
Chemo Care Pouch Project

I’ve started a project this month called Chemo Care Pouch Project. Last month I got to participate with Team Nick and other teams at Woodland High school in Beacon Falls for the Relay for Life Fundraiser Event. It is an event that raises funds for the American Cancer Society. After hearing amazing stories from survivors I’ve decided to try and do more.

I know a few people who are currently undergoing Chemo and I pray for them and ask them constantly on their current state. I know Chemo is no easy road. I’ve felt helpless to only be able to ask, “How are you feeling today?”

Can we do more?

I am super excited to launch my First Semi- Annual Chemo Care Pouch Project for cancer patients in my local area. It was started by one of my Keep Collective Sisters, Stacey Brantley, and I’ve seen the impact that the project has done for chemotherapy patients. I need your help to pull it off!

My goal is to have 50 pouches sponsored by July 7th! It is my hope to deliver them on my birthday. And with your help I know it can be done!!! Would you consider sponsoring one or two? Your sponsored pouch will be filled with fun items by me to bring a smile to patients undergoing treatment, and there will be a tag with your name on the pouch as well.

Chemo Care Pouch

How the Chemo Care Pouch Project works:

*You sponsor a pouch for $29 plus shipping and tax.
*There are two pouches to pick from. The Live Happy pouch and the blue pouch that allows you to add encouraging words or other charms at an additional cost.

*You do not need to know someone personally going through cancer treatments to sponsor.

*I am using all commissions from the sales to fill the pouches with comfort goodies & items to help pass the time during chemotherapy treatments.

*Once the pouches are finished, they will be donated to a local treatment center, filled with items & with your name attached as the sponsor, or you can sponsor in honor of a loved one!
Please help me make this a success!

Can you help with sponsorship of the Chemo Chare Pouch Project?

If you’d be interested in sponsoring, please comment below or send me an email at [email protected] and I will get you the details!!

Thank you all SO much for your support! I’ll keep you updated with numbers over the next few weeks! Together I know we can reach this goal and more!!

Until then,
signature, OXOX Arelis

PS: Please SHARE THIS POST with your friends and family!! 💗

*Keep Collective does not

Therapeutic Thursdays

The UnBurdenYourSoul Project

Today I want to introduce you to the UnburdenYourSoul Project that my dear friend Annette is working on right now. In life, situations happen to us ALL the time. I can see you nodding your head yes. Some are minor occurrences like forgetting an item in our shopping cart and noticing it when we unload our bags into the car. Pausing to look up at He who sees all. Other happenings can stay with us for a week, like the argument you had with your favorite person in the world over feeling unheard. On occasion though, we might experience a situation that stays with us for a lifetime. It might mold us and cause us to react to later events without us even being aware of it. The situation might burrow itself deep into the darkest corners of our soul forever changing who we are AND who we will become. The UnburdenYourSoul Project is my friend’s effort to take you down the liberating path that she is now on. Well, I’ll let Annette fill you in. Read on to read Annette’s message on her UnBurdenYourSoul Project.

Soulful Take Charge Tuesdays Therapeutic

The Gratitude Journal Challenge

Do you have a journal? Have you ever taken a gratitude journal challenge? What is it you ask? You take a journal and write down what you’re grateful for. Maybe it’s not a challenge for you though. I used to write in my gratitude journal on a daily basis for years …many moons ago. Then one day I stopped. I think it was because I was seeing such great results from writing in the gratitude journal. Then I found myself in a weird place this past fall, postpartum. I wondered what I could do to get back my happy spirit. Then I remembered during a conversation with a friend, that I would write in my gratitude journal to focus myself on all the amazing things that was happening in my life. Read on to learn more about the gratitude journal challenge.

Product Reviews Reviews

I love watching my husband get ready! #Target #Trydry

I was excited when Influencer sent us the Dove Dry Spray deodorant to try in exchange for an honest review and to participate in the #Target #TryDry experience. It gave me an excuse to watch him get ready. I love watching my husband getting ready in the morning. Well pretty much any time of the day. In truth Daniel hates it so I have to do it in secret. If he sees me, he gets annoyed and tells me I am weird. He did give me a little fuss but in the name of research and free products, he gave up his fight. This is the second full week of us using Dove’s Dry Spray deodorant and today we’ll be sharing our thoughts. Read on to see why we were hesitant to #Trydry spray deodorant.

Product Reviews Reviews Uncategorized

Our His and Hers VoxBox features spray deodorant!

We’re starting the new year off feeling fresh and clean with our #TryDrySpray VoxBox thanks to Influenster and Target! I was excited when I got the voxbox in the mail. It meant a complimentary product had arrived for me to review! I’d seen numerous commercials on dry spray deodorant but my current stockpile has pushed my deodorant buying days later on into the year. I wasn’t sure what might be in it exactly so I opened the box when I got into the car. I couldn’t wait until I got home to see what goody came to review. The following Youtube video is the grand unveiling of the #Target #TryDry Spray VoxBox. Read on to view it and reveal its contents!

Upcoming Events

See you at the Black Wall Street Holiday Extravaganza

I am excited to announce you have another opportunity to find unique gifts this holiday season. So grab your holiday list and be ready to cross some, if not all, of those names!

The event:

The Holiday Edition of Black Wall Street Bridgeport


Sunday, December 20th from 5 to 8 p.m.


The Bridgeport Public Library, located at 925 Broad Street in downtown Bridgeport, CT.

About Me Babies Life Marriage

Life after husbands and babies

I know it has been a while. I promised you a lot of things and then I disappeared. What had happened was … I was kidnapped.