alone Daphine Glenn Robinson djrelat7 Book Reviews friends Invisible Girl: The Suicide Journal Soulful Sundays suicide teenagers The Word youth

Our hardships are our lessons to share with others

When I was in high school I was very aware of the many invisible things that could effect a teenager.  There were days that I felt I was just going through the motions, but I had hope that one day things would be, different.  I was extremely fortunate that I had great friends to distract me.  However, I was great at hiding the things that ailed me.  I can recall clearly one day in AP History, my teacher asking  me if I was OK, that he’d noticed I was looking fragile.  I admitted that I had lost weight but I blamed it on my busy schedule, you know all the extra running around.  I learned to smile, even though sometimes I wanted to cry.  I had broken my relationship with God when my grandparents passed away within months of each other.  I questioned how a mighty God could take away our loved ones and put us through trying times.  One of the things that also helped was a journal with a good and old friend of mine that shared a similar way of life.  You think you’re alone but if you’re lucky you find out you’re not.

I’m reminiscent today because of Daphine Glenn Robinson’s short story, Invisible Girl: The Suicide Journal.  Melissa, the owner of the journal, has a different story than mine.  We’re both familiar with the screaming, the slamming, the occasional scene of violence and the uncontrollable tears.  As I began reading, I had to put it down several times.  Its hard, when you think you’ve forgotten a memory, to only hear or read something that brings it rushing back.  Once I reminded myself of where I was now, no where near where I was at 15, I couldn’t put the book down.  Her story unfolds quickly, and you feel like you’re right there with her.  Pleading with her to have faith.  Faith that things do get better.  But more importantly, faith in God.  He never gives us anything we cannot handle.  Our hardships are our lessons to share with others.  This is what Invisible Girl does.

If I didn’t have that friend in high school, to journal back and forth with, to share my woes; I wish I had read this book then.  Out of all the hundreds of books I read in my youth as a child, I wish I had it to read then.  Unfortunately the topics of this book are not the casual topics you’d bring up at a party or at the cafeteria table.  The topics are raw and leave you feeling unnerved.  Nonetheless it is a topic that should be discussed, must be discussed, because it is realSomewhere someone is experiencing it right now. 

These past few weeks I have been teaching Catechism.  If we do not see something, does it exist?  Yes.  This is what we call faith.  We believe because of faith.  “We can know God in a much deeper way by means of faith.  In a much deeper way because in this instance it is God himself who tells us who he is, what he has done, what he has given us, what he promises, what he teaches, what pleases him, what he wants from us. … Through faith God revels himself, allows himself to be known, and manifests himself.  Furthermore, God does this because he wants to and because he loves us.  God speaks to us in order to tell us what he is like and to tell us how we should be; and since he speaks to us, he tells us his Word, the Word of God.”…Carlos Miguel Buela, Catechism for Youth.

I ask you on this Soulful Sunday to be mindful of your friends.  Sometimes they might be going through an ordeal they can’t speak of, either out of fear or because its not something you bring up in casual conversation.  All you can do is make sure they know that you are there for them, that you love them and that God loves them to.

The Word of God, yes, on that note I leave you a reading from today’s Holy Mass to let it marinate the rest of the week.

Heb 4: 12-13                          [God’s Living Word]

God’s word is penetrating and sharp.  Nothing is hidden from God, and all must render an account to him.
A reading from the Letter to the Hebrews

Brothers and Sisters:

Indeed the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.

No creature is concealed from him, but everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of him to who we must render an account.

The word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God!

Let it marinate!

Until then,

PS: To find out more works of Daphine please visit her:

Daphine Glenn Robinson 

Author, Freelance Writer

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american red cross aneurism blood Book of Genesis donate blood prayer Soulful Sundays

Do you often think about doing something for others?

