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Today’s GIVEAWAY for Cyber Tuesday!

It’s Take Charge Cyber Tuesday here on My Pocketful of Thoughts.  What?  You’ve never heard of Cyber Tuesday?  It is possible I just made it up, however, nowadays the retail industry seems to make up their own rules when it comes to holiday shopping.  Black Friday started at dinner time at some stores this year claiming that they are trying to save lives.  So in the spirit of the holiday season, I have looked for a deal to make today special!

Earlier in the month I had the pleasure of announcing the Melissa & Doug Terrific Twenty List and Giveaway that took place on their Facebook Page.  It was twenty opportunities for you to snag one of their great products for FREE!  The Rattle Rumble Push Toy was their last giveaway item this past Sunday.  Did you win?  

If you were NOT able to snag one of their twenty favorites, today is YOUR lucky day!  Today on My Pocketful of Thoughts we are teaming up with Melissa & Doug and giving ONE AWAY to a LUCKY reader!  YAY  Here’s your opportunity to cross another person off your holiday shopping list.

Just complete the steps in the rafflecopter. A winner will be announced on the My Pocketful of Thoughts FB Page and here on the blog next Tuesday.  Come back DAILY to tweet for more entries!  GOOD LUCK!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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The winner of this giveaway will be chosen by The prize should arrive within 15 days after the end of the contest and mailing information has been received. This is a sponsored post, but the opinions are my own! 

Until then,

PS if you’re looking where to start check out Ghost of Holiday Shopping for everything you need.

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catholic Catholic Faith faith hot chocolate Jesus Christ Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah Series Soulful Sundays Year of the Faith

Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah Series: Hot Chocolate

Good Morning!  I hope today you have taken a moment to be grateful for all of this past weeks occurrences so you can start this week off strong.  Today the week does not end but begins.  If you haven’t done it yet, close your eyes, real quick, and say Thank You for ONE great thing that happened.  I’ll wait.  Today we’re reading Father Ian Jeremiah’s third installment.  If you’re just tuning in, after you’ve read today’s words of wisdom, head on over to Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah and Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah Series: Chicken and Pig .

Hot Chocolate
A group of ten friends had gathered on Thanksgiving Day, at my home, in the later part of the evening.  The turkey had already been eaten for hours, the dishes washed, and the left overs sent to new homes with guests.  It was time for some Hot Chocolate.  My hot chocolate is made from special ingredients and LOVE, the secret ingredient.  I don’t mean to toot my own horn but I have seen people fight over it.  It never failsI grab every single mug in my cupboard, all of them different.  Some of them I admit are not so pretty, but that little fact never changes the deliciousness of the hot chocolate.  Every time my friends and I gather for Hot Chocolate though, I put the mugs out and everyone seems to scan them.  I close my eyes and I just hope they do not see the one with the small chip on top.  I did notice that everyone does seem to go for the prettier, newer mugs first.  This leaves me with my favorite chipped cup.  I close my eyes with each sip to relish in the sweetness of the chocolate and the subtle heat of the chili.  I smile and look around at my friends and they each seem to be checking out each others mugs.  Weird.  But hey you love your friends anyways, right?  Wait, are those two arguing over what mug they have?  SMH, for the love of Hot Chocolate. Guys your cups have the same thing inside, yes, so drink! 

When Father Ian’s friends came over for his famous Hot Chocolate on Thanksgiving Day, he noticed that his friends seemed to be more interested in the mugs they were brought out in then that actual hot chocolate.  Two of his friends even fought over who saw the prettier mug first.  He explained that Hot Chocolate in this story is really Life.  We are given this beautiful thing called life, but we do not enjoy the richness of the flavors.  We do not savor the subtle hints of LOVE.  We scan the mug.  We get distracted with our jobs, with what clothes we wear, with what we drive and with what our other friends have.  Are you shaking your head, not me?

