

be mananimous
What is Magnanimity? This is what I had to ask myself two weeks ago when I was told I was doing a talk on it for the girls of our Youth Group at church. I could barely say the word never mind


Stella and Holy Days of Obligation

stella and holy days of obligationThis past Friday was a Holy Day of Obligation, All Saints Day.  As I slipped into the pew I scanned the room and saw Stella. Stella is ALWAYS in Mass. ALWAYS. The only time I don’t see Stella


One Year of Faith

one year of faithIt’s almost been a whole year since I mentioned One Year of Faith, which found a special place on My Pocketful of Thoughts on Sundays. Pope John Paul II asked the community to spend the year learning the Catholic Faith. When I first heard about it I realized that I had

soulful Sunday

A Choice Between Two Paths

a choice between two paths

This week has a been a big week for the Catholics of Bridgeport. Our new Bishop has been officially sworn in giving the community a renewed sense of


[Word of God] The Forgotten Question is …

the forgotten question is will I be saved?

This month has been an off one for me. You? In life there are occurrences that throw us off balance all the time. Some of them are small like


Peace Be with You.

Peace Be With You - A reflection on the word peace.

Peace be with you… You might hear this phrase during Mass but do you use it outside of church. The word peace carries a greater meaning than the casual


What are you leaving behind?

what are you leaving behind? A lesson in Vanity.

What are you leaving behind when you die? This past Sunday I shared a glimpse into defining what Vanity meant.