giveaway God Movie Reviews Soulful

Put God First and Son of God DVD winner!

Son of God DVD Movie Review by My Pocketful of Thoughts
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“Thank you Father for what you bring us. Don’t worry about daily needs God will provide.  Put God first and everything else will follow.”

Soulful soulful Sunday

It’s NOT Easy to Follow #Jesus!

do you love me? ~Jesus

Has anyone ever asked you “Is it easy to follow Jesus?” Regardless of what religion we believe in, we follow in blind faith. After all, what is faith if we do not follow blindly? It is rare that we ever think someone will come along to challenge us to answer the question


Don’t FORGET to Pray for the Clergy

pray for clergy

It’s official, my favorite member of the clergy at St. George’s is leaving this Monday. Over the last three years Mother Blessed Sacrament (AKA Mother) has helped me grow spiritually and emotionally. I’ve learned from her and her actions that God really does not give us anything more than we can handle! Prayer is so powerful y’all! When I would seek advice on aspects of my life that were weighing heavy on my heart, she’d reassure me that God was working it out and that she’d pray for me. This weekend I got to thinking, who prays for her?


This Catholic Girl’s View of the LGBTQ Community #pocketthoughts

this catholic girls view on the lgbtq community

this catholic girls view on the lgbtq community.pngToday the country is either rejoicing or is angry from this week’s ruling of the Supreme Court in California. If you’re not familiar with the headlines in the news here is an excerpt from an article on Saturday.


Walking with Jesus in Spirit

walking with jesus in spirit

Since the Lenten Season began, my church and many other churches around the world have begun including within its services the Stations of The Cross. Also referred to as The Scriptural Way of The Cross, it is a devotion where we walk with Jesus in spirit on his journey to Calvary. Each of the 14 stations mark a specific moment during the journey, prayers are said, and there is time for reflection. Essentially we are meditating on his sufferings and death. It brings me to tears every time.