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Bible Isaiah Jesus Christ Soulful Sundays Word of God

[Word of God] Isaiah 43:16-21

Isaiah 43: 16-21
bishops Cardinals Catholic Faith important life lessons Pope Pope Benedict XVI Pope Francis I priest St. George Roman Catholic Church

The NEW #Pope and the #Lesson we Learned from the last one.

photo credit: Catholic Church (England and Wales) via photopin cc

The world was buzzing this week with the news of the NEW Pope. After weeks of hearing the announcement from former Pope Benedict XVI that he was stepping down, Catholics became concerned. He is the first Pope to resign since 1415. Popes prior had remained in their position until death. While I am thrilled that Pope Francis I has calmed our fears of being leader-less we must not overlook the lesson we just learned.

#Blog #cbias #Conference #SocialFabric blog conference 2013 go to a blog conference i want to go to a blog conference save money tips to go to a conference

5 Tips When #Shopping For A #Blog #Conference


Earlier this year I started looking at different Blog Conferences I wanted to attend. My first idea was to Google “Blog Conferences 2013”. I was surprisingly overwhelmed with the choices. Today I won’t overwhelm you with my specific search results, since your desires for a conference might not match up with mine. I will share with you 5 tips I kept in mind while researching which conference would make my “MUST ATTEND” list.

#Disney #Oz China Doll djrelat7 Movie Reviews Glenda James Franco Michele Williams Should I take my family to see Oz The Great and Powerful

[Movie Review] Should I take my #family to see Oz The Great And Powerful?


Should I take my family to see Oz? Last week this was on the minds of many families, as the Disney Movie Oz The Great And Powerful had its opening debut on Friday. I normally do not watch movies on opening night because I get easily distracted by the large crowds and the person that sits behind me always seems to be fidgety. When I got the call on Friday night from my niece and her dad asking if I wanted to come, I said ‘Sure why not I’ve got my MoviePass(TM)’.

Catholic Faith Corinthians Reconciliation Soulful Sundays St. Paul Word of God

[Word of God] 2 Corinthians 5: 17-21 … Reconciliation

2 Corinthians 5: 17-21
Spanish Version

Until then,

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#lent Can I go to confession if its been a long time? Catholic Faith confession How do I go to confession? Examination of Conscience I feel all alone Soulful Sundays support systems

We’re all in this together…

On Saturday we had our class watch a video from on the importance of confession and what it really means. Since they are completing their second year of Confirmation and are receiving their Sacrament, it is important that they know and understand it. The one phrase from the video that stuck with me was “We’re all in this together…” I repeated it to myself over and over again. In the Catholic faith we believe there is one holy and apostolic church and one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Regardless of what church you go to or what part of the country you’re from, if you believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God, you are my brother or sister. We are one.

Well, what does that mean, We are one? If you hurt, I hurt. If something is troubling you, something is troubling me. If you are happy, I rejoice with you. I pray for you and you pray for me, when it is needed. Siblings always have each others back. We are one.

Some of the kids in the class haven’t been to confession in a bit so the following video is great if you have never gone to confession or have not been in quite some time. You might be rusty on how it should be done or you might feel hesitant to go, don’t be.

What is it and how to do it (even if its been a long time)? Part One:

Here is a great guide on how to go to confession.

What is it and how to do it (even if it’s been a long time), Part Two:

What do you do with the time between confessions? This question is answered again with … We’re all in this together. At church I have become close with many people, they have become my extended family. I use them to help guide me and keep my relationship with God in tact. I also call upon my close friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ who are not apart of my specific church, to pray for me to the Lord our God. They share their personal stories with me, which gives me insight into something I might be going through. They share their courage with me, their fears, their triumphs, and their testimonials. They help me avoid committing the sins that would make me have to go to confession.

That is huge! My family in Christ helps me avoid committing the sins that would make me have to go to confession. I didn’t have that support system all those years I spent away from the church…the longer I didn’t go the farther I got away from my path. It is an awful feeling to be lost in your choices, overwhelmed with crucial life decisions and I wish that on no one. It is the main reason why I love working with teenagers, because that was the time in my life that I severed my relationship with God. I know now, as an adult that my life would have been very different. Perhaps the same road, but my outlook on that road, on life in general would have been different.

It’s never too late to turn it all around. I am living proof of that! I know I scare some of the young girls in the class I teach when I get passionate on explaining how important it is to have and keep God in their hearts, no matter what is going on in their lives. I just hope that above everything they see just that, God makes a difference in our lives. We’re all in this together. It is comforting to have that support group to lean on! If you find yourself without a support system, know that it is not too late to find peace, strength and patience from the words of a stranger. We’re all in this together, I am here with you! If you need a prayer said you can leave it in the comments section or send it to me via email and I will get a prayer petition going for you!

Before I let you go on this gorgeous Sunday, here is one of today’s readings:

2 Corintios 5: 17-21
English Version

Until then,

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