
Grateful to Learn!

what are you grateful for? - My Pocketful of Thoughts

If it’s your first time here at My Pocketful of Thoughts, you’re right on time. This year Sundays will be a day

Journey to Happyville Self Improvement Soulful

Start the New Year with Gratitude

Start the New Year with Gratitude¡Feliz año nuevo! Is it really 2014 already? I can’t believe its a new year! Where did 2013 go? Its probably under my bed with the earring I dropped on the carpeted floor and can’t find now. Yesterday I was


Why we must teach children how to be grateful.

teaching gratitude to children

What happens when we teach our children how to be grateful? Will there outlook on life change? Will their demanding holiday gift list to Santa shrink? Would they be more


Why Sunday Should START your week in #Gratitude.

why #gratitude starts on sunday

Last Sunday, while in NY on vacation, I saw first hand the power of starting off my Sunday with gratitude! I say it to myself