Last Friday I was pumped up and excited for an upcoming blood drive.  After having a conversation with my sister, A, who had been leaving work a little early one night to head over to a blood drive, I thought that despite the fact that I hate seeing blood AND needles, I could suck it up and donate.  It had been something she had wanted to do for a long time but because of her weight they would not allow her to.  Now at an older age she is of weight and donates regularly.  I think that is AWEsome.  I always hear about shortages and not enough people donating.  Last Friday night my phone set off a reminder alarm that at 7:45 am on Saturday, September 30th the blood drive in Bridgeport would commence.  I talked myself out of it.  I mean it IS blood AND needles!

A short time later that night I was told by my other sister, J’s mother-in-law, dropped unconscious in her home and was later rushed to Yale New Haven Hospital.  She had suffered an aneurism.  She had been lucky for if they had waiting any longer to call an ambulance she might have been dead on arrival.  I have only heard of people having aneurism’s on T.V.; That is not to say of course that it does not happen but that I have never known anyone personally to have suffered from one.  On T.V. though, the person seems to always die.  On Saturday I was told she needed blood.  I prayed. 

On Saturday night I got a text to pray for a family friend, I was given no specifics but was told I’d learn more the next day.  Last Sunday morning a beautiful soul still lied in bed with unknown reasons as to why she was losing blood and seizing.  She needed a blood transfusion.  I prayed.

October 1st I received news that my family friend returned home and was doing well.  The blood transfusion helped.  Prayers were heard and answered.  A beautiful soul remains on this earth to do wondrous deeds.

My sister’s mother-in-law is still in the hospital.  After some testing she was found to have another aneurism and would require immediate surgery.  I have heard news this morning that she is responsive.  It has been a scary week for her and her family.

I ask that everyone take a minute to say a prayer to St. Jude for a miraculous recovery.  Who is St. Jude you ask?  St. Jude Thaddeus is the patron saint of hope.  We turn to St. Jude in times of need and for serious or seemingly hopeless causes — including depression, grieving, unemployment, and illness — and ask for his divine intercession.

O Holy St Jude!
Apostle and Martyr,
great in virtue and rich in miracles,
near kinsman of Jesus Christ,
faithful intercessor for all who invoke you,
special patron in time of need;
to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart,
and humbly beg you,
to whom God has given such great power,
to come to my assistance;
help me now in my urgent need and grant my earnest petition.
I will never forget thy graces and favors you obtain for me
and I will do my utmost to spread devotion to you.


St. Jude, pray for us and all who honor thee and invoke thy aid.

I prayed for them as I know you might pray or say a few words for someone you care about who is not well.  Prayer is a powerful thing!  So is donating blood.  The tag line for the American Red Cross says “The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give Blood. ™”  I learned this week how true that is.  My heart also weighed heavy as I had decided my fear was greater than the need to go and donate blood.  I went on the American Red Cross website this morning in search of their next drive.  You can do the same by stopping at their website and searching for upcoming blood drives in your area by simply typing in your zip code.  There is one tomorrow that is not too far from my house, I’m hoping when I call tomorrow morning I am able to get an appointment.  Wish me luck.

Until then,

Show your love for the blog and LIKE My Pocketful of Thoughts on Facebook from your personal page. Thanks for reading! 

PS I did not forget about sending out the Word today, I thought I’d save the best for last!

Gn 2:18-24                                                        [Man’s Companion]

God, knowing that man needs companionship, created animals and birds and finally placed Adam in a deep sleep and took one of his ribs, forming a woman.
A reading from the Book of Genesis
The LORD God said: “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.” So the LORD God formed out of the ground various wild animals and various birds of the air, and he brought them to the man to see what he would call them; whatever the man called each of them would be its name.  The man gave names to all the cattle, all the birds of the air, and all wild animals; but none proved to be the suitable partner for the man.
So the LORD God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was asleep, he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.  The LORD God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man.  When he brought her to the man, the man said:
“This one, at last, is bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh; 
this one shall be called ‘woman,’
for out of ‘her man’ this one has been taken.”
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one flesh.
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
give thanks Mass Soulful Sundays Sunday Thanksgiving


