
Confessions of a Single Woman: Stick to YOUR Plan!

Don't get pressured into your engagement! Stick to your plan!

The last couple of weeks have been interesting for Daniel and me. Every so often I have to check what we’re wearing to make sure we haven’t accidentally put on


[Word of God] The Forgotten Question is …

the forgotten question is will I be saved?

This month has been an off one for me. You? In life there are occurrences that throw us off balance all the time. Some of them are small like

travel vacation

We got the LAST Lambie! #DocMcStuffins

We got the LAST Lambie!! #DocMcStuffins An afternoon in Time Square with a teen.

Times Square was the place to be on Wednesday because of the Doc McStuffins Mobile Tour. Did you go? The tour focused on


Peace Be with You.

Peace Be With You - A reflection on the word peace.

Peace be with you… You might hear this phrase during Mass but do you use it outside of church. The word peace carries a greater meaning than the casual

Money Paying Off Debt

Confessions of a Single Woman: Can You Start a Marriage in Debt?

Can I start a marriage in debt?

Can you start a marriage in debt? This is the question I have been asking myself for years now. If I can have a few more years, I can start


What are you leaving behind?

what are you leaving behind? A lesson in Vanity.

What are you leaving behind when you die? This past Sunday I shared a glimpse into defining what Vanity meant.


Confessions of a Single Woman: I’m grateful he supports my dreams.

does your signficant other support your dreams?

Does your significant other support your dreams? It’s one of the many traits I love about Daniel. I could tell him some far fetched idea and