
What is Vanity?

Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23

What is vanity? In today’s

Wedding Season

Confessions of a Single Woman: Is it TOO Early to Plan?

Confessions of A Single Woman: When is too early to start planning your wedding?

They say women first start planning their weddings when they’re little girls. They grab their mom’s dress and shoes to begin the visualization of their Prince Charming.

Shopping travel travel tips

5 Tips when #SHOPPING For Your NEXT Hotel Stay

5 tips when shopping for your next hotel stay

One of the things I love to do is visit new places. Don’t we all though? Over the years I’ve learned that the best way to plan for a trip is to do research. Research helps you get the most bang for your buck. There are specific things to look for to ensure you have the best possible time


How to Pray.

how to pray.

Did you know that there is more than one way to pray? When I was growing up I thought to pray was to

Movie Announcements Movies for Children Uncategorized

9 Movies to Bribe YOUR Kids with!


9 movies to bribe your kids with including trailers,
Last month when I watched Monster’s University I was amazed by how many movies were coming out that were child friendly.

Wedding Season

[Confessions of a Single Woman] Let’s Talk about the E- #Ring!

Confessions of a Single Woman: have you talked marriage with your honey yet?

Today’s conversation about engagement rings is inspired by my recent long weekend into NYC. Daniel had asked me, over lunch that Saturday,

Hotel Reviews travel

We Stayed at the Santuary Hotel in Times Square.

why you should stay at sanctuary hotel nyc

 This year Daniel and I are working on getting all our ducks in a row. Paying off debt and saving for the future has become top priority. Our usual relaxing vacation seemed like it might be put off for a year …or two. Even with all the deals out there now,