Brian Tracy Eat That Frog facebook procrastination Take Charge Tuesdays twitter

From Brian Tracy’s Eat That Frog…Are you focused?

“…Your ability to select your most important task at each moment, and then to get started on that task and to get it done both quickly and well, will probably have more of an impact on your success than any other quality or skill you can develop…”(Pg 1, Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy)

The question to ponder over today is, are you identifying the most important task you need to work on?  If so are you choosing to do other things instead of doing what you’ve identified as the most important task?

I can honestly say that more often than not, I choose to procrastinate with everything else, rather than working on the task I know to be the most important task I should be working on.  Some days though, if I really focus and remind myself, hey woman, you know what you should be working on, I work on what I should be working on.  If you’re a fellow procrastinator, then you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.  One thing that I found, as I was reading this book, was to identify what was feeding my procrastination.  Facebook.  I wasn’t catching up with friends or making plans with family members.  I was playing games.  Games that I’ll admit I sometimes miss.  So what did I do?  I deactivated my personal Facebook account.  I haven’t been on it since.  I read more now.  I write more now.  I volunteer my time.  Its amazing what can be done in the 168 hours we have a week, when we identify what is keeping us from doing all the things we want to do.

I ask you again, Are you identifying the most important task you need to work on?  If so are you choosing to do other things instead of doing what you’ve identified as the most important task?  What’s feeding your procrastination?  Let me know in the comments section OR if its Facebook that’s feeding YOUR procrastination then find me on the My Pocketful Of Thoughts Facebook Page, LIKE it, and Share. 🙂  IF, twitter is your poison than send me a tweet ‘@djrelat7 ________(fill in the blank) feeds my procrastination.’  Can’t wait to read them!

Until then,
401k Money Mondays savings

Do you 401K?

Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s, we are ALL at that age where we should start thinking about our retirement, if we haven’t done so already.  Facing the fact that Social Security will not be around when we actually reach retirement age is a little scary.  Especially since so much money has been taken out of our paychecks to go into this system.  Fact is if you want to truly retire and be able to still pay your bills, and you haven’t started a retirement savings account then you NEED to start saving NOW!  401ks are essentially free money if your company matches your contributions so make sure you’re taking advantage of it.  I found this article online about mistakes people make with their 401ks and thought I’d share it, here it goes 🙂

5 Costly Retirement Mistakes 
Until then,
Soulful Soulful Sundays

Always Encourage the Children in Your Life!

Sunday Inspiration

The last few months I’ve been spending a lot of one-on-one time with my niece, helping her on a journey towards getting to know God.  We’ve made this tradition of going to mass and then off to eat.  We have the craziest conversations at times, and I find myself fascinated with her. 

Daily Candy Daniel Dias Daniel Dias Photography DDphoto Grand Central Station NYC Photography Story Time Saturdays Sundays In New York

Picture Perfect Memories, Segunda Parte

How Does This Work?!

The following photos were taken during a two hour photography workshop with Judith Farber of Sundays In New York.  The location of the photos is Grand Central Station in New York.


Waiting For The Train.
If you happen to live in the NYC area, this class is definitely worth the travel.  Until April 4th, there is a deal on Daily Candy for Sundays In New York.  There are two offerings, 1.) Two Hour Photography Workshop and 2.) One Hour Private Photo Critiquing Session.

Visit Sundays In New York on Facebook for more information.
Daniel Dias Photography

Beauty Fun Fridays Happiness ISO Judith Farber Photography Sundays In New York White Balance

Picture Perfect Memories

I see you adventure in Grand Central Station

If you read Happy Valentine’s Day Week then you might recall me mentioning the class my boyfriend and I took this past January.  I’ve always been fond of creating new memories….of creating opportunities to start off the conversation with ‘Remember when we…’.  While I know that he loves the watch I got him for Christmas, it might not bring him the same warm feeling of closing his eyes and bringing forth the images of seeing me with a camera around my neck, smiling back at him. He is a photographer; he has this way with the camera, and that always AWEs me.  It seems to come naturally for him, so effortless.  It couldn’t just be any class to pick for him.  I wanted to give him someone’s perspective, that wasn’t his.

before through the wire photography class

Tomorrow we’ll get to see his favorite shots, during another of his installments for Story Time Saturday.  For today though we’ll get to experience together what I took from the class.

Judith Farber, the photographer from Sundays In New York, taught the class how to adjust ISO and WHITE BALANCE.  While most cameras have the feature to change the ISO and White Balance settings based on the lighting situation of your subject automatically, it is good to know how to do this manually.

after through the fence photography
Through the wire – After


after through the fence photography
Subject In Motion

To be totally honest, I had no idea what any of that stuff meant at first.  I remembered hearing the terms from when I took a class back in high school but that has been many moons ago.  For the short time we were at Grand Central Station I quickly guessed which way to go for more light, or less light.  It really takes time to devote to learning it to truly get that skill down.  Daniel seemed to have no problem with this and I secretly wanted to trip him for being the teacher’s pet.  What I did walk away with was a new way of looking at things in general.  Judith taught us to see the beauty in everything our eyes laid upon.  The woman who leaned across the wall of yellow phones, the intricate design of a metal mesh wall, or the fast paced swish that a New Yorker left behind them as they walked across the room; they all possessed a beauty to them. 

the wedding photography class
The Wedding

Photos don’t only have to be about capturing happy moments but be about exposing all of life’s beauty.

subject in motion but looking still; Photography Class
Subject in Motion but Looking Still


im hungry; NYC Photography Class
I’m Hungry


next subject nyc photography classs
Where’s My Next Subject?


