
Stella and Holy Days of Obligation

stella and holy days of obligationThis past Friday was a Holy Day of Obligation, All Saints Day.  As I slipped into the pew I scanned the room and saw Stella. Stella is ALWAYS in Mass. ALWAYS. The only time I don’t see Stella


How to Pray.

how to pray.

Did you know that there is more than one way to pray? When I was growing up I thought to pray was to


Don’t FORGET to Pray for the Clergy

pray for clergy

It’s official, my favorite member of the clergy at St. George’s is leaving this Monday. Over the last three years Mother Blessed Sacrament (AKA Mother) has helped me grow spiritually and emotionally. I’ve learned from her and her actions that God really does not give us anything more than we can handle! Prayer is so powerful y’all! When I would seek advice on aspects of my life that were weighing heavy on my heart, she’d reassure me that God was working it out and that she’d pray for me. This weekend I got to thinking, who prays for her?