Today, I hope you remember last week’s message about comparing yourself to others.  If you don’t remember what Sunday Mornings…when you think THEY have it ALL together, was about, you can go visit it now.  Go ahead, I’ll wait.  In life its easy to compare yourself to others, its human nature.  Our minds lead us to believe that everyone else has it better.  However, we learn after time that sometimes the grass is not greener on the other side.  The only person we should be focused on is ourselves.  If we are trying our hardest to walk on the right path, then we are doing great, even if it doesn’t always feel that way.

As promised, I will share a reading from today’s mass.  Read it and let the words marinate.

Jas 5:1-6                                              [Injustice of the Rich]

James deplores the injustice committed by the rich.  He speaks of their pending miseries, their wanton luxury, wages withheld from workers.  All these will stand as witness for greed.

A reading from the Letter of Saint James

Come now, you rich, weep and wail over your impending miseries.  Your wealth has rotted away, your clothes have become moth-eaten, your gold and silver have corroded, and that corrosion will be a testimony against you; it will devour your flesh like a fire.  You have stored up treasure for the last days.  Behold, the wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields are crying aloud; and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts.  You have lived on earth in luxury and pleasure; you have fattened your hears for the day of slaughter.  You have condemned; you have murdered the righteous one; he offers you no resistance. 

–The word of the lord.

Thanks be to God.

On Sundays, most often, when I ask someone how they’re doing, they reply with “OK”.  Just OK? “Well its Sunday, the end of the weekend.”  If you saw their face, you might believe it was the end of the world.  Maybe you yourself feel this way?  Monday for most seems to be this dreaded day of starting over a dreaded cycle.  Why is that though? 

Last I checked Sunday was the official beginning of the week.  Go ahead check your calendar if you do not believe me.  The week does not start with Monday, its start with Sunday.  Today we are going to change the way we think.  We may not be one of the rich people mentioned in the reading above, but we are rich in many ways.  Yes, you read correctly.  WE ARE RICH IN MANY WAYS!

Let’s STOP using Sunday as a day to mourn the week to come.  Let us acknowledge the week starts with Sunday and use it as a day to set the mood for the rest of the week.  Let us take a second to be thankful for everything we have and are.  Today on My Pocketful Of Thoughts, Soulful Sundays presents a day of Thanksgiving.  You can even eat Turkey if you want.

Today I am Thankful for

  • another day of life
  • having the opportunity to share in the Tradition of the Mass
  • Sunday Dinners
  • the job I will go to tomorrow
  • the love of my life, he’s been my rock this past week
  • my mom, who still takes me into consideration at meal time
  • my dad who does what he has to, to provide for his family
  • my sister, who has a big heart and does anything she can for the ones she cares for
  • you, who took the time today to read this post…you are AWEsome!

I could go on and on, but you get the point.  If you find that you dread Sundays because of work the next day; remember that the job is currently paying your bills.  There are many many many people out there who do not have jobs and are not sure how they are going to eat today, never mind pay a bill.  You are very lucky.  Now go ahead, let me know what you are thankful for today.  Then keep track of all the things this week that you are grateful for so you can share them with us next week!

Until then,
Therapeutic Therapeutic Thursdays

Marriage…Giving Up A Piece of You?

I finally finished reading Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert.  I began a discussion about it a few months back in the post titled Should We Come with a WARNING Label?  While the title may be explanatory it might make sense to revisit it.

I liked the research done about the topic of marriage.  The different points of view of what marriage is and what makes it survive varied from country to country, but the one constant was the work that went into it.  I believe that marriage should never be taken lightly and neither did Elizabeth.

There were many points in the book that I jotted down, but what I’d like to discuss with you today is what you think about marriage.  Do you feel that marriage is giving up a piece of you?

