Did you make new year’s resolutions this year concerning your health? Did you join a gym? This year I’ve decided to give running another go. I started it up almost two years ago and I had to stop. See what had happened was… I was doing a six week program on Weight Watchers that helped move you from walking to running a 5k. I hadn’t signed up for one but I wanted to for that fall season. The first week wasn’t bad at all. It was mostly walking and running for only two minute bursts. The second week was a little harder as the total time got longer and you were doing more two minute bursts. I found getting your breathing under control was the hardest part for me. In week three though, my body seemed to get into the rhythm and I was HOOKED!
Author: areliscintron
This post is dedicated to Janeane Davis of Janeane’s World who is currently helping me manage my procrastinating tendencies!
This year I have told myself, this is MY year. I’m going to write more. I’m going to live more. I’m going to create the life I see in my mind’s eye. My list went on and on. January came and went and I still hadn’t written down my goals. Everyone wrote about their word; the word that would describe what they would focus on for the rest of the year. It’s May and I still don’t have my word.
This past April I challenged all My Pocketful of Thoughts’ readers to shine light on their beauty. Men and women alike can get caught up in life and all that it entails. We get super busy and things that were once a priority change up. We also get into routines that are reshaped over and over again to get out every single possible minute of the day doing something. Do you ever find yourself running around without giving your appearance a second thought?
I remember catching episodes of Star Trek when I was younger and feeling completely lost. I never got into them and I never watched the movies. When I saw the preview for the first movie of the newer version of Star Trek, I thought the previews looked pretty good. When the movie came out I went to watch it. I was presently surprised as to how much I liked it.
Tuesday nights are Date Night for me and Daniel. Yesterday we went to go see the anticipated Iron Man 3. Before we went I asked my comic book loving co-worker if he had seen it or heard of how it was from someone else. He had not seen it yet but replied that regardless if the movie was so-so, it was Iron Man so he’d love it anyways. I am not a comic book lover but I do love me some Robert Downey Jr, he’s just such a talented actor.
[Word of God] Acts 15: 1-2, 22-29
Last month I shared with you the question I get asked the most in 5 Must Dos Before ‘I Do’ and I got some great feedback. I am also happy to know that I am not alone in being asked “When are you getting married?” It seems that regardless, if you are single, involved with someone or married there seems to be a question being asked of you.