Name after name is called off in Genesis 10. God told Noah that his sons and family were to be fruitful and multiply. It seems that they did just that! As I was reading it though I felt like something was missing. Read on to hear my thoughts on Genesis 10.
Highlights of Genesis 10:
We learn of the family line of Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth …
Questions of Genesis 10:
You read about some of them building great cities but there’s no mention of them branching out. God told them to spread out and multiply . . . will there be consequences for not following his orders or will there be discussion of how far they’ve spread out in Genesis 11?
Thoughts on Genesis 10:
Where are all the daughters? How can mankind repopulate if there are only sons being born. If there are daughters why are they not mentioned?
Do you know why there is no mention of females in Genesis 10? What were your thoughts on this chapter?
Until then,
If you’re just tuning in, we’re on Genesis 10, the 10th Chapter of the first book of the Bible. We’re reading one chapter at a time together. If you’d like to catch up you can go here. If you’d like to join us in reading the Bible with The Daily Walk Bible (NLT) you can purchase it on Amazon here. If you purchase The Daily Walk Bible through the link above I will receive a small percentage of the sale that will be used towards the maintenance of the website.