‘…Robert Frost wrote that “a man must partly give up being a man” in order to enter into marriage – and I cannot fairly deny this point when it comes to my family.  I have written many pages already describing marriage as a repressive tool used against women, but it’s important to remember that marriage is often used as a repressive tool against men, too.  Marriage is a harness of civilization, linking a man to a set of obligations and thereby containing his restless energies…’ Pg 197

In all honesty, this idea of marriage being a repressive tool saddens me.  I am not married yet.  But I do not want to feel repressed and I do not want my husband to be to feel repressed either.  I love his restless energies.  I would hope that we could have a 50/50 relationship, where the responsibility of a marriage is not carried more by one person than the other.  I know that we have our strong suits and I feel confident that we work as a team on virtually everything except for picking a restaurant.  I do feel that the times have changed significantly, enough to say that the husband and wife no longer have assigned roles.  What say you?

What are your thoughts on marriage?  Do you disagree with marriage being a repressive tools for both sexes?  Are aspects of this statement true?  Let me know your thoughts below!

Until then,
church Mass Mother Blessed Sacrament Second Reading Skit Guys Soulful Sundays Sunday Morning The Word Youth Group

Sunday Mornings…when you think THEY have it ALL together.

Today on this Soulful Sunday I wanted to remind you that going to church or staying home and listening to The Word is good for your soul.  A post I read over at Humor & Honey, Singing A Lie in Church, made me think about what is on my mind during the Mass.  As of late, I think I’ve been pretty focused.  Although reading the first or second reading during Mass helps.  I have to pay attention or else I can potentially throw off the whole flow.  That is something I am not willing to do!  The nice thing about reading for the Sunday Mass, is that I practice during the week.  I have all the readings that will be read in advance.  It lets my mind marinate on The Word and the message that will be delivered.

This was not always the case.  It was some time before I was asked to read.  I didn’t have the readings in advance and I admit my mind would wander.  There was a handful of times that I would look at the families sitting in front of me and think, Wow they really have it together.  Their ENTIRE family is here.  Most times I attend church by myself.  It takes a special occasion for the entire family to come out.  The great thing though, is that God is with me always, so I NEVER feel alone.

Friday in Youth Group, Mother Blessed Sacrament showed me a video that made me feel a lot better about not having the entire family with me.  Don’t get me wrong I wish more of my family members attended Mass with me, but what I saw made me remember that sometimes the grass is not greener on the other side.  Sometimes people look like they have it all together, but really don’t.  Try not to laugh too hard.     

I find it comforting to know that the well polished family might not have it all together on Sunday morning.  I am not sure if they have days like in the video, but its a comfort nonetheless.  It is also a reminder to compare yourself to yourself and not others.  Today I’ll leave you with the Second Reading for your mind to marinate over.

Second Reading Jas 3:16-4:3 [Avoiding Conflicts]
Wisdom begets innocence.  It is peace-loving, kind, docile, impartial, and sincere.  The inner cravings of human beings lead to murder, envy and squandering.
A Reading from the Letter of Saint James
BELOVED: Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice.  But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity.  And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace.
Where do the wars and where do the conflicts among you come from? Is it not from your passions that make war within your members? You covet but do not possess.  You kill and envy but you cannot obtain; you fight and wage war.  You do not possess because you do not ask.  You ask but do not recieve, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.
The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Let it marinate!
Until Then,
fancy events Fun Fridays what to wear?

What am I wearing to the ball?

A few weeks ago I went on a shopping expedition at the Loft.  It’s one of my favorite places to shop for the latest fashion and to find pieces that fit me well.  While I picked up a ton of great pieces, I am left wondering what will I wear to a fancy event if it comes up.  It can happen…send me an invite 🙂

Last month I stumbled across a website, Misses Dressy, that features designer dresses, talk about looking at dresses for days!  Every piece was amazing!   I imagined myself gliding across a ballroom floor in a beautiful dress towards my Prince Charming, but in my head the dress kept changing.  I honestly wouldn’t know where to begin if I had to pick one.  It’s easier when we have help, right?  Well we’re blessed today with a special guest post from Misses Dressy, who’ll be answering, What you are wearing to the next fancy affair.  Look for it this afternoon.

