my blog while messing around on Facebook, pinning on Pinterest or reading pop culture/natural hair/entertainment websites, lol. Don’t judge me!
that is a great procrastination technique … Tracy this is a judgement free zone! <3
I also did the same thing a few months ago. Counting hours hours to see where I had time to fit in more productivity. I felt I wasn’t making enough progress. Anyways I ended up spending too much time planning and worrying. I let go a little, plan only a few things each week and I have been getting more done. I personally just needed to let go and accept that I needed to make time for all parts of myself, including the part that just wants to play games.
That is right Burton, we have to remember we can’t be on all the time and we have to give ourselves the much needed downtown we deserve! Perhaps I need to revisit my goals and instead of trying to do everything just focus on one thing and maybe i’ll be more motivated to do it since it won’t be overwhelming and it’ll give me time to get back to my video games that I haven’t touched in almost a year :-O Thanks so much for stopping by love and sharing your thoughts with us! You’ve inspired a part two!
[…] I would agree if I had actually started flipping through the books. You already know I’m a procrastinator …so you know how that […]
[…] that we become accountable. We can easily tell ourselves we’ll do it tomorrow. I’m the queen of procrastination. However, its a different story when you have to tell a loved one, sorry I didn’t do what I […]
[…] people picked to represent their 2014 and I don’t even think I ever picked my word for 2013. Procrastination at its finest! Did you pick your word or make your resolutions? One thing I did get to do […]