
How do you prepare for the change of seasons? #cbias

Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® #CBias #SocialFabric. ALL opinions are my own.  How do you prepare for the change of season? #cbias

A change of season is upon us and it always takes me back to the days when I used to work at an elementary school. I worked there for about two years and I always got sick. It didn’t matter what season it was, I was sick ALL YEAR ROUND. It was working there that I picked up some tricks on boosting my immunity system. I got sick this past December and felt the effects for weeks and now that the season is changing I wanted to be prepared. Do you get sick often?


Day 2 of the #Frumpy2Fab April Challenge …ladies and gentleman lets get some compliments!

Hello loves! It’s day two of the #Frumpy2Fab Challenge, did you decide to take it? Today I am sharing why I decided to take @ProverbsWife Challenge in February. I also wanted to stress that this challenge is not just for the ladies but for all you men out there too. There is nothing hotter than a well groomed significant other. When we take the time to look good for ourselves, others will notice. Also open up your eyes during this challenge so you can respectfully compliment those who are dolling it up. Compliments are welcomed by all …so make it a task to do it at least once a day.

Word of God

[Word of God] Acts 10:34, 37-43

Acts 10:34, 37-43

makeup Uncategorized

Getting Compliments From Your Man Is Easy with the #Frumpy2Fab Challenge!


In January I read a post on the site A Proverbs Wife, where Saidah challenged women to up their game at home. She explained that as a stay at home mom, it becomes easy to get into a slump. It is comfy to stay in pajamas if you do not have to leave the house. While I am not a stay at home mom, I knew that I was in a slump. I had clothes in my closet and makeup to paint my face with but I wasn’t using either. I remember months back I would say to myself, next month, you’ll start next month and take extra time to get yourself put together. Or else its just wasted money. The next month would come though and I’d still grab the same jeans, throw on a comfy t-shirt, slather my facial moisturizer on my face and call it a day. Do you have days like that too?

djrelat7 Movie Reviews

[Movie Review] The Call with Halle Berry is #DATE NIGHT Approved

Date Night Approved by My Pocketful of Thoughts

It’s no secret that Daniel and I have different tastes in movies, but if I mention that a certain lovely female actress is present then it’s a slam dunk to suggest a movie I’m looking forward to seeing. Thus was the case last Saturday night where we decided to make a movie and dinner date. When he asked me to text him his options on Friday I only sent him one …”The Caller with Halle Berry …did I mention Halle Berry?” Now, I’ve learned you should let your man pick something out… so I let him choose the time we would watch it. It might not seem like I offered him much choice but who doesn’t want to see Halle Berry? LOL

#lent Soulful Sundays

Why Do We Celebrate Easter?

“…It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God, through Christ our Lord. For, though innocent, he suffered willingly for sinners and accepted unjust condemnation to save the guilty. His Death has washed away our sins, and his Resurrection has purchased our justification…”

These last few weeks have been a true examination of my faith. In class on Saturday I reviewed with my catechism class that faith is all or nothing. As a Catholic, to have true faith is to embrace all of the tradition and teachings of Jesus Christ. To accept only some parts does not satisfy the definition of true faith. Do I have faith?

Catholic Faith Isaiah Soulful Sundays Word of God

[Word of God] Isaiah 50: 4-7

Isaiah 50:4-7
Isaiah 50:4-7 … Spanish Version …


Until then,

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