So….where are we going?  Let me know what fancy event you have coming up on the My Pocketful Of Thoughts FB Page or here in the comments below.

Until then,

august back pack back to school book bag coats elementary fila sneakers friends important life lessons la gears she-ra sneakers Take Charge Tuesdays

Remember the Important Things in Life

As you get older in life, time becomes relative.  In my youth it felt like the summer would last forever and I would count down to the beginning of school.  Most kids will claim the exact opposite, not me though.  Money was tight for us then, but I only know that NOW.  There weren’t that many activities outside of the house that I was allowed to do.  Those were the days where you had to be super creative to not be bored.  Back then there wasn’t the technology of today.  If it weren’t for the good ole’ Bridgeport Public Library, two blocks from my house, I am sure I would have lost my mind.  The summer would crawl but then the next thing I would know, it was August again.  The sales would be arriving in the newspaper.  Signs would be hung up at the Hi-Ho Mall (no longer there) and I knew that I would be getting something new for school.  It was my Christmas in August.  I’m not sure if you’ll remember the fun things I am about to list, I may be dating myself here ( :-O if you turn your head sideways to the left, that is my gasping face.) These are the top three things I looked forward to picking out for the new school year.

  1. NEW sneakers.  Now I know that there were a ton of brands at Sears but the ones that were in budget were these bad boys, L.A. Gears….I remember trying to ask for the ones that had the light up bottom, but I got SHUT down.
  2. A NEW book bag.  For whatever reason, I never liked getting a character type book bag, or maybe that is how I remember it.  I always had a simple, solid color, bag.  There might have been an incident where I pleaded for one, maybe Strawberry Shortcake or She-ra, and didn’t get it.  I might have been so traumatized by the NO, that I have created the memory where I only think I wanted solid colored book bags.  I’m not sure, just saying its possible.
  3. A NEW coat.  I recall this memory vividly.  My mom and I were standing in Burlington Coat Factory, all their coats were on the lower level, I wanted this beautiful brown satiny like jacket, with this tribal print along the collar in black and white velvet, and along the edge of the collar hung white stringy fur.  It was expensive.  My mom wanted me to try on other coats but I ONLY wanted that one.  I thought, HOW COOL WILL I BE AT SCHOOL IN THIS COAT.  She bought it for me.  Even though IT WAS expensive.  When school started, and it was time to wear our new coats, everyone was wearing sports jackets, with basketball or football teams. WHAT?!  I hated my coat then and pleaded with my mom for a new one.  If I could go back in time I would slap myself.  However, I have to remember that I was a kid, a HUGE nerd, who just wanted to fit in with the rest of the kids.  I wanted to belong, but never felt I had anything to connect to them.

Its funny, now everything seems a blur.  Time seems to go by so fast now.  You blink and its the next season.  I think back on elementary school now and no matter what NEW thing I got, it still didn’t give me that connection I thought I’d get from it.  It was never THE name brand that was popular at the time.  Remember the important things in life are not material things! 

What I was shocked to learn was that kids, sometimes, are not so horrible.  There are kids who will pick on you because you’re clothes are not a label.  There are kids that will make stupid comments to you just to see if they can get under your skin.  BUT there are kids who will stick up for you, who will get in between you and the idiot kids, who will protect you and who will be your friend regardless of what you’re wearing or what you do not have.  Those are the friends I keep today, those same kids from elementary school.  Their qualities were a must have, of the people I looked for later on in life, to give the honored title, Friend.  I wouldn’t trade that for all the Fila sneakers and She-ra book bags in the world.

What are some of the important things in life you’ve learned along the way?

Until then,