
Be Humble …

be humble

You have a brilliant thought. It grows from a thought and takes form into a plan. You’ve been working for hours, days, weeks, months and years on this master plan. You sweat, you bleed and breath life into this plan. You stay focused. You write down more goals. It grows. You sweat some more. You give over pints of blood. You pray for another breath. You tell yourself any day now… things will work out. Then your seed catches light and the rain comes. Your plan shoots up out of the ground! Eureka!

When something that you’ve been working goes your way, are you thankful? Of course you are! You’re hard work has paid off. But who do you thank?

Most acceptance speeches start with “I would like to thank God.” They are acknowledging that their gift is from God and not attributed to themselves. This is an example of being humble. Today’s homily reminds us to be humble. When one lives with the purest of intentions one knows that they “will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” When we are humble about our gifts we are acknowledging God as the giver of all good things. Can you think of a humble act of your own?

Jesus lived by example for us all, living and serving others in Christ. His example came at a great price …his life. May we remember that we are not given our talents to take as much as we can from this life here on earth but that we are gifted to give to others. It is only when we seek only to please God that we keep ourselves on the path to go through the narrow door.

Today I am reminded to be humble.

I leave you with today’s Gospel.

Luke 14:1, 7-14

 Can you recall a moment of humility?

Until then,


2 replies on “Be Humble …”

Humilty is the trait that I am striving for the most because I believe it’s what God wants the most for me. He blesses me, for sure, and after years of thinking that I was “doing it alone” and “did this by myself”, I have learned that HE alone is why I have anything. I’m still a work in progress, but reading these things, meditating on His word and praying definitely help!

I hear that Brandi! I keep saying to Him, Lord please use me. Let me know what your will is. I realize that He did get me through so much in this life and I kept thinking for the longest time, I have to catch a break …any day now… Until it clicked, that everything I had accomplished, every road block I jumped over, was not my doing but His! Brandi I think you are humble. It is your humility that God sees and is the reason why you will continue to be blessed! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

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