A Chandelier – BEFORE; nyc Photography Class
A Chandelier – BEFORE

If you happen to live in the NYC area, this class is definitely worth the travel.  I got this deal on Daily Candy for Sundays In New York It’s no longer available.  There was two offerings, 1.) Two Hour Photography Workshop and 2.) One Hour Private Photo Critiquing Session. Either would be a great gift for yourself or a loved one!

A Chandelier – AFTER; NYC Photography Class
A Chandelier – AFTER

May You see the BEAUTY around you!

How do you capture it?

Until then,

the telephone nyc Photography Class
The Pay Phones

To read a writing piece by Judith Farber visit the!

40 Days of Life Campaign Abortion Bridgeport Diocese peace pray prayer Pro-Choice Pro-Life Soulful Sundays The Rosary Prayer

40 Days For Life

This lenten season, the Bridgeport Diocese has launched its second, 40 Days of Life campaign. Each church from the diocese has rotated days of hosting a prayer vigil in front of an abortion clinic in Bridgeport. Yesterday was my church’s turn to host. For weeks I pondered the idea of going, not having experienced it ever myself, I felt a slight disconnect. We tend to feel passionately about the things that hit home to us. It is not to say that the rest of what pains the earth is not important, but it is unfamiliar to those who do not experience them. The announcement stayed in the back of my mind though. I unconsciously made the appointment on my calendar, well before committing to it.
It was a warm 50 degrees, the sun was coming in and out, causing me to shed my long wool coat. I came upon the scene around 10am. The Rosary in English was well on its way. I am familiar with the Rosary, but only in Spanish. Thinking back now I don’t believe I’ve ever heard it aloud in English. I stepped quietly behind the group and chimed in at the appropriate parts. I silently watched the woman praying the rosary with a curiosity. What was SHE thinking? Upon completion SHE had let those who had just arrived know that people had already begun to arrive at the clinic. One person who had heard the prayers and read the signs, had left as quickly as they had come. Others who had entered, had yet to come out. SHE went on to explain that the purpose of our presence was to let God’s voice be heard. If someone had come with the intent to follow through with an abortion, their heart and soul might be persuaded to choose, perhaps the harder path. If the harder path was to still follow through, then we were there for them to.  We were there solely to pray. We were not there to voice our opinions, regardless of what they were. We were told that if someone were to get angry and come at us, that we were to remain silent and not provoke a fight. I was a little frightened then at the thought that someone might attack us.
It suddenly dawned on me then, upon hearing her last words, that I found the hesitancy on my part to come to pray that day was that I had always believed I was Pro-Choice. Women have had so many rights stripped of them for the longest of time, that I think sometimes today we take it for granted. Liberties that are available today were not so 100 years ago. These thoughts began going through my mind, when SHE asked me if I would do the Rosary in English. Sure, I had said, ‘but just to let you know I’ve never done it before’. SHE looked at me and told me to take my time, the words were written out for me to follow. SHE went on to explain to the crowd, that we would be alternating the Rosary in English and then in Spanish until 6pm. We were to understand that we were not in a hurry. Prayer should be from the heart, a place of meditation, to truly feel the words that are spoken allowed and to reflect on the situation at hand.
Another young woman from my parish started off the Rosary in Spanish, again I chimed in at the appropriate moments. My mind continued to think about why we were there and what effect it might have on those that came to the clinic that day. There were many honks from passerby cars and a few yells of encouragement. One pair of females, who walked on the sidewalk between us, nodded their heads to us and said “God Bless You.” As we continued to recite the prayer I realized that I was taking part in something much larger than myself. I listened intently, trying to follow along, knowing that my turn was coming up. It ended and there was a five minute break to reiterate to the new comers of the rules and our reasons for being there.
Then it was showtime. SHE squeezed my arm and let me know that it was OK, to take my time; ‘We are not in a rush’ SHE reminded me. I mentally prepared myself with a prayer, for God to give me the strength and allow me to do a good job. I started off strong. I read the words loud and clear; slow and steady. Somewhere after announcing the third Joyful Mystery, an Our Father, and the second Haily Mary, I felt myself becoming overwhelmed with emotion. I felt a deep and sudden sadness for the souls I would not meet; past, present and future. The tears began to flow and I lost my voice. Tears ran for the ones I had known to have gone through with abortion, the ones who might have but didn’t and the ones that would have never thought to. In the back of my head I was thinking, WHAT IS GOING ON? My tears ran in gratitude for the opportunity to know my nieces and nephew, who were bought into the world when my sister’s were young. Tears ran for those who still remember the exact details of when it happened to them. Tears ran for the ghost of children skipping rope and playing hopscotch. What I also didn’t expect was to feel the woman to my left and to my right, strangers before then, step into me on both sides like warriors and take over where I had left off. I didn’t expect the hands that wrapped tightly around my shoulders to offer me comfort. I remember feeling the gentle, firm squeeze in a silent speech, that told me it was OK.
The reason I went to pray yesterday had nothing to do with me. My subconscious knew it all along. My tears continued to flow but I had found my voice again. I picked up on the Fourth Joyful Mystery and each word I spoke aloud took on a different shape, a new meaning, than the words I had spit out earlier. I prayed loudly, in hopes that our Holy Mother, Mary Most Holy, would hear me; would hear us. I prayed with an open heart, so that those who went through with their decision might feel Jesus and be comforted, if only for a moment.
Prayer has always been a part of my life. I look to God everyday for guidance. But, I also remember that has not always been the case. As I’ve gotten older I have learned how powerful prayer can be. May anyone reading this today know personally, or for the first time, the power of prayer. May we take a moment everyday to pray for each other. I ask that you do this now on this Soulful Sunday.
Dear Lord,
My brothers, sisters and I, would like to take this moment to ask that you look over the unborn souls, taken from this earth, by your will or no. We ask that you keep them forever strong in our memory, until we come to be with them again. We ask that you find ways to comfort us, to let us know that everything will be OK. Remind us Lord that anything is possible through you. May you hear all of our petitions today. Peace be with us all.
Until then,
 PS. The rosary is such a powerful prayer I’ve included this link that translates it into many languages, The Rosary Prayer.