It’s human nature to sometimes feel superior or inadequate when we compare ourselves to others.  When we look around to see what mug our friends are drinking out of, it seems to change our perspective.  BUT, we are all drinking the same thing.  It is easy to become distracted.  It requires a lot of self love and appreciation of YOURSELF and LIFE to be truly happy with what you have and to be happy for OTHERS.  Father Ian’s favorite cup was the chipped cup, but he was still able to relish the dreamy taste of the hot chocolate.  He reminded me that Saturday, at the RCIA Congress meeting, that I need to just enjoy hot chocolate and stop getting distracted by my mug.  If you are already doing that, YAY!  Please share some words of wisdom below in the comments.

I’ll leave you with today’s Second Reading.

Rv 1:5-8                                [The Alpha and the Omega]

By the shedding of his blood, Jesus has made us a royal nation of priests to serve God.  The Lord God is the Alpha and Omega – the beginning and the end.  He is Almighty.

A reading from the Book of Revelation

Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.  To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, who has made us into a kindgdom, priests for his God and the Father, to him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.

Behold, he is coming amid the clouds,
and every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him.
All the peoples of the earth will lament him.  Yes Amen.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, ” says the Lord God, “the one who is and who was and who is to come, the almighty.”

-The word of the Lord.
-Thanks be to God.

Let it marinate.

Until then,
*The story of Hot Chocolate has been modified slightly as I did not take exact notes of the story line.

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The Ghosts of Holiday Shopping

photo credit: allerleirau via photopin cc

Happy Black Friday!  I hope that the day finds you productive AND safe!  Today I have decided to stay home and not buy more things I do not need.  I know, I can’t believe that I just said that either.  I have a few gifts left to buy and I’m still brainstorming on the list.  Today I’ll be sharing my past posts in case you needed a little extra help in getting going for ideas of how to start, where to start and where you can find some deals.

My Naughty and Nice List – giving you the information you need to start your list, step by step.

Where Can I Start My Holiday Shopping? – Gives you the first idea of where to start your holiday shopping if you’re looking for unique gifts.

Black Friday Shopping– My thoughts on Black Friday Shopping.
The Giving Season is Upon Us…where to shop for your holiday gifts for you and for everyone on your list! – Self Explanatory AND some tips in the PS portion of the post.
Where to Shop…Parte Dos! – A continuation of all the great sites available to you to get great gifts at a discount.  Remember to check how long items will take to ship and the return policy.

This is enough to get you going.  Stay tuned next week where I share some of my favorite gifts that I’ve received, the gifts I have given and a special giveaway.  Happy Shopping!

Until then,

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Black Friday Shopping

photo credit: Paul Garland via photopin cc

Once Upon A Time, Black Friday Shopping began at 5 am on the Friday AFTER Thanksgiving.  Over the last few years though, the time has gotten earlier and earlier.  Today Black Friday Shopping begins tonight, with times varying by store.  I can recall vividly, being over my best friend’s house on Thanksgiving evening and we would pour over the flyers looking for which stores and what buys we would aim to get.  We would create a strategy and break into teams to attack different stores simultaneously, thus increasing our chances of getting everything on our shopping lists.  We would wake up at the crack of dawn and race to be there first, to only find the people who had camped there the night before in the very front of the line.  Best Buy a few years back actually had employees outside with Dunkin Donut’s coffee to warm up us eager shoppers. It’s just not the same.

Last week I talked about finding great buys at Holiday Shopping Events, but if you haven’t found one to attend and have yet to start your holiday shopping, tomorrow or tonight is another great opportunity to start.  You only need patience, strategy and energy.  If you have that, then you’re prepared to take on the great feat.  Are you going to take advantage of any deals tomorrow?

