A few months ago, Danny and I saw the preview for The Heat starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy and we thought Yes, that looks FUNNY!
Author: areliscintron
I almost had a heart attack a few weeks ago when both of my sisters informed me that my niece and nephew were graduating on June 20th. I thanked God that one was in the morning and the other was in the evening. I would not have been able to choose between either! Both graduations were full of inspiring quotes and visions of bright futures but there was something missing. After thinking about it over the weekend I knew exactly what it was!

I have been waiting for this movie to come out for MONTHS! I absolutely loved the first one; Monster’s Inc. was a sweet movie for the whole family. This afternoon I saw that I was not the only one who was excited for it to come out. Groups of families , tween entourages, grown men, single ladies and little girls in tiara’s, all came out to see the Disney Pixar flick. I know that the movie was entertaining but in this installment we learned a lot about Mike WAZOWSKI and James P. Sullivan.
A few weeks ago I was at the theater watching the NEW Star Trek flick in 3D and I saw the preview for World War Z. I had seen the preview before and I’d said to Danny, Yeah I’m not watching that, it’ll give me nightmares. When I saw the preview in 3D that day, I almost choked on my popcorn when I saw the Zombies jumping out of the screen straight for moi. Oh hell no! I’m definitely NOT watching that! Guess what movie I went to go see at the theater last night with my niece? World War Z!
Thinking of you today Papa!

Querida Papa,
I have been thinking of you a lot this last week. Last Friday, I walked with Daniel’s family during the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. It is a relay to help raise money for Cancer. They had a team goal of raising ten thousand dollars. Team Nick raised over $7,000. It was a lovely event. As we did the final laps as teams, the lights were out and the luminary bags were throwing shadows over words. People wrote sweet words on the bags to the people they were walking for. …In memory of … It dawned on me then that I hadn’t thought of you in a while.
What is so special about Warby Parker eyewear? Here’s FOUR reasons to check them out!
- They’re affordable! I’ve been wearing eyeglasses since 1987. They were round shaped brown frames and my lenses stuck way out because they were thick. I absolutely hated them. Talk about looking like a nerd, and NOT the cool nerd of today!

Sometimes you have to hear the same thing over and over again for it to sink in. Right? We often ask ourselves, why does this keep happening to me? Some of us reach out to our friends for insight on the situation itself. Often times we overlook the obvious, ourselves. If you’re like me, you lean on your faith to sort out your thoughts. You might find yourself going to church in your Sunday best, hoping to hear an answer to your questions in the readings or the homily.