For more information about the Bridgeport 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign,
visit: or contact Christine Murphy at [email protected] / 203 438-4866
Learn more about the national 40 Days for Life campaign.
#hownottokillyourcoworker Fun Fridays gun range How NOT to Kill Your Co-Worker long lunches music venting

SPECIAL POST of the How NOT to Kill Your Co-Worker Series

Happy Friday!! YIPPEEEE!  On Wednesday, I convinced myself that it was Thursday.  How I did this is beyond  me, but I was sad that I was wrong.  Like the trustworthy friend that Friday is, its here today.  Again I yell YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE!  Fridays here on My Pocketful of Thoughts, are a nod to recognizing all the people who have co-workers they would like to kill but didn’t!  For today’s installment of How NOT to Kill Your Co-Worker I wanted to share some of the fun comments from the initial post.  
From Scenes From A Single Mom
I like that, #hownottokillyourcoworker…sometimes I come close. I usually take an extra long lunch or put on some good music in my office to dissuade me from catching a case! 
Visit the blog, Scenes From A Single Mom at
From ~J

Target practice is a great way to blow off stream that can be coworker induced! I’m fortunate enough to work near a rifle range and I have been known to take a lunch break there a time or two. I have to admit it feels pretty Sandra Bullock-like to be wearing heels and puling the trigger, releasing all the built up tension in a single shot. No one is going to distract you if you have a gun in your hands. If you don’t live near a range, there are always the office-size Nurf gun options!

Visit J at  What They Don’t Teach You in Deer River

From Julie Jordan Scott

Ohmigawsh. This is one of the reasons I leaped into self employment, there were too many co-workers I wanted to kill… except now I do theater and instead, I sorta long to do away with some of my cast mates. Right now I might want to kill her by tying her costume corset over her face! Sheeesh. She is such a pill pill pill kinda girl!

Anyway, one more week of rehearsals, two weekends of shows and then… no more of her thank GOODNESS!!! 

Visit Julie at one of her many blogs! 
From Chasing Joy

What has helped me is venting. I always feel better after I write a Fb status about the annoying co-worker. One time I wrote a full blog post on how a co-worker was acting like a 2 year old so I looked up parenting advice on dealing with the terrible 2s. I was laughing by the end of the post. 

Visit Chasing Joy
Music, long lunches, gun ranges, self-employment and creative venting, all great ways on How NOT to Kill Your Co-Worker!
Feel free to share if you have ways to cope at work and successfully NOT kill your co-worker by weeks end, OR what they do that drives you bananas. Lets face it, your co-worker is not worth going to jail for, at least you can have a little fun! The most clever ways to cope may appear in a special post!    Maybe you’ll see your’s here next time.

Want to be ANONYMOUS, I completely understand! Send your story to me at [email protected] with a clever pen name! Or leave it as an anonymous comment below!

If you’re on twitter, feel free to say ‘SURVIVED @djrelat7 @cpigrun #hownottokillyourcoworker’ if you have survived this week! Don’t forget to share on My Pocketful Of Thoughts Facebook page and LIKE it! We’ll LIKE you back if you have your own FB Page 🙂 YAY!

Until then,