Until then,

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80/20 Rule catholic Chicken and Pig faith Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah RCIA religion Soulful Sundays What would Jeus do? WWJD

Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah Series: Chicken and Pig

photo credit: merwing✿little dear via photopin cc
If you tuned in last Sunday, I discussed the announcement of a new series in Putting Life Into Perspective with Father Ian Jeremiah.   Last Saturday I attended an RCIA Congress, where we discussed a program that helps adults seeking to know more about the Catholic faith.  I had been reluctant to go that morning because it was early and I wasn’t sure what it was.  However, once the morning started, and I finished listening to Father Ian, I was happy that I was there.  He really had a way of putting things into perspective.  Today I share with you the story of Chicken and Pig . 

Chicken and Pig

On Sunday Morning, Chicken and Pig were discussing leaving the church for the day to walk around the neighborhood.  On their walk, they came across a group of chicks.  These chicks were very thin, lacking from a bath, but full of eager excitement to see Chicken and Pig.  
Chicken pulled Pig aside and softly said, “Pig, I think we should make these hungry chicks some breakfast.”
Pig agreeing asked, “Well, what should we make?”
Chicken suggested, “How about we make them Eggs and Bacon?”
Pig smiled, “Well, it might take you a while to lay an egg, so why not chicken fajitas?”
Chicken smiled back with a wider grin, “Yes!”
Chicken and Pig left church that morning with the intention of following a path in Jesus’ footsteps.  One of the things that we are to do as Catholics is to feed the hungry and give to the poor.  It is one of the Fourteen works of mercy They set out to do just that and had the chance to say WWJD when they came upon the small hungry chickens.  Some are willing to give a little of themselves to do God’s work, like volunteering to cook breakfast.  While others, commit themselves fully to doing God’s work, like being the breakfast.  When Chicken suggested to Pig, lets make them Eggs and Bacon, Chicken would only have to give part of itself.  Well, to make bacon, Pig would have to commit itself fully to the breakfast, would it not?  Knowing this, Pig suggest that laying eggs might take too long if they were going to make them breakfast and suggested chicken fajitas, which requires no bacon at all.  In this moment, Chicken decided to give its entire being to doing God’s work without hesitation.  This is truly following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, our Savior, who died to save all of us.
When I first heard the story of Chicken and Pig, I saw that they needed to both give something of themselves to make the breakfast, but I honestly did not expect the explanation before Father Ian gave it.  It is true in life in general, there are those who give their all and some just enough, its often referred to as the 80/20 rule.  Where 20% of the people will do 100% of the work and the other 80% will either do nothing at all or just enough.  In this life, right now, I cannot admit to being the Chicken but I am working on it. WWJD.  What would Jesus do? 
I’ll leave you with today’s second reading:
Heb 10: 11-14, 18                        [Jesus in Glory]
Jesus, unlike the other priests, offered only one sacrifice for sin and took his place forever at God’s right hand.  He has perfected those who are being sanctified.
A reading from the Letter to the Hebrews
Brothers and sisters: Every priest stands daily at his ministry, offering frequently those same sacrifices that can never take away sins.  But this one offered one sacrifice for sins, and took his seat forever at the right hand of God; now he waits until his enemies are made his footstool.  For by one offering he has made perfect forever those who are being consecrated.  
Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer offering for sin. 
-The word of the Lord.
-Thanks be to God.
Let it marinate.
Until then,
*The story of Chicken and Pig has been modified slightly as I did not take exact notes of the story line.

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Where Can I Start My Holiday Shopping?

This past Money Monday I shared with you My Naughty and Nice List.  So of course I want to know how is your holiday shopping going? Have you started yet? Are you almost done? If you haven’t started yet I suggest when you’re done with reading this post you stop by Monday’s post and check out how to start!  It’s making me nervous to even think about you waiting til the day before Christmas to start.  I know plenty of people who do though, so you’re not alone.

For me though I am a bit claustrophobic so I tend to make sure I’m done with my list by the first or second week of December!  Anything after that and you might get a homemade gift if I haven’t gotten to your name yet by that time.  This is actually not a bad idea if you share the same phobia of large crowds.  People tend to morph into mean monsters during the holiday shopping season.  If you do have to shop during the month of December, good luck to you!
Since I’m almost done, I thought it would be nice to share some ideas of what to get the people on your list.  This will come to you next week.  In the meantime I wanted to share an event you can look for in your neck of the woods.  It is the perfect spot to start your holiday shopping.  I love to stop at Holiday Shopping Events.  Its a great way to find some really great gifts for your loved ones and of course, yourself!  I normally have to travel all the way to NY to find a good one.  However, this year I’m in luck to have one closer to home.  In Connecticut, one of my dear friends is hosting a Holiday Shopping event in Norwalk, CT for the ladies.  If you happen to be in my neck of the woods I invite you to partake in the festivities!
Image is Property of PNK Sugar
PNK Holiday tickets will be sold ahead of time for $10.00 and $15.00 at the door. Please email [email protected] for more information!

If you’d like more information on this event be sure to like the Facebook Page PNK Sugar!  Tell her I sent you!  Have you ever been to a Holiday Shopping Event?  Share where you start your shopping below!
Until then,
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My Naughty and Nice List

Happy Money Monday!  Here on My Pocketful of Thoughts, Monday’s are reserved for all things money-like.  If you stopped by here this past Wednesday, you read in the Melissa & Doug Terrific Twenty List and Giveaway post that I am almost finished with my Christmas shopping.  If you have small children on your list you should check out the post later and enter to win one of their toys.  Today, I’ll begin to share my planning process with you.

photo credit: armadillo444 via photopin cc

How to start planning your holiday shopping:  

First, make your list of who you want to purchase gifts for.  To start your list, just grab a piece of paper and pencil in the people you think you might have to get gifts for and in pen write everyone you know you are definitely getting gifts for.  Every year my list is modified, but for the most part it remains the same.  My parents, boyfriend, nieces and nephews, my closest friends and on occasion someone new.  I say to pencil in potential people to buy gifts for because these are the people you’re on the fence about.  Maybe you’ve never gotten them a gift in the past but perhaps over the year you’ve gotten closer.  It’s better to have an extra gift or two than to not have anything at all.  

Next is to put together a BUDGET.  Most people do not do this.  For years I did not budget and I would charge my gifts to my credit card and in January I would have this crazy bill.  Please avoid this.  It is bad for your credit health.  While it is the holiday season, you do NOT have to go overboard.  Most people are on a budget this year and are not expecting extravagant gifts.  If you think someone on your list might be expecting a grand gift, than I would suggest having a conversation with them early to let them know you’d like to set a price limit.  One year I was on a super tight budget; I asked my friends if we could share a meal together instead of exchanging gifts. Spending quality time and making memories with loved ones is priceless.

How to plan your budget: 

photo credit: 401(K) 2012 via photopin cc
  1. In pen, write next to each person’s name the max dollar amount you wish to spend.  
  2. In the corner of the paper, write down the amount you wish to spend total on holiday gifts. 
  3. Take the amount you wish to spend total and divide it by the number of months you have left until the holiday season starts.  
  4. If the number you get after dividing it into a monthly goal to save for is too large and not feasible within your current income, then reverse engineer your thinking.  
  5. If I can afford to put aside $50 a month, starting in January than I can spend $600 on gifts.  If I started saving this month, that changes my budget to $100 total.  I would then erase the people I wrote in pencil and reduce the amount spent on each person.  

If you could, I would suggest having your money squared away before Black Friday, so you can snag the crazy deals!  
Lastly, Take your pencil and write in potential gifts in your budget range for the people on your list.  To save money I suggest thinking of a theme for your holiday shopping.  If I have a handful of ladies on my list, I might think of buying luxury lotion from Bath and Body, there I might score a deal of Buy 2 get 1 free.  This may allow you to be a little more generous than your budget would have normally allowed.

    This is what I do to start planning for the holiday season.  I also carry the list around with me in my wallet, so I can jot down ideas throughout the year.  How do you start planning your holiday shopping?

